Sunday, 16 January 2022

Something's Wrong With Us

I just realized that the news of a Tennis player being blocked from entering Australia trumped the news of a whole nation in peril. A Tsunami crashed over the island nation of Tonga a few days ago but the Tennis player's visa rejection was more popular on the news. I reacted to it myself because I always viewed the Australians as people that didn't compromise their rules for VIPs, they had a stern authority and they didn't want anyone to break their rules, if they sent the Queen back to England for bringing a banned item with her, I wouldn't be surprised. That is my perception of the Australians.

 The news is run like a business, they prioritize stories that make people react. Click bait is the word. An analogy would be if the James Webb telescope looked at planet going around another star and saw that it's atmosphere contained oxygen, oxygen is synthesized by life so they would conclude that they have found life on another planet; the same week a royal family has a divorce. Which story would dominate the news? Exoplanet life or Royal divorce? 

The news exposes a flaw in us all. We give attention to things that are less important because we are superficial beings. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...