Sunday, 9 February 2020

Windy Day

Jacob, my son. It is windy today. If your friendship with someone changes wind for whatever reason and that person tells lies about you to others or just treats you with disrespect then I would say turn them loose. Just stop talking to them try to avoid them all together. Don't try to
restore them. 

I read a few Holocaust survivor memoir books before, Isaak Copperfield's one stood out. I learned a few things about human nature. Some of the officers that operated the concentration camps were ordinary people but they were groomed and flaws in their personality were exploited to turn them into cruel and ruthless snake like people. People that embraced ignorance and had a capacity to hate and had an existing cruel nature were manipulated into cold blooded sadistic murderers. 

What I am saying is if someone says a lie about you they are ignorant and if they spread that lie then they have a capacity to hate and if they laugh when someone falls over and hurts themselves then they have a slightly cruel nature, all the person would need is a Gestapo agent to groom them into a beast. Why care if such a person is not your friend? Avoid such a person my son and don't talk to them. Read some of the many Holocaust memoirs out there and be aware of human nature. 

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One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...