Monday, 30 May 2022

What May 2022 means to me

The month of May 2022 was dominated by the Johnny Depp Deformation court trial. Johnny Depp's ex wife Amber Heard damaged Johnny's reputation by writing an article claiming she was in an abusive relationship and spread rumours that Johnny Depp was wife beater. This caused all his work for the last 5 or 6 years to dry up because the bad reputation of an actor can cause a movie to fail. I was given the impression that his legal team had exposed some of Amber's lies when they were gathering evidence and this caused them to take the court case personally. They had become like siblings trying to restore the reputation of their brother. They eventually managed to expose many of her lies, to the point where it was obvious that Johnny was the one being abused and he wasn't the abuser. I was touched by how personal the legal team had taken the case, I saw the man sitting to the right of him with red cheeks like he was restraining himself from shouting at Amber's legal team. I was impressed by how much evidence and proof they were able to find. 

In May there was a mass shooting in a school in Texas. To me the problem is obvious, a dangerous mentally unhinged Teenager was able to buy a semi-automatic assault rifle. The teenager was known to be cruel and sadistic with evidence he was a dangerous psychopath yet he was able to buy an AR-15 and cartridges full of bullets. If they make it difficult for young people to buy guns then the shooting will go down. If they don't do something then it will happen again, they need to meet in the middle with gun freedom and law. People can still harbor firearms but they need to be significantly older and prove they don't have any disorders. Remember that 19 children died in horror, some of them died from bleeding to death while running away, others died while they pleaded for their life. Some of them died frozen in fear. They were people's beloved children and they had a violent death.  "Do something"!!!!

There was some Monkeypox virus outbreaks throughout the UK. Viruses can't move but they are transmitted by the infected. There is more wind and wild animals have to move around more to get food so viruses are getting transmitted more than they did before. I think there will be more diseases breaking out amongst us soon.

A new railway opened in England called the Elizabeth line. A commuter railway that doubles as a Metro line, a kind of hybrid system. The trains are long and fast, they are powered by overhead power lines on AC current so I imagine the trains would be very quiet.  

Here comes June. 

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Dad turns 74

My Dad is 74 years old today. I am very lucky that he is still with us and his mind is still in good working order. I am also happy that I can go to his house and celebrate his birthday in person because during the Pandemic I couldn't do that. I had to stay in my home because of the Pandemic. 

It was close to the time my Dad turned 74 years old that I was checking the progress of the James Webb Space Telescope, the Space Telescope is nearly ready to observe worlds we have never seen before. 

It was also close to his birthday that I was checking the car leasing companies to see if there are electric cars that are cheaper to run than my fuel powered car. A site I often check is car now and onto Every week, the cost of leasing an electric car is closer to the cost of running a fuel one. 

I am also following the current events. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Prestige Alan

I have no interest in Prestige, but if I obtained prestige, it would be an opportunity to reject Conditional respect. I hate the way people receive more respect because of their status. Their opinion is more important than other people's. They would say what is his Net worlth? Or something like that.

Prestige Alan would be in an interview on TV. They would say, "Alan, What would you do to stop the war"? I would say, "I don't know, I don't work for the UN". They would ask what political party I support, I would say, "I don't have a political polarity". I would have nothing useful to say. My answers would be as brief as possible. The most common answer I would give people is "I don't know". They would ask me what I think about the bad behaviour of a celebrity, I would say, "Not good", they would say "Is that all you have to say"? I would drive an ordinary car, perhaps a small city car or something similar to what I drive now. They may ask Prestige Alan to take an award or peerage, prestige Alan would respectfully decline. Prestige Alan isn't rude, he just hates conditional respect. Default respect is better. Everyone should respect everyone by default. 

They would never know why prestige Alan is like that unless they read his blog that he writes as a hobby. 

Texas School Shooting

Yesterday a boy in Texas shot and killed his grandmother and went to his school and shot his classmates and teachers. America has a big problem with kids shooting in their schools. Americans blame video games and guns because they think they are the only country in the world that has guns and video games. I understand what the problem is. America is toxic. Let me explain. 
American schools teach you that it is silly to pray. If praying is the only thing left that is keeping a young person's mind in order then they are closing the last door they have left. Praying may be the only thing left that will stop someone going crazy. They may be afraid to talk about their problems but then they are being taught that it is silly to cast all their cares on God in privacy in prayer. 

Americans teach conditional respect, they teach you that you should earn your respect by achieving something. In Japan they teach default respect, they teach people to respect everyone by default. Some kids go to school and they are surrounded by other kids that have no respect for them and they have to go there every day and they are taught not to talk about their problems so they get more and more toxic thoughts inside their head until they explode. It is like putting a tinned pie in the oven without opening the can. The structure of the can will eventually fail and the tinned pie will explode. The kids mind is the same, eventually they will either take their own life or kill other people or they will turn to drugs. 

The other problem is there is too many dirty images so the structure in their mind is moved away so they just cave in. It is like taking away a tent poll, the tent is longer being held up so it falls apart. In my view dirty images are extremely toxic because they divert constructive thoughts away from their mind. 

I except that no one listens to me so I will just leave this here. I will let the Americans ban guns so their troubled youth will go to school with a bag of pipe bombs instead or burn the schools down. 

New Railway

It is the last part of May 2022, about a week away from the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and a new railway has opened. They call it crossrail and the Elizabeth line. It is a bit like Thames Link but it goes East to West instead of North to South. They are different from most the trains in London, they use overhead power lines to power the train so I imagine it would be very quiet inside. The trains look very modern and sleek, they accelerate very quickly and the station platforms look very big and modern. The railway goes from Reading to Shenfield and passes through central London with a branch that goes to Heathrow airport. It connects towns near London and also connects more stations in London together. 

When I see news about railway projects in the UK the first thought that comes into my head is why they don't use the existing train lines to gather renewable energy. They could build a box frame around the train tracks, the top of the frame would have solar panels and the sides of the frame would be a mesh like grill similar to the front surface of  sound speakers. The sides of the frame would have wheels in it with fan blades that harnesses wind energy. When the wind blows, it pushes against the wall of the train frame and makes the wheels with fan blades spin, the rim of the wheels would have magnets in them that passes across copper coils, this would cause electro-magnetic induction. I imagine the draft from the moving trian would also cause the wind wheels to spin.  The main revenue of the trian lines would be to harvest renewable energy and the secondary revenue would be to transport goods and people. This thought always comes into my mind when I see news of railway projects in the UK. 

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Deformation Trial

The general public that I know of are very aware of the Johnny Depp deformation trial and it is a common topic at the dinner table throughout the UK. 

What had happened is Johnny Depp's marriage to Amber Heard imploded and they were divorced. Soon after the divorce, Amber spreaded rumours that Johnny was an abusive wife beating husband, this caused all of Johnny Depp's work to dry up. 

The thing that Amazed me was that Johnny's legal team had gathered a lot of evidence before the court case and were very well prepared, they had proof that Amber never used the divorce settlement to pay the charities like she claimed, they gathered many time stamped paperatzi photos of Amber showing her face was never bruised. They got voice recordings of her saying she hit Johnny and  verbally abusing him, they had transcripts from previous court cases where her statement contradicted what she was saying. They had exposed many lies that she had told. 

Amber's legal team were very good in my view but they didn't have much to work with compared to Johnny's legal team and they didn't have much leeway. They did everything they could to maintain airtime for the jury but they were fighting a tsunami of evidence. There was so much evidence that Amber was the abusive spouse and not Johnny that it was almost impossible for her lawyers to defend her. They did everything they could. 

Friday, 20 May 2022

Two Thirds of May

The bright side of the recent inflation is learning that small meals can fill you up as well as large ones. When I would get a take away, my meal would always be very large because I have a large stomach. I can eat about 7 plates full of food in a buffet. 

If I were to eat a large bag of chips (french fries) I would be filled up the same if I had a small bowl of cauliflower cheese if I just waited for 30 minutes. I just need to wait for the filling sensation to kick in. The sensation of feeling full is time delayed but small meals are enough. 

If I eat a large meal before I sleep and my left arm is between my torso and the mattress, I get acid reflux. I get a burning sensation in my throat and sometimes the acid goes into my mouth. If I eat small meals and leave a 2 hour gap before I sleep then there is no chance of me getting acid reflux. 

I think it is better to eat a large breakfast then a smaller dinner. Dinner should be smaller than breakfast. Perhaps it should just be a bowl or a plate that isn't filled up fully. Breakfast is preparing you for the day and dinner is just for the night. 

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Thunder Day

Jacob, my son. 
Last year just before your second birthday prince Philip died. I felt pity for the queen because they were married for so long then suddenly, her husband passed away. 

I always listen and try to observe. I listened to the Queen when she would speak. The Queen keeps most of her grief to herself and tries to keep her personal life private in my view. That doesn't mean she doesn't feel any emotions, it just means she is reserved. I think in the past people misunderstood what the queen was like, they think the Queen doesn't care about other people. People were blaming the Queen when Prince Harry and Princes Megan left the royal household, but the queen wasn't to blame, she welcomed their marriage and children into the family. I think the Queen is in two minds whether to stay on the throne or resign. She is very old and had some tragedies, there was also some bad press recently. I wouldn't be surprised if she abdicated. 

People in today's world are very judgemental. During the Johnny Depp deformation trial, people were picking sides. Johnny Depp's legal team had a head start, they probably got all their facts straight before he went to court. Amber's legal team had less time to gather evidence so they relied more on trying to discredit the witnesses, trying to make them look like they were colluding with Johnny and his legal team. I don't want to have an opinion about either of them really. 

Sometimes I feel like I am being judged, I am a big man, I weigh more than 100kg and I am 1.8m tall  and I have a expressionless stare on my face most the time. Sometimes when people are walking in front of me I feel like they are afraid of me, they are thinking I am following them or something like that. If only they knew, I have no mischief in me at all, they're wrong about me. When I see people nervously looking back at me and speeding up their walking pace, I feel awkward. 

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Inflation fixed my nose

The recent inflation has fixed my nose, let me explain. 

Washing machines use a lot of power; my washing machine uses 2500 watts of electricity in prolonged spurts for around 2 & ½ hours. That is about 5 killowatt-hours per wash. Before the recent inflation, that was no big deal. Now, things are different. One killowatt-hour of electricity costs me about 30p. One wash can literally cost £1.50. 

One positive effect this has had on me is that biological detergent no longer stinks to me. It is like magic. Before the recent cost inflation, I considered biological washing detergent smelly and irritant. Now I don't have a problem with it because I can put the washing machine on eco mode and the laundry still gets cleaned. All those smelly irritant enzymes in biological washing powder are doing all the work so I can run the washing machine on low power mode. It is like the post Pandemic inflation has blocked my nose. The grey water that spurts out of the back of the washing machine converges with the sink waste pipe, if biological washing powder was present in the water, it would irritate my eyes while I was in the kitchen, now it doesn't bother me much. 

That is amazing. 

Another effect is I don't get fast food take aways once a week, I heat up frozen ready meals instead. I can eat a box of vegan sausage rolls instead of a bag of chips during my down time when I just want to chill out. 

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Half of May thoughts

We're about half way through may. I was thinking often that an EV car finance package that costs the same as my fuel is worth getting, especially if the deal comes with after care; free repairs and servicing. If you fill your tank every week, you would pay £200 per month for fuel. The trouble is there is no such deal. Perhaps Tesla will make a budget  hatch-back city car with no AI for ordinary people like myself. I wouldn't mind if it only had a 20 killowatt-hour battery, I would just charge it up more often. If the AI driver made the car more expensive, why not have a model without it? 
I was also thinking about the queen because the Platinum Jubilee is a few weeks away. If the queen announced that she will abdicate the throne during the celebration, I wouldn't be surprised. I feel like she is at the end of her rope, moving around is very painful, she lost her husband last year and there is a lot of bad press aimed at the royal family. I imagined the queen saying she will abdicate the throne during a speech. Perhaps she already wanted to step down but kept going because this significant milestone was near. Perhaps prince Charles will be king very soon. I don't think he will be on the throne for 70 years though, maybe half that time, 35 years perhaps? 

I am also thinking that many diseases are worse than COVID 19 and they can find a way to infect us, they probably will but we may make the same mistakes again, we would let the disease spread around the world  and then upset the global economy by quarantining everyone frivolously. 

I was also keeping an eye on the fleet of robots working throughout the solar system to discover new things. A nice way to clear your head in my view. 

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Tesla Model 4

There are rumours that the Tesla Model 4 is being developed. Some people are saying it will be an affordable hatchback/ city type car like the Nisan Micra or Hyundai I10 but on batteries, the type of car I go for. 
If the Tesla Model 4 is like that when it is released, I wonder if it has a finance package that is less than what I pay for fuel. If it cost less than £200 per month to finance then it is worth getting. 

I can't afford a Tesla Model 3, it is a Saloon type car with a sleek sporty outline, a bit like an typical Audi on batteries and with an AI driver under the bonet. They cost about £50,000, about twice the price of a family car. I see them everywhere now, it is the EV of choice around the world at the moment. 

Platinum Jubilee

I think Britain has reached a crossroads and will change forever. The Queen is now 96 years old, an age where everyday tasks like walking and standing can be very painful and difficult. If the Queen were to retire from royal duties, it would very likely be during the Platinum Jubilee or shortly after; I'm not saying she will though. 
They will call the milestone celebration of 70 years on the throne the 'Platinum Jubilee'. Platinum is a very heavy transition metal that has 78 electrons and 78 Protons, one less than Gold. Gold has 79 electrons. Platinum is almost the same as gold but has one less electron and proton, what a difference it makes. Platinum is like gold with something missing.

Prince Charles talks more than the Queen and has his mind set on helping the environment. He is very direct and seems to like engaging in round table talks. Britain will have a monarch that is more direct and open about his vision. It will be interesting to see what happens when he eventually becomes the King. 

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Queen's Jubilee

The Queen of the UK, Elisabeth II will celebrate her 70th year as Queen of Britain and Northern Ireland in June. Her birthday is on the 11th of June I think. The jubilee celebration will be on the weekend starting from Friday the 3rd. A number of things will happen during the June celebration. 

At the same time the James Webb Space  Telescope will get to work and look at the universe to discover new things. It will be interesting to see what they discover. 

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Nice Day

Jacob, my Son. 
I have some more grey hair, at least it matches my eyes now. I saw that some of the high court staff in America trying to stop abortions. 

I saw you when you were a fetus, you were sucking your thumb and squeezing your umbilical cord like it was a toy, the sonar scan operator told me that it was normal behaviour for a fetus. In less than two months you had formed into a fetus that was more like an infant than an embryo in my view. When we went for the second trimester scan, I felt like you could hear me talking, I said "hello my son" and you stopped moving and your heart rate increased, it was like you were thinking about what you heard. You were thinking, "what was that"? 

I looked at the James Webb Space Telescope website The mirrors are all aligned and they are changing the tilt of the observatory to see if it can still keep itself cool when it gets a little spurt of radiation from the sun. I saw some test images, they compared it to other telescopes, it was like comparing an old video Composit 480p TV with a 4K one, there was such a big difference in the image quality. If the thing is still in working order, summer 2022 will be very interesting. 

Friday, 6 May 2022

Pro Life

I don't hate anyone that has had an abortion before in their life but I don't support it. If I was asked to vote on the right to end a pregnancy I would vote to restrict abortions, I would reduce the abortion window to about 8 weeks if possible. Or if there is a medical emergency that puts the Mum's life at risk. 

In my view the arguments supporting abortions are wrong. People will say the fetus is just a clump of cells, it is not conscious, no Brain activity. This is not true. 

I saw my son on a ultra sound scanner when he was a fetus. He looked more like an infant than an embryo to me. He was squeezing his umbilical cord like it was a toy, he then sucked his thumb and he would cross his legs. I spoke, I said "Hello my son" and he stopped moving and his heart rate increased. To me, he was fully conscious. When my son was born, he recognised my voice. The doctors couldn't comfort him but when I spoke, he recognised me. 

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Poke Scab

I watched public deformation trial of Johnny Depp on TV. Normally when I watch a public court room trail, it is like poking a scab or an insect sting because I remember my birth mother was killed because of an accident caused by dangerous driving, he was driving too fast and overtaking when it wasn't safe. The man was given a very short prison sentence, less than some people get for causing a dog to die because of negligence. I would normally feel bitter and a bit sad. It would be pointless for me to trigger such an emotion but I do so anyway, just like someone poking an insect sting on their arm with their finger or a scab on their leg. 

This time it was different. The trial was so bizarre that I was distracted from my own little world. 

Johnny Depp would walk down from the witness stand and put on sun shades and a carry a bottle of water like he was on a film set. 

I learned that his former wife had a crazy outburst and pooped on his side of the bed. 
A psychologist diagnosed Amber Heard with Border line personality disorder instead of PTSD of an abused wife, Amber's lawyers were so stunned by the diagnosis that they had nothing left to do but try and probe the Doctor for collusion. The Doctor sensed the they were trying to imply she was colluding with Johnny's legal team and seemed visibly angry and gave patronising answers back. If I cringed any harder my head would split into two. 

Then there was all the witnesses that witnessed amber being unhinged and violent to them. 

It is ongoing. 

Monday, 2 May 2022

What April 2022 Means to me

In April 2022 I moved to new home nearby. I forgot how hard and stressful it is to move home. I used almost the whole 3 weeks time window to move. When I moved home I saw some old books I had that were stowed away in boxes and remembered how interesting they were to read. 
very often when I was going to sleep I would read articles on the NASA website, I wanted to know what all those robots scattered through the solar system had discovered. There are so many of them out there, Juno, Curiosity, James Webb, Hubble, Perseverance, Insight, voyager 1 and 2 to name a few. 

My son turned 3 years old in April, I love my family very much. I hope they enjoy our new home and have many happy memories of the coming years ahead. My son has an amazing birthday and I am very proud of him. 

Elon musk bought Twitter for $44 billon. It is very hard to imagine that money, it is one thousand million times 44. Even one billion or one million dollars is a lot of money to me. Even half a million dollars is a lot of money to me. It will be very interesting to see what Elon will do to Twitter. 

Johnny Depp was suing his former wife Amber Heard for deformation. Her claims of abuse had caused him to lose acting work. He claims that she was the one that was abusive not him and managed to gather some evidence to support his case. The court case was very public and on the news quite often. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...