Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Bus Day

Jacob, my son. 
I recently learned that one of the bus companies where we live will close down their depot. This means the routes they run will stop or be replaced by the other major operator in our area. I was surprised this is happening; they claim the depot was making a loss. I think the other company had the right idea. They would use small vans as buses during off peak times to save on fuel and stuff like that. They also ran an airport service so they would get customers from nearby towns and the edge of London in Uxbridge. 
I think we will have virtual reality in our home at some point this year. I have played  golf in virtual reality on other people's headsets. If they make a walking device that works with it, you go for a walk by the coast for a while without leaving your home. Perhaps when you're an adult, virtual reality would be a health product, something that promotes walking. You could walk through museums and other worlds while you're still in a room. 

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...