Thursday, 25 March 2021

Thoughts about March

It is the last bit of March and I am observing with clarity that the Suez canal in Egypt has been blocked by a huge cargo ship that was blown sideways and wedged into the canal banks; goods flowing from east to west and west to east have been blocked. The cause of the incident was a very strong gust of wind. The implications for the obstruction are very grim. It hasn't sunk into people's consciousness yet because there is so many other things going on but I would say it is something to be very worried about. 
I am also observing that language effects the way I think. The word Spring for the season and the metal Spring are spelt and sound the same. The Helix shape of a spring causes me to think about DNA. When I think of DNA I think of RNA and all the machinery inside the cell that manipulates it, the nano protein machines; that causes me to realise that they exist deliberately because of conscious thought because they are so complicated and precise. Then I think of the number 4 because each genetic marker has one of 4 values. Then I realized that Easter is on the 4th of April this year and it overlaps with Passover. My Brain searches for links and connections and patterns because that is what it does. 

Passover is the celebration of libration from slavery in Egypt, Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of the Messiah, he was taken to Egypt to escape an infant genocide. Egypt, Israel and the Arabian peninsula are the true center of the world, the place where Europe, Africa and Asia all converge. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...