Friday, 14 February 2020

Guerrilla Warfare

In Guerrilla warfare, soldiers hide then ambush the enemy when they are not ready for combat. 

There is also a thing I call Gorilla warfare that is where a big hairy man walks into a toilet and pulls the seat too hard tears it off the bowl. Everyone that uses that toilet must levitate their bum in the air like a ninja in training over the bowl to use it and that stinks. 

It is stinks as bad as being in the gray zone. The gray zone is the term I use to describe living from paycheck to paycheck to pay your bills and survive. I hate it when celebrities say money won't make you happy because for me it will. I don't have a big ego to feed, my hobbies are enough to make me happy. And material worries make me unhappy, you see it is clear what 
I have to do. 

I fight my own gerrrriller warfare, I beat my chest and try as hard as I can to get out to of the gray zone and into the Happy Zone. If I succeed, I will build a man cave and call it the Happy Zone in tribute to escaping from the gray zone. A world where I work but I don't need to work and I have the freedom to nurture my hobbies properly. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...