Saturday, 29 January 2022

Last Bit of January

It is the Last bit of January, I have been feeling sick for a while but what can you do? I checked the website to see the progress of the James Webb telescope; it is now calibrating it's large mirrors and optical lenses, this new procedure will take about 3 months. It won't start taking sharp pictures of deep space until the end of Spring; fair enough. 

I got the impression from the NASA blogs that NASA wants to look at distant galaxies and dusty nebulas first. I am surprised by this because I thought they might want to look at the Alpha Centauri Stars first. The Alpha Centauri stars are 3 Stars orbiting eachother that are closest to us, just over 4 light years away. I am interested in Alpha Centauri B because it is a K type (orange Dwarf)  star, Smaller than our G type Sun (yellow Dwarf) but stable and slow burning, it will outlast our sun by billions of years. Proxima Centauri is the smallest of the three and the closest to us, it is a Red Dwarf Star but Red Dwarf stars are very unstable, their radiation changes erratically; red dwarf stars last the longest though. The stars orbit a common center of gravity within a short distance; their orbits would fit inside our solar system I think. All three of the stars are known to have planets orbiting them, the Centauri star system is a very crowded part of space. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...