Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Pay tribute to Boston

A company that supplies my job with an automatic payroll processing has been hacked and taken down for about a month so far. I won't name the company or my job because it may be considered misconduct according to the rules, plus I respect both companies anyway. 
My company are using a backup payroll system to pay their staff for now. 

I just thought it was interesting that the payroll processing company is based in Massachusetts. I have relatives that live near Boston so I am familiar with the American state of Massachusetts. It's not far from New York, you can drive From Boston to New York in a matter of Hours I think. I remember taking a train to Boston from Westborough and exploring the city. I saw the place where the American War of Independence started and I went on the Metro Rail. Their trian lines are named after colours; I'm British, we spell it like that. They have the 'Red' line, 'Blue' Line and They have a 'Green' line, I think the Green line is like a Hybrid tram and subway line, I thought that was very clever. I think the Blue line goes to the coast. It is interesting that Boston is on the Coast because the city near me, London isn't on the coast. I like the idea that you can go to the coast without leaving the city. In London there is a C2C train from 'West Ham' train station that goes to Southend, a coastal town but it takes an hour to get there and a return ticket costs about £11. 

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One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...