Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Horizon and three

Recently, I learned that some of the postmasters that were affected by the horizon accountancy software glitch were not falsely prosecuted by the state owned post office because they paid the balance with their own income. Some of them closed themselves down because they were losing too much of their salary. Others refuse to pay the discrepancy and we're charged with fraud. It is sad to think about it. Try to think about food instead. 
All wheat based cereals have a very slight natural sweet taste and milk also has a sweet taste. I don't need to add sugar to it. Why sugar coat it, keep it simple. Keep life simple is the theme here. I try to divide everything up into 3 equal parts so they are smaller tasks. 

The Alan-moment is 20 minutes, one third of an hour. I try to get all my food preparation or cooking done in that space of time. Then the remaining 40 minutes I use to eat the food. 

The Alan-week is 10 days, one third of a month (roughly). The last week is sometimes 10 days and sometimes 11 or 8. 

I try not to think too much because there are endless ways for life to go wrong and thinking about them cause stress. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...