Monday, 3 February 2020

Star wars snores

When I was I kid I watched some movies called star wars, everybody seemed to love star wars except for me. 

I watched episode 4,5 and 6 and thought ok I will give it a chance and watch 1, 2 and 3, they didn't exist. In my little world everything needs to make sense. Why would you make future episodes first before the current ones. I understand if you make a prequel you are trying to tell a back story.


I watched a bunch of rebels running from imperial storm troopers and thought where did these guys learn to shoot? They couldn't even hit a shiny chrome robot with a class one mobility scooter for legs.  Why did Darth need 300 storm troopers, he could just have one of me with a gun and I would even shoot 3 of them with one shot because they all stay close together. 

Then there is the Robots, you have a robot that can walk and talk and little else and you have a robot that can fix everything but it can't walk and talk, it just beeps and whistles, why can't you combine c3p0 and r2d2 into one robot. A robot that can walk and talk and fix everything? This is set in the future. 

I won't go into the force because it is like magic. Why put magic into a sci-fi movie? They should have David Blane and Dynamo on there. 

You see I always felt like I didn't belong in this world because I never fit in. Everyone seemed to like things that I didn't like. 

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One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...