Monday, 1 March 2021

What February 2021 means to me

It is March now, the month that brings the start of Spring. I am already seeing daisy flowers in the grass so by my own definition it is spring already. In about three weeks it will be officially Spring and the clocks will go forward 1 hour I think. 

It was in February that I observed civil unrest in India and Mayanmar. In India it was because the farmers were unhappy with privatisation of the food market, they wanted to continue to sell their produce to the government at a fixed lower price, they were unprepared for the changes taking place. In Mayanmar, the people were very angry that the military took control of the country and arrested the elected government. When everyone is sick and broke the bad guys win I think, it is like history is repeating itself. The bad guys present themselves as the problem solvers. 

On the 18th of February the Mars probe called 'Perseverance' landed on the surface of the planet. They sent it there to look for life or evidence of life in the past. The planet looks dry cold and dead to me but I know very little. The probe has a helicopter companion that will try to fly in the planet's atmosphere to monitor the terrain from above. 

In my little world I was lost in thought, I was filled with thousands of questions and my mind was questioning the workings of light, materials and the meaning of life itself. I was also imagining my dreams of having a man cave to play in and workshop to build experiments. I call the destination of my desire the 'Happy Zone' because the thought of it makes me happy and it is what I do that makes me happy, not materialistic things like money and prestige. I am happy because of Gratitude to God and my hobbies. 

We spent the whole of February in Lockdown and I was very tense. I feel like I'm not in control of what is happening all around me. I keep my chin up for Spring. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...