Monday, 27 May 2024

Glise 12b Snap Election

Once again Britain will face a snap election, they set the date of the election to the 4th of July. Rishi Seems like a he has a lot of metal in him, he managed to get the rewanda refugee plan through the house of lords. He managed to get inflation down to just a few percent, he's definitely a responsible leader. I think Kier Starma is similar in many ways as well, he wants to be responsible with public money. I will vote for my established MP because he responds to people when they have a problem. 

I was reading the NASA blogs and noticed that they discovered another planet recently that is very much like earth in size. It is called Glise 12b, they're very interested in that planet because it receives more light than earth but less than Venus. They could compare the 3 planets and work out why they're different. The star the planet goes around, Glise 12 is a red dwarf but it is about half as bright as the sun so you wouldn't need to be tidally locked to the star to have liquid water on the surface. They also discovered 3 galaxies that were 100% hydrogen that formed about 400 million years after the universe began to exist. 

There's a lot out there. 

Blog Archive

Spring Time

It is Spring time now, you can tell, activists have started climbing up stuff and gluing themselves to things, "Yawn". It would be...