Sunday, 21 March 2021

Spring and DNA

It is true Spring now. I think of metal springs when I think of Spring, this is because they are both spelt the same. When I think of Springs, I think of DNA because they both have a helix shape. Then I try to imagine how the nano protein machines that read the DNA work but I fail. I know roughly what they do though. I know that a nano protein machine pulls the DNA strand in half down the middle like zip, then a nano protein machine reads one side of the DNA molecule. The DNA reading machine makes a mirror of the DNA called RNA. The RNA strand resembles the half of the DNA except the Thymine Molecules are replaced with Uracil. 
Uracil doesn't work with DNA and Thymine doesn't work with RNA, I don't know why. That is another question I will leave for Aged Alan to answer. I imagined that one chromosome of DNA contains thousands of Gene sequences so every time it is read, it rains RNA strands inside the cell from the middle outwards in all directions. The RNA strands are instructions that tell other protein machines what to do, like how to make more protein machines out of Amino acids or what speed to run at and how to make cell membranes, things like that. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...