Friday, 20 May 2022

Two Thirds of May

The bright side of the recent inflation is learning that small meals can fill you up as well as large ones. When I would get a take away, my meal would always be very large because I have a large stomach. I can eat about 7 plates full of food in a buffet. 

If I were to eat a large bag of chips (french fries) I would be filled up the same if I had a small bowl of cauliflower cheese if I just waited for 30 minutes. I just need to wait for the filling sensation to kick in. The sensation of feeling full is time delayed but small meals are enough. 

If I eat a large meal before I sleep and my left arm is between my torso and the mattress, I get acid reflux. I get a burning sensation in my throat and sometimes the acid goes into my mouth. If I eat small meals and leave a 2 hour gap before I sleep then there is no chance of me getting acid reflux. 

I think it is better to eat a large breakfast then a smaller dinner. Dinner should be smaller than breakfast. Perhaps it should just be a bowl or a plate that isn't filled up fully. Breakfast is preparing you for the day and dinner is just for the night. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...