Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Inflation fixed my nose

The recent inflation has fixed my nose, let me explain. 

Washing machines use a lot of power; my washing machine uses 2500 watts of electricity in prolonged spurts for around 2 & ½ hours. That is about 5 killowatt-hours per wash. Before the recent inflation, that was no big deal. Now, things are different. One killowatt-hour of electricity costs me about 30p. One wash can literally cost £1.50. 

One positive effect this has had on me is that biological detergent no longer stinks to me. It is like magic. Before the recent cost inflation, I considered biological washing detergent smelly and irritant. Now I don't have a problem with it because I can put the washing machine on eco mode and the laundry still gets cleaned. All those smelly irritant enzymes in biological washing powder are doing all the work so I can run the washing machine on low power mode. It is like the post Pandemic inflation has blocked my nose. The grey water that spurts out of the back of the washing machine converges with the sink waste pipe, if biological washing powder was present in the water, it would irritate my eyes while I was in the kitchen, now it doesn't bother me much. 

That is amazing. 

Another effect is I don't get fast food take aways once a week, I heat up frozen ready meals instead. I can eat a box of vegan sausage rolls instead of a bag of chips during my down time when I just want to chill out. 

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