Monday, 10 February 2020

na na na nineties

If I did get to build the happy zone man cave every part of it would be connected to the nineties. 


Because everything seemed to happen in the nineties and I was kid in the nineties. Even stuff in the previous decades was relevant back then if you watched UK channel 4. 

Domestic internet was born in the nineties and named the world wide web. Pluto was still considered to be a planet. The Germans learned to be one nation again. The Eugoslavians unlearned how to be one nation and fragmented into Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo and a few other countries, I wonder why they bothered to be honest, every time I watched the news at least one of those countries was in a civil war; I think Nicola Tesla would be turning in this grave, not just because he was buried with his magnets, wires and batteries. Did I mention that no one ever laughed at my jokes? kids in my time told dirty jokes and they weren't funny to me, I got them but didn't laugh. I didn't fit in at all, I hated football and star wars and pop music and all the things that everyone liked. I liked true life mysterys and watching people do difficult things like assault courses on the crypton factor or unbeatable banzuke. 

I learned to disappear in my own little world. I was amazed by the gaming world at the time. The game boy emerged in my part of the world and so did game gear and atri lynx. The Japanese gaming companies had perfected side scrolling games graphics and pioneered 3d open world games. It was an interesting time to grow up in. I liked to go to amusement parks and wonder around and play computer games and day dream, that is what the 90s meant to me. 

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