Wednesday, 31 March 2021

What March 2021 means to me

March is the month when the Brits had perfected the distribution of vaccines. We have a 'give and take' relationship with the rest of Europe, we gave them B.1.1.7 British Covid and we took all the vaccines. While the EU was negotiating with the vaccine companies we went there and bought out all the supplies and very little was left over for the other Europeans. I feel awkward just from breathing. I shave in the morning, I feel awkward. I watch TV and I feel awkward. Walking, awkward. Eating, awkward. Many of the vaccine factories that make the vaccine are on the continent and they send their vaccines straight to the UK, then they go straight into British Arms. I think the Brits are going to be very unpopular now, I can almost hear the cussing, they will say "Polly put the kettle on" and claim David Icke is the chief representative of the English. They will say where are the reptilians? 
I was thinking about RNA quite a lot and wondering if it spurts out of the cell nucleus like rain; Covid19 virus is an RNA virus, this means it is encoded on RNA and not DNA. RNA is a representation of one side of the DNA molecule. Both sides of DNA are the same, one side is to encode RNA and the other is to copy the DNA molecule so only one side is used for instructions. Let's just say Covid19 is a simple virus compared to the other ones. It looks like the sun so they call it a Corona virus. 

At the last third of the month, a giant cargo ship called the 'Ever Given' was blown sideways by a strong wind and wedged into the banks of the Suez Canal, the canal was blocked for 6 days. Goods going from east to west and west to east were disrupted, I noticed that fuel went up 10p per litre during that week. I wonder if some of the ships took the long way and went around Africa through the south Atlantic? The Egyptians worked around the clock to free the ship, the thing weighed almost a quarter of a million tonnes. I am pleased they were able to free the ship and send it on its way within a week. I salute the Egyptians, well done. 

The clocks went went forward in my country by one hour so we don't have sunsets at 10pm in the summer, it causes a bit of chaos and personally I don't care if the sun is still in the sky at 21:30, I can buy blackout curtains but it is the way it is. 

I have hope and love for a happy 2021 and 2022 with very little stress. 

Monday, 29 March 2021

Alan and Clyde | Radio ga ga

Clyde Cheerman the cheer up robot sat down with Alan to have a hot drink while they listened to the Radio. 
Clyde :  " I think the people on the Radio station are in pain, I need to go over there and cheer them up". 
Alan :  "Why do you think they are in pain Clyde?". 
Clyde : " They sound like they are in pain". 
Alan :. "It's modern music Clyde, it sounds like that". 
Clyde: "really? That is music?". 
Alan: "It wasn't always like that, music used to sound good". 
Clyde: "It is horrible, I feel like throwing pain killers at them".
Alan: "The worst thing is they play this stuff in workplaces to motivate the staff to work more".
Clyde: "Does it work?". 
Alan:  "No, what they should do is play music with no lyrics, like the background music to computer games such as Zelda and Mario Bros, that would definitely work"
Clyde: "Alan you are a genius". 
Alan:  "I know". 

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Clocks going forward

The clocks are going forward in a few hours. Today I noticed that the bar code on the mcvities Jaffa cakes has little people hidden in it holding signs, I like little things like that. I used to cut up the boxes of packaging and make little models of houses, I would make them so they come apart and you could look inside. It is a very good hobby but you need quite a bit of space if you want to keep all the models. I don't have much space at the moment. The hobbies I have at right now don't need much space and cost almost nothing. 

If the clocks didn't go forward one hour then it would be twilight at 10 pm during the summer months. The sun would still be on the horizon at that time and it would be a bit harder to sleep. 

Friday, 26 March 2021

Enthusiastic day

Jacob My Son, 
You are nearly two years old, you have changed so much. You're starting to talk now and you grabbed my sketch pad and drew some pictures with your crayons. I will call it enthusiastic noodles. I can see lots of lines and circles in there. 
Everything you do is with enthusiasm, you jump up and down and shimmer your arms while you are doing something like drawing. Sometimes you yell and cheer. 

Sketching and blogging are my two main hobbies at the moment, they cost almost nothing and require very little space. I managed to merge the two hobbies together as one so I bring all my pen sketches into my blogs. I don't pay any money for blogging and I already have an internet connection. The sketch pads I use cost less than £1 and they last for weeks. I buy many pens for £1 and they last for months. Paper sketches can be stowed in a small place like a shelf. 

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Thoughts about March

It is the last bit of March and I am observing with clarity that the Suez canal in Egypt has been blocked by a huge cargo ship that was blown sideways and wedged into the canal banks; goods flowing from east to west and west to east have been blocked. The cause of the incident was a very strong gust of wind. The implications for the obstruction are very grim. It hasn't sunk into people's consciousness yet because there is so many other things going on but I would say it is something to be very worried about. 
I am also observing that language effects the way I think. The word Spring for the season and the metal Spring are spelt and sound the same. The Helix shape of a spring causes me to think about DNA. When I think of DNA I think of RNA and all the machinery inside the cell that manipulates it, the nano protein machines; that causes me to realise that they exist deliberately because of conscious thought because they are so complicated and precise. Then I think of the number 4 because each genetic marker has one of 4 values. Then I realized that Easter is on the 4th of April this year and it overlaps with Passover. My Brain searches for links and connections and patterns because that is what it does. 

Passover is the celebration of libration from slavery in Egypt, Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of the Messiah, he was taken to Egypt to escape an infant genocide. Egypt, Israel and the Arabian peninsula are the true center of the world, the place where Europe, Africa and Asia all converge. 

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

RNA Rain

Anywhere there are gaps in my knowledge, my imagination will close it up; Every spring season I think about DNA and all the things that are connected to it. I don't know the details of DNA and functions that are connected to it so my imagination steps in. Recently I imagined RNA raining inside a cell and I drew my thoughts to expose my ignorance to correction and reasoning from the global community or an aged version of myself in the future. 
In this picture, thousands of RNA strands are chaotically spurting out of a cell nucleus like rain drops from a cloud. In the bottom of a sketch, a protein machine that makes proteins has snagged a strand of RNA and started to read it; that particular strand of RNA doesn't encode Proteins so when in is fed through, nothing happens, the strand tells another machine to wait 3 days before reading the DNA again. The potato shaped protein machine can't see so it has to feed through every RNA strand one at a time until it finds codes that are relevant to it. Another protein machine in the distance has found the correct RNA strand with the code for making protein, it detected the code set to start making proteins and is reading the markers three at a time and grabbing amino acids and making an amino acid strand that folds itself into a protein. 

Is this picture accurate or is the RNA processing function in all cells more orderly? Do protein machines read RNA commands that are wrong or do they instantly detect they are wrong before they are read? 
RNA is a representation of one half of the DNA molecule, it represents a gene sequence and is used as a command set to control the machinery of the cell. 

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Clyde Cheerman | Bottle of Water

Clyde Cheerman the cheer up Robot approached Alan and said "Alan, Why did you give me the name Clyde"? 

Alan : "Well, I used the wrong batteries, so when I first turned you on it took a long time for you to come out of your box and that reminded me of another robot I used to play with in a game of cat and mouse called Pacman. 
Clyde : "Oh, Ok... What is a borall of woraa"?
Alan :  "borall of woraa"? 

Clyde: "I went to the hospital to cheer everyone up and this man shouted ~ Oi, give me a borall of woraa". 
Alan :  "I think he meant, excuse me, can I have a bottle of water". 
Clyde: "Why didn't he just say that?" 
Alan :  "He's a Londoner Clyde, they talk like that". 
Clyde : "Ok, I see". 
Alan : "Maybe it would be easier for you to cheer people up in Newcastle or Birmingham"?

Monday, 22 March 2021

Spring tension

It is spring and there is quite a lot of international tention at the moment, excuse the pun. President Biden and Putin were arguing about moral fabric and murder. 
My view is that they are both Human and probably doing what they think is the right thing; we all live on the same planet so we need to cooperate and live in peace, that is the right thing. 

I imagined it would be more difficult to cooperate and be in harmony if we met aliens from another planet. Everything we say and do could be misinterpreted as a threatening gesture. 
We could look at the face of and alien and smile at them but a smile may not have a meaning to them because they can't smile so it is just a movement that makes no sense in their view. Perhaps you could give them flowers and they would think that you are giving them dead plants so you are warning them that you will use violence. Even a hand shake or a wave could be seen as a threat. Or perhaps the aliens get in your space and growl at you as way of showing respect and peace not knowing that humans would see that as a threat. 

They may think that our maps are upside down. They may see the south pole as the top of the planet and see everything differently. Different views can cause mistrust. 
They would not trust us, we would not trust them. The only way they would trust us is if we were both telepathic; in my view music gives us simple telepathy because our mind set is similar when we listen to music, but that is not enough. We would need true telepathy.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

Spring and DNA

It is true Spring now. I think of metal springs when I think of Spring, this is because they are both spelt the same. When I think of Springs, I think of DNA because they both have a helix shape. Then I try to imagine how the nano protein machines that read the DNA work but I fail. I know roughly what they do though. I know that a nano protein machine pulls the DNA strand in half down the middle like zip, then a nano protein machine reads one side of the DNA molecule. The DNA reading machine makes a mirror of the DNA called RNA. The RNA strand resembles the half of the DNA except the Thymine Molecules are replaced with Uracil. 
Uracil doesn't work with DNA and Thymine doesn't work with RNA, I don't know why. That is another question I will leave for Aged Alan to answer. I imagined that one chromosome of DNA contains thousands of Gene sequences so every time it is read, it rains RNA strands inside the cell from the middle outwards in all directions. The RNA strands are instructions that tell other protein machines what to do, like how to make more protein machines out of Amino acids or what speed to run at and how to make cell membranes, things like that. 

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Two Thirds of March

It is two thirds the way through March and we are in true spring. Next week the clocks go forward. 
The landmark events that occured this month is the interview with Meghan Markle and Oprah Winfrey. 
Oprah observed that the British press was publishing a lot of negative stories about the wife of Prince Harry and wanted to bring that to the surface, Oprah is an excellent journalist in my view. Meghan claimed that being in the Royal family is very depressing and lonely so they left. Every person I know of had a different opinion about the topic and there is endless debates on the internet. 

The other thing that was happening was all the devices on the Perseverance Mars probe were turning on and protective panels were coming off, the probe had already done quite a lot of work. I also learned that the Rover is about the size of my car. I thought it was a small thing that can be picked up by one person. 

I was also thinking about DNA quite a lot because it is shaped like a spring and it is Spring season now. DNA is an amazing molecule. 

Friday, 19 March 2021

Mr Cheerman

I dreamed up a friendly robot in my head called Mr Cheerman. 
He talks very kindly and gives people paper flowers with stems that have coffee sachets in them and jokes. He greets everyone and tells them to have a nice day. Mr Cheerman waves and tells everyone to be happy. Mr Cheerman would help me expose the English problem. I'm English so I can say it. 

I could spray him with a chemical that reacts to saliva after he spent a whole day outside. He would look like fluorescent leopard. I would put him up on a stage and shout "Look everyone Mr Cheerman is covered in spit!!! He walked through a pigsty, was that pigsty Russia? No, was that Pigsty Saudi Arabia? No! , Was that pigsty China? No. It was England!!!! I would say "look at what they did to Mr Cheerman! Why are we criticizing other countries? Our behaviour is embarrassing to pigs, Mr Cheerman would have used chewing gum stuck on him and Spit, and rubber scuff marks where people kicked his legs. I would shout loudly, "Stop criticizing other countries, look at yourself"!!!! 

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Ancient Aliens | An Alan thing

One thing I often do is stream a TV video about things I don't agree with. I watch them and find them interesting but when they finish I don't believe what they are saying. 

One such program is ancient aliens on Netflix. The ancient alien theory is the idea that the gods of ancient civilizations are actually extra terrestrials from other planets that helped them develop and gave them technology. 
I watch them talk about ancient stories and ancient depictions of their gods and claiming that they were actually alien beings from other planets. It is interesting but I don't actually believe it. I try to imagine aliens visiting earth centuries ago and influencing human history but I just think to myself that it didn't happen, humans created the gods in their minds most the time I think. I still enjoy watching it though, it is a good show. I think I have seen the whole box set at least 3 times. 

Why do I watch a documentary video that I don't believe? It's an Alan thing. It's just the way I am. I do the same thing with David Ike, I respectfully disagree with what he is claiming but I watch his conferences anyway. 

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Bizzare connection to 64

64 is a special number and there is a very bizzare connection between that number, computing and DNA. 64 bit processors are common at the moment and using 64 bits on a motherboard bus allows computers to have more that 4 gigabytes of rapid memory. 

Protein machines inside our cells that read the DNA read 3 base codes at a time. Each base code has 4 possible values, 4³ (cubed) is 64. This means each coden has 64 possible values. Just enough to represent every type of amino acid and have some characters left over for starting and stopping a gene sequence. 

DNA amazes me because it is so clever. It is pulled in half down the middle without breaking the long chains. Then the DNA is read only on one side, the other side is a copy in reverse and is used to duplicate the DNA molecule. Then the two half DNA strands are zipped back together again. 

DNA and the proteins that manipulate it are machines. Every cell on Earth interacts with DNA the same way and follows the same rules. They read the same side of the DNA molecule and in the same direction and the codes to start and end a gene sequence are the same for all cells as far as I know. 

Peaster Strange

This year Easter and Passover will overlap and they will both finish on the 4th of April 2021. To me this is important because I remember reading a mind blowing book called 'Dancing Wu Lee masters' by Gary Zukav. The book points out an important part of our reality. The universe conspires to reconfigure itself so all the rules are kept and everything stays in order. After reading the book I learned that time is running slower for light particles emitted by my car headlights when I am driving, this is so the light beams don't travel at the speed of light + 30mph, they always obey and if they can't obey they find way another way. So with the light from my car it is time being slowed down for the photons. 

Every particle in our world is shifting and reconfiguring itself so it obeys all the rules. However when we observe the particles, they choose one state. When we all observe the world around us we change it slightly with our consciousness. We change the world by observing it. 
I think that at the start of April, so many people will be distracted that our reality will change slightly because that is what it does all the time. I think that some very strange things will happen during the first 4 days of April. 

We are distracted by Easter, Lockdown, Pandemic, end of fiscal year and Passover so our minds will allow changes to happen. And they will.. 

but how? 

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Mother's Day

It is hard to talk about this but I think it is important. You see, mother's Day is not a happy day for me. When I was a child my birth mother was killed in a traffic accident.  The person that caused the accident was found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving and driving without due care and attention. 

90s Alan was filled with bitterness and sadness. He wanted to take revenge on the careless driver and kill him and he wanted to get back at the judge because he sentenced him to only 6 months in prison, he was released after just 3 months. Someone that killed a dog was in jail for twice as long. At the end of the 90s two kids in columbine high school in America shot their classmates. I looked into the eyes of the kids on the TV and I felt like I understood what had happened to them. I saw that they were too bitter inside for too long and couldn't find a way to break free, then they just snapped. That was a turning point for me because I realized that if I don't forgive the Judge and the motorist I would become like the Columbine boys.  

Millennium Alan found a way to forgive the motorist and the judge. He noticed that certain music files would make him feel slightly less bitter inside so he would get up at sunrise and walk in the park and listen to the music on his headphones. He would reach out to the part of him that can neutralise the bitterness and hate. He would listen to 'Return to innocence' by Enigma, 'The glow of love' by Randy Crawford and Bob Marley music like 'no woman no cry. Things like that, then he would watch the sun rise and breathe the cool fresh air. Every day that he was free he would do that. He would reach out to the better bigger part of himself and he would pray to God to help him to Forgive. After many tears and nurturing  hobbies like building models with card, Millennium Alan had finally removed all the hate and bitterness that was festering insided his mind. 

Happy Mother's Day... 

Saturday, 13 March 2021

Half March

It is Mother's day in the Morning and we are half way through March 2021, less than a week away from true spring. 

So far this month I have realised that the best source of news is the ones that are publicly funded. Like BBC, ABC and It's not my role to knock private news companies, but I realized they do put negative content about people to get more readers, the Harry & Meghan Interview made me realize that a bit more. My reaction was to be more interested in the NASA web site. I like the way the NASA web site reconfigures itself to be mobile friendly. A lot of science web sites are not like that.

I was reading the NASA news articles on there and realized that the Perseverance rover on Mars is about the size of my Car. I thought it was a small thing you could pick up with your hands. I also realized that the Curiousity rover from the few years back is still operating, also the Mars insight probe is still collecting data. They learnt that Mars never gets earthquakes that are more than 3.5 on the Richter scale, at least not since 2018. It just shows you don't need to find life to find something amazing. I'm sure those robots will find lots of very interesting things. 

I wonder when the Inginuity drone bot will fly? 

Friday, 12 March 2021

Thought about the Earth

I was thinking that the Earth has three oceans. A water ocean, a Magma ocean and a metal ocean made of Iron below the surface. 

I was thinking the oceans may have little floating islands in them with beaches. Perhaps there are even thunder storms below the ground in this subterranean world and things we can't understand like exploding car sized diamonds. We may never be able to see this world because it it too hot and too pressured. 

We only know that they exist because we use the shock waves from earth quakes to get a rough picture. 

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Super Sandwich

We are sandwiched between 'wild flower' spring and true spring( 20th of March), I couldn't help but think about sandwiches. I was thinking about what would make the best sandwich with cheap ingredients for a vegetarian like myself. The 'super Sandwich'.

I thought to myself that peanut butter only seems to taste good in white bread, also I prefer salty and spicy food in the colder months, fatty and salad based sandwiches taste better in summer months. Is it just me that is like that or does other people's taste change with the weather? In my view there should be two super sandwiches, the summer super sandwich and the winter super Sandwich. 

The winter Super sandwich would have Jalapenos, Black Olives, Mayo mixed with Salt, chopped raw Onions. Cheese is quite salty but I am trying to give up dairy products. The winter  super sandwich would be made with brown bread. 

The summer super sandwich would be made with white bread, chopped raw onions, full fat mayo, finely chopped tomatoes, different lettuces, cucumber, something like that. 

I'm not sure what would make the best sandwich but you can't go wrong with finely chopped onions, cheap and sweet. 

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

⅓ of March

We are already one third the way through march at a period of time where wild flower spring meets true spring. The equinox is on the 20th of March 2021 and we seem to be bringing the Pandemic under control, kids have returned to school and the weather is improving. We are preparing to fill out the census. 

Royal scandal is the theme at the moment. Members of the royal family have been accused of being racist. Meghan Markle the Dutches of Sussex has suffered depression from all the media abuse and stress received. I can't help but think it has nothing to do with the Queen, she comes across as a selfless and kind public servant and head of State. Many people like myself see her as a kind of 3rd grandmother. The debate has spilled out into other media. Piers Morgan walked out of his Job as the Good morning Britain Presenter over the issue. The show received many complaints about his point of view. 

The favourite newspaper for me is and BBC news app.  They don't rely on the dark side of human nature to sell anything. All their funding is from the public sector. I was reading through the NASA web site on my phone last night, there are many missions that are still ongoing that I had forgotten about like the Hubble space telescope and Juno Jupiter orbiter. I was reading about the Perseverance Mars rover, they have driven it 6 meters to test the drive system and have unstowed the robotic arm. Apparently they have also taken over 7,000 pictures with the most powerful cameras to ever operate on Mars. The blog also states that the Rover has a ground penetrating radar system to look below the surface for things of interest. It will be interesting to see what they discover. I wonder what has happened to the drone probe called ingenuity? The page doesn't say it has flown, I'm not even sure it has detached from the Rover yet. I guess these things take time. 

Monday, 8 March 2021

Meghan Markle Interview

I haven't seen the whole Meghan Markle Interview but I am curious because I look up to the Queen a lot. I see the queen as a 3rd Grandmother in my life. I watch the queen's speech at Christmas and admire the way the Queen is always orderly and genuinely seems to care about the community. 

I feel pity for racism that they may be dealing with. My Brother's wife is black and his 4 children are all half white and half black and I have no problem with the pigment of their skin. I am a white man but I don't like being called white because I see A4 paper as white, compared to a sheet of A4 paper I am more of a beige colour. The other reason I don't like being called white is because I am a unique person and don't belong in a category or box. I am Alan first and everything else second. 

I think that most people that are reading this have never met me, yet I am closer to you now than the air you are breathing because my thoughts are merging together with your thoughts in your head for a short while. Right now I am thinking what Prestige Alan would do if the media zoomed in on him. Prestige Alan doesn't exist but I think he would be a lot like 90s Alan, he is so accustomed to being transparent and a misfit that he refuses to have any kind of opinion about anything and is very stubborn, he would just turn everything into a joke, just to be difficult. He has no political polarity, no opinion about anyone, no agenda, nothing! He would say "I don't know much" , "I don't have the answers". Then he would think to himself that 'millennium Alan' had all the answers but no one wanted to know, now Prestige Alan has nothing to say that is useful. When they get angry or frustrated with Prestige Alan, he would laugh at them because they didn't care about Millennium Alan. No one would like Prestige Alan, he would be asked a serious question and would just break into song and laugh and be a silly clown. 

Sunday, 7 March 2021

Dark Day

Jacob, my son. 
You were born in the middle of Spring, in the middle of the month, in the middle of the day, in the middle of Buckinghamshire and given a middle name that means to be polite. 

You're nearly two now and you are talking more and more every day. You can say the whole alphabet and all the iconic animal's names. You call me Daddy. You say "Hello Daddy". You are doing very well my son. 

If I am killed by disease or hazard before you get to know me, I want you to know that I don't drink alcohol very much, only one small glass of whiskey on my birthday and Christmas. Although my dream man cave has a bar, it is an arcade bar. You see, arcade bars are different from normal bars, they served softdrinks and coffee to all the kids so they could stay in the arcade for longer. I was a kid in the 90s so it was something I was familiar with.  That is why I want to build a bar in my home, it is an arcade bar for drinking coffee or cream soda, things like that. 

Saturday, 6 March 2021

Mars Probe Family

At the end of February 2021, a family of 3 robot probes arrived at the planet Mars. An orbiter called 'Reconnaissance', a Rover called 'Perseverance', and a drone called 'Inginuity'. The three Robots will work together to try to find life or proof that there was life on Mars in the past. 
I visit the website quite often to see what the probes have discovered. From what I read on the web site, the drone is using off the shelf lithium ion batteries and they are being charged up by the rover but it also has its own solar panels. They say it will take a long time to charge the batteries because a lot of power is used to stop the temperature going too low, if the temperature goes below a certain level, the electrical components get damaged. 

If the 'Inginuity' drone probe manages to fly, it will be the first time a machine flew on the planet. Mars' atmosphere is very thin because the solar wind from the sun striped it away so it is very hard to fly on Mars. 

It will be interesting to see what the probes discover. 

Friday, 5 March 2021

Spanish class gaming

If I am worried about wasting time when I am playing computer games, I ask my smart Speaker to play my language class audio. That way I am doing three things at the same time. I'm trying to enjoy life, getting rid of stress and learning Spanish. The same audio is on my phone so I can play it while I am playing card games.
I am starting to build up my man cave I call the "happy zone". It starts out with a few retro flash back consoles. Then a small bar with consoles that shares the space of a sitting room, then it will eventually  be in a room all on its own with the modern games consoles. Then VR walking pods for playing golf in virtual reality. Then there will be a pool table and foot ball table and arcade machines. This is a dream that is achievable. I just have to do it bit by bit. Just need to set more goals. 

Thursday, 4 March 2021

SpaceX Starship

Americans are currently trying to privatise space exploration so they can bring down some of the costs. One company that has taken the challenge is SpaceX.  They made a heavy duty rocket called 'Starship' and tested it a few days ago. 

It landed then exploded. Quite a lot of the prototypes seem to do that, they fall over or just explode for no obvious reason. I wonder how the NASA Astronauts feel about going into space on these privately made space rockets. After seeing them blow up I would feel quite worried myself. 

Privatisation doesn't always work. In the 90s us Brits privatised the railways, I consider them to be very bad value for money. If I wanted to go from High Wycombe to Newcastle I would need to buy tickets for 3 different train operators so I would be ripped off. Also there is no competition between the train operators so they don't have much pressure to improve their service, to cut a long story short I would say that privatisation has ruined British rail. The price I would pay just to go to the next county is the same price it costs to go all the way across Germany and Germany is much bigger than the UK. Plus the trains would be quicker and more reliable. 

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Liesure Fluid

The most dominant thought in my head is trying to understand why I am conscious and what my purpose is, but the second thought is what I want to do. 

I dream of creating the "Happy Zone". It is a mancave /liesure room that grows like a tree. It starts small then grows over time. At the moment the "Happy Zone" fits inside a shoe box. It is a mini flashback Mega drive games console and a portable gaming device. The mega drive comes with 40 built in games from the 90s and 2 bonus games that were never on sega, Tetris and Darious. I love playing Tetris, I love playing Card games and golf games and games where you build and manage things like 'Roller Coaster Tycoon'. 

The next step would be to build bar in my home, most likely in the sitting room. The bar would have ordinary shelves that are dressed up as bar shelves(novelty lighting and bottles of fruit consentrate). There would be a very small TV screens for the flashback consoles. They work better on smaller screens because we never had many pixels in the 90s. There would be a coffee machine on the bar table for making hot drinks like tea and coffee. On the shelves would be the games consoles from the 90s with games on them that were all about fun. 

Eventually the Happy Zone would take up a whole room with a pool table and things like that. 

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

March Thoughts

I was thinking about Easter for a bit and realized that Passover and Easter will both be on the first weekend of April this year. They can Passover the Easter egg. My jokes are so dry! I was also thinking about how quickly time is passing by, it felt like last week that the president was being inaugurated. 

Next year, Easter will be on my son's birthday. He was born in the Easter zone so from time to time his birthday will be on Easter or close to Easter. 

I was wondering if the Sega 'game gear' from the 90s would have been more successful if 'lithium ion' batteries had been perfected in the 90s instead of the following decade. I see rechargeable lithium 'double a' batteries in the shops that can store 2 & ½ thousand milliamps. The game gear took 6 'double a' batteries and would run out of power in just a few hours, I'm sure if today's batteries were used it would last all day. Would that be a game changer?  I will never know.  Perhaps there would be a Game gear 2 and 3 or something like that. 

I was also wondering if the helicopter thing attached to the 'perseverance' space probe has taken off yet. I will have a look later. Mars is a dead and dry planet, a bit like my jokes. 

Monday, 1 March 2021

What February 2021 means to me

It is March now, the month that brings the start of Spring. I am already seeing daisy flowers in the grass so by my own definition it is spring already. In about three weeks it will be officially Spring and the clocks will go forward 1 hour I think. 

It was in February that I observed civil unrest in India and Mayanmar. In India it was because the farmers were unhappy with privatisation of the food market, they wanted to continue to sell their produce to the government at a fixed lower price, they were unprepared for the changes taking place. In Mayanmar, the people were very angry that the military took control of the country and arrested the elected government. When everyone is sick and broke the bad guys win I think, it is like history is repeating itself. The bad guys present themselves as the problem solvers. 

On the 18th of February the Mars probe called 'Perseverance' landed on the surface of the planet. They sent it there to look for life or evidence of life in the past. The planet looks dry cold and dead to me but I know very little. The probe has a helicopter companion that will try to fly in the planet's atmosphere to monitor the terrain from above. 

In my little world I was lost in thought, I was filled with thousands of questions and my mind was questioning the workings of light, materials and the meaning of life itself. I was also imagining my dreams of having a man cave to play in and workshop to build experiments. I call the destination of my desire the 'Happy Zone' because the thought of it makes me happy and it is what I do that makes me happy, not materialistic things like money and prestige. I am happy because of Gratitude to God and my hobbies. 

We spent the whole of February in Lockdown and I was very tense. I feel like I'm not in control of what is happening all around me. I keep my chin up for Spring. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...