Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Texas School Shooting

Yesterday a boy in Texas shot and killed his grandmother and went to his school and shot his classmates and teachers. America has a big problem with kids shooting in their schools. Americans blame video games and guns because they think they are the only country in the world that has guns and video games. I understand what the problem is. America is toxic. Let me explain. 
American schools teach you that it is silly to pray. If praying is the only thing left that is keeping a young person's mind in order then they are closing the last door they have left. Praying may be the only thing left that will stop someone going crazy. They may be afraid to talk about their problems but then they are being taught that it is silly to cast all their cares on God in privacy in prayer. 

Americans teach conditional respect, they teach you that you should earn your respect by achieving something. In Japan they teach default respect, they teach people to respect everyone by default. Some kids go to school and they are surrounded by other kids that have no respect for them and they have to go there every day and they are taught not to talk about their problems so they get more and more toxic thoughts inside their head until they explode. It is like putting a tinned pie in the oven without opening the can. The structure of the can will eventually fail and the tinned pie will explode. The kids mind is the same, eventually they will either take their own life or kill other people or they will turn to drugs. 

The other problem is there is too many dirty images so the structure in their mind is moved away so they just cave in. It is like taking away a tent poll, the tent is longer being held up so it falls apart. In my view dirty images are extremely toxic because they divert constructive thoughts away from their mind. 

I except that no one listens to me so I will just leave this here. I will let the Americans ban guns so their troubled youth will go to school with a bag of pipe bombs instead or burn the schools down. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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