Thursday, 13 January 2022

Accidental Party

On the PMQs on Wednesday, the Prime Minister was confronted by the cabinet about a Christmas party they had during lockdown. Borris Claimed that he didn't know he was at a party, he said he thought he had attended a spaced out conference for the sake of leadership. 

I polled a few communities of mine on social media and got the impression that people are very angry about what had happened. Many people were treated like a nuisance for even trying to bend the lockdown rules and others were penalised, many people felt lonely and isolated during the Pandemic and others died alone. I believe right now, Boris Johnson is at his lowest popularity rating so far, if we had another snap election now, conservatives would certainly lose.  We have seen leaked CCTV footage and MPs have been proven to break the rules before. 

It looks like it will be an interesting month, James Webb will turn on and snap pictures of distant stars, Stranger things 4 is comming to Netflix and we will learn more about what had happened at number 10. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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