Wednesday, 8 May 2024

The Billy-of-Time

I imagined being the captain and sole crew member of a solar blimp air ship thing called the Billy-of-Time. The world is full of tosh these days. There is loads of dogma spurting out of collages and protesting  and the world is at loggerheads but the Billy-of-Time is off the grid and away from it all floating above the Pacific ocean in the middle of nowhere. 

The hot air blimp would work by using mirrors that focus the sun's rays onto black pipes, the pipes would get hot and vent out hot air that flows into balloon canopies. The trouble is it would go down at night. The captain wants to stay airborne indefinitely. He would get water from clouds and irrigate fruiting plants on his ship. He would sleep in a hammock because it is light. The net weight of the whole vehicle would be an issue. The captain of the ship would try and see if different sand particles can store heat during the night. He would also dry out his poop at he far end of the blimp and burn the poop to get more time in the air. Plus the mirror arms would have flaps below them that tilt when there is a gust of wind. After all those innovations, there is no hope of staying airborne, every morning he would wake up and the vehicle is floating on the ocean, then it it would start to rise again as the sun heats up the vents. The crew man captain never quits, he tries to figure out a way to stay in the air. Perhaps he could sand down the shacks below deck to make the vehicle  lighter. 

There would be some solar panels on the blimp to get electricity, he has a games console and plays computer games. At night before the blimp goes down he would lay down on the top deck and look at the stars in the sky and wonder what is happening out there in deep space.  

Floating in the air away from it all. No dogma, no anger, no disrespect. Just a drive to float away.  The Billy-of-Time, a ship in the sky that will never be. Only in the mind of blogger with a time for a day dream as he waits to sleep. 

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Spring Time

It is Spring time now, you can tell, activists have started climbing up stuff and gluing themselves to things, "Yawn". It would be...