Sunday, 23 February 2020

VR rediscovered

I have recently rediscovered virtual reality on my phone. It is amazing, especially if you wear headphones while you are using it. 

I always thought that virtual reality would be expensive but it isn't. In fact it almost costs nothing. I already have a phone, all you need the special goggles to hold the phone in front of your face, you can make the goggles yourself if you want. You can literally get change from a fiver and go to different places without leaving your home. It uses the phone's tilt sensors to move the screen around with your head. 

Plus, some of the apps use augmented reality like goodle expeditions so it turns on your camera and then adds graphics to the picture so you see your sitting room and you see things Infront added to your room like a cell or animal. 

I think the 20s decade will be all about virtual reality. Mabe people will be buying rigs that let you move and fly about like in the movie  "lawnmower man". 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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