Monday, 30 May 2022

What May 2022 means to me

The month of May 2022 was dominated by the Johnny Depp Deformation court trial. Johnny Depp's ex wife Amber Heard damaged Johnny's reputation by writing an article claiming she was in an abusive relationship and spread rumours that Johnny Depp was wife beater. This caused all his work for the last 5 or 6 years to dry up because the bad reputation of an actor can cause a movie to fail. I was given the impression that his legal team had exposed some of Amber's lies when they were gathering evidence and this caused them to take the court case personally. They had become like siblings trying to restore the reputation of their brother. They eventually managed to expose many of her lies, to the point where it was obvious that Johnny was the one being abused and he wasn't the abuser. I was touched by how personal the legal team had taken the case, I saw the man sitting to the right of him with red cheeks like he was restraining himself from shouting at Amber's legal team. I was impressed by how much evidence and proof they were able to find. 

In May there was a mass shooting in a school in Texas. To me the problem is obvious, a dangerous mentally unhinged Teenager was able to buy a semi-automatic assault rifle. The teenager was known to be cruel and sadistic with evidence he was a dangerous psychopath yet he was able to buy an AR-15 and cartridges full of bullets. If they make it difficult for young people to buy guns then the shooting will go down. If they don't do something then it will happen again, they need to meet in the middle with gun freedom and law. People can still harbor firearms but they need to be significantly older and prove they don't have any disorders. Remember that 19 children died in horror, some of them died from bleeding to death while running away, others died while they pleaded for their life. Some of them died frozen in fear. They were people's beloved children and they had a violent death.  "Do something"!!!!

There was some Monkeypox virus outbreaks throughout the UK. Viruses can't move but they are transmitted by the infected. There is more wind and wild animals have to move around more to get food so viruses are getting transmitted more than they did before. I think there will be more diseases breaking out amongst us soon.

A new railway opened in England called the Elizabeth line. A commuter railway that doubles as a Metro line, a kind of hybrid system. The trains are long and fast, they are powered by overhead power lines on AC current so I imagine the trains would be very quiet.  

Here comes June. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...