Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Life changing books

Looking back there are two books that had a large effect on me. 

Holocaust Memoirs by Issac Copperfield (not sure I spelled his name right) 


The new part of the Bible. 

If you read the Bible you will find there are a lot of stubborn people in there with lots of flaws, Samson, Jonah, Moses, Noah they are a bit like me, imperfect, flawed and stubborn. But then came Jesus and he was blameless in every way and was overflowing with peace and love. Jesus clashed with the establishment because they lost the plot. Jesus healed people on the Sabbath and the authorities were angry at him but you see healing wasn't work to him it was just an act of love, he didn't want the people to suffer so he healed them. Jesus didn't like the temple grounds to be used as a market place because it is a place for worship of God so he pushed the market stools over. He likes people to prosper because he caused the fisherman's nets to be filled with fish but he didn't like the temple to be used for profit. I don't know why people would dislike a blameless man that has come to save them. He told everyone that he would die for them so they may live forever and he did that. 

The other book that left a big impression on me was Holocaust Memoirs. It was about a Jewish carpenter that was taken to Auschwitz concentration camp. I think that everyone should read Holocaust memoir books because you will see how cruel people can be and be aware of it. They forced many people to work for days and weeks without food and then when they were too weak they were taken to fake showers and had poisonous gas grenades dropped on them. I think the gas grenades were called cyclone B. That alone is bad enough but there was more, the guards would terrorise them in the night in their sleeping quarters, they would say "Do you love Germany" both answers, yes or no would merit a punch. Countless cruel deeds were carried out on the grounds not just the mass starvation, slavery and murder of people. The worst thing is it isn't fiction, it really happened. 

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