Thursday, 30 December 2021

Unfolding outcome

It is the last bit of 2021, we are a day away from the new year. The theme this month is the unfolding of the new space telescope called 'James Webb'.  We also received the verdict for the Ghislaine Maxwell Sex trafficking court trial, she was found guilty by the Jury. They had access to all the facts so I will accept their verdict. Televised court proceedings is very much the theme for 2021. 

No doubt people will have their minds set on improving their diet for 2022. I wouldn't be much help to them, I used to swallow the olive seed whole to get extra fiber, not sure it would work with an Avocado though, unless you wanted to turn your bum into a cannon. Someone said I should be a dietitian once, I don't think so 🧐.  

I lot of stuff is happening. It turns out the new Omicron variant of Covid19 is very mild, it is more like a flu than a pneumonia. I try to stay optimistic. 

Three Golf games

From time to time I will watch people play golf in virtual reality. There are 3 virtual reality golf games that I think are very nice. 

Golf + with Top golf  vid

Walkabout mini Golf vid

Golf 5 vid

When I eventually get my Occulus quest VR headset, I will get all three of those games first. There are other golf games on Occulus that have other quirks like realistic graphics and things like that. Those three will come first because I have been watching other people play them. 

The main quirks of playing golf in virtual reality is you can teleport to the ball. The weather is always good and you can play with your friends where ever they are in the world. Plus it costs nothing once you have purchased the game. 

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Last Bit of December

It is the last bit of December, the last bit of 2021; the second half of the Pandemic. The world bought itself a new space telescope called 'James Webb'. It is more powerful than the Hubble one but it is heading out for deep space in a place that is out of reach for repair crews, it has to work well from day one. They want to look further back in time and see stars that existed billions of years ago. I also think they want to see exo planets directly. I will keep an eye on the NASA blogs and see what they have discovered. Is one of my favourite sites. 
I can never get my head around any creation story in this world, they all seem hard to believe, both the scientific ones and the religious ones. 

What water was earmarked to fall as snow is falling as rain. There has been hardly any frost in the mornings. It is dark and damp and we are all dancing with inflation, we keep our chin up and stay hopeful that things will improve, at least the air is fresh, that is something to smile about. 

I am hopeful that my son will be happy in the 20s. That is all that matters now. I just want Jacob to be happy and make good friends and have many happy memories. Soon I will be able to have extended conversations with him and learn more about what he thinks. I will listen as much as possible. 

I watch videos of people playing golf in virtual reality and imagine doing the same in the near future. That is what I am like, I'm just a big kid. I remember happy times when I used to play roller coaster Tycoon on my desktop computer. I love playing games where you build things or try solve a puzzle. 

Be Happy. 

Sunday, 26 December 2021

Telescope for Christmas

It was during Christmas 2021 that NASA had launched the James Webb Telescope in Space. The Telescope is a lot bigger than the Hubble Telescope and it can sample a bigger part of the spectrum. 

This Telescope will unfold when it is very far from Earth, about half way between the Earth and the moon. It can't be fixed by astronauts if it stops working because it will be outside the Earth's magnetic field so there is nothing to shield the astronauts from solar flare particles and radiation. When people went to the moon in the 70s, they didn't know about the danger of deep space radiation and the vital protection of the Earth's magnetic field; they didn't know they could have died in less than an hour if they were hit by a solar flare.

The reason they want to put a another telepscope in space is because the Earth's atmosphere blocks many parts of the light spectrum so we can't see most of the infra red light and ultra violet light from distant stars and galaxies. 

I wonder what they will see. 

Friday, 24 December 2021

Merry Christmas

It is Christmas now, about 8 hours from now I will have my Christmas drink and reflect on the life of Jesus Christ.  There is a Christmas for everyone.
You don't have to be a Christian to celebrate Christmas because it is about cheering yourself up when the days are the coldest and darkest. 

Jesus wasn't killed by Jews, He was killed by Roman soldiers and it was his mission to be killed and resurrected after 3 days so it doesn't matter who killed him. Jesus was a Jew himself. That is the sign of Jonah, to die for 3 days and then to be restored. 
One thing I often wonder is if previous angelic encounters in the Bible were a pre-carnate Jesus, Jesus before he was born as a man. Isaac's son Jacob was wrestling with an angel because he thought it was his estranged brother that had come to kill him. Perhaps that angel was actually Jesus. I don't know. 
Perhaps one of the angels that told 'Lot' to flee Sodom was Jesus, I may never know. 
The question is there. Perhaps Jesus walks amoungst us and talks to us to see what we would do. 

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Christmas Egg

A few days ago, some guys discovered a fossilized Dinosaur egg with the 'chick' still inside preparing to hatch. I don't know how the creature died but they claimed the creature was in a posture that birds make when they are about to hatch from an egg. It won't be shelling out this Christmas, dry joke.  I forgot what the species of dinosaur it was. After all those millions of years it was waiting to hatch but will never be able to, it will just sit there in a display cupboard somewhere. 

I was thinking that one day the sun will become bloated and drag down the earth, the Earth will tumble into bloated Sun and no longer exist. There will be a time when the Earth doesn't exist; Everything we do now will be for nothing because our world will be no more. There will just be a dying bloated Sun and very little proof the Earth was ever there. 

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Christmas Playlist top 5

These are my top 5 favourite Christmas music tracks for Christmas 2021. 

1) Felis Navidad (José Feliciano) 
2) Stay Another Day (East 17) 
3) Mistletoe and Wine (Cliff Richard) 
4) Mary's Boy Child( Boney M) 
5) From a distance/Christmas version (Bette Middler) 

I also like the Michael Bublé version of Feliz Navidad. The louder they are, the better they sound.
I think most people drink wine at Christmas because brandy is actually wine that has been boiled to remove some of the water and make the alcohol content stronger. 

Darkest Day

Today is the shortest day of the year or the longest day of the year depending on what side of the equator you are on. If you live near the equator, you probably won't notice anything. For me living on the north side of the earth it is the shortest day and longest night. Every day until the 21st of June will get longer. I think that is what Christmas was originally about. The 25th of December is the earliest time when ancient people could tell the days were getting longer so they realised the worst was over. 

The coldness and darkness can really mess with your head so we need a party to cheer ourselves up. I just window shop online stores and look at the products and look forward to my Christmas Drink. I still haven't decided whether I will drink a whiskey or Taquilla. Christmas is for everyone, the Christians are celebrating a belated birthday of Jesus, the Pagans are celebrating the winter solstice. The atheists are just cheering themselves up. Everyone else on this side of the planet is just celebrating because it is cold and dark and we don't want to be miserable. If you're an Emo than this weather must be perfect for you, dark and gloomy. 

I don't even want to think right now. I just want to chill out and think nothing for a short time. Just think about reading and watching interesting things for a while. 

Sunday, 19 December 2021

Christmas Week

I was thinking a good way to use empty Amazon boxes would be to put an old broken appliance you don't want anymore in them and leave them on your door step for porch pirates to take away.. "Shiver mi broken printer mi hearties" 😂. If you stacked 4 or 5 of them up then it would get their attention. 

I was thinking about Omicron a bit, I have the impression from the South African medical experts that it is very mild, the virus spreads very quickly but it is less harmful than the Delta Strain. It is a mild nuisance and not much of a killer. I think the many leaders around the world are responding too much and making too many restrictions. 

I had quite a few random thoughts, I was debating in my head whether I should drink whiskey or Taquilla for my Christmas drink. I only drink alcohol twice a year. On my birthday in the middle of Summer and on Christmas in the middle of winter. The rest of the time I drink water and black coffee with no sugar.  

Friday, 17 December 2021

Christmas for everyone

There is a Christmas for everyone. Christmas was originally a party that Europeans would throw every year to cope with the cold dark winter days. They knew that the days were starting to get longer again on the 25th of December. The week before that, they days were getting shorter and nights were getting longer. It wasn't called Christmas in those days. Later on, the Christians decided to celebrate Jesus's birthday on the pagan festival, they renamed it Christmas. Christmas is about cheering yourself up when it is a cold and dark time of the year and if you want to have a belated celebration of Jesus' birthday than that is fine. I think he was actually born in spring. 

Christmas right now is like if Santa Claus flew down a large chimney and ended up in a nuclear reactor of a power station and said "Ho ho no no no". Then they get him out and he doesn't feel like delivering presents, they would say what has got in to you? He would say "Uranium 235". 
We are in the tail end of a Pandemic and dancing with inflation. Perhaps my Christmas drink this year should be a Taquilla. I really need some cheering up. 🍹🎅

Thursday, 16 December 2021

Captain Boring

I tried out the Oculus Quest version 1 and a few other Virtual reality headsets not too long ago and was drawn to the Golf games. I must be very boring to most people. I wasn't interested in dancing with a robot and I don't want to have a boxing match with cyborg zombies on a distant moon Scape, I don't want to explore a scary house. I just want to play golf in virtual reality. People will ask me in the future why I have 10 golf games on my virtual reality headset and little else. I would say, one of them allows a panel to slide out and play neflix while you play golf. The other is adventure golf. I would say to cut a long story short, they are all different and have different quirks. They would then say, why don't you want to ride a roller coaster? I would say I am happy with the golf for now. The weather in VR golf is always nice, you can teleport to where the ball is straight away and the golf course is always available on tap.

Now the Oculus Quest 2 is available for £300. It would be nice if it comes with a walker thing, if my Facebook-ologist is reading this, could you plug an add for VR walking accessories or something like that? thanks. I would love to have a VR headset and walk on some kind of treadmill thing so I can walk freely in VR. I could use the teleport to ball function when I am tired and don't feel like walking. It would be nice to play golf and walk on the golf course in VR. 

Happy thoughts. 

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Mid December

We are in the middle of December, A few weeks away from 2022. 

Google recently released Android 12. They didn't name it after a sweet food this time. The menus have a slight smooth animation and inherit the theme of the system; Android is more like Apple iPhone. I also think you have more control of the hardware on the phone. I think most of the improvements are invisible. The system uses the phones memory and micro processor more efficiently. I think it also runs apps better. Unfortunately I can't get android 12 with my current phone; it doesn't have enough storage memory. 

I am at a stage where I talk to machines every day. I talk to a smart speaker, I ask it to tell me the news and things like that or to turn things on. 

I think Omicron strain of Covid19 is mild compared to the other variants, it spreads more quickly but causes less harm. I thought to myself that it may act like a natural vaccine, like when people didn't get sick with small pox if they already caught cow pox. Who knows? It is our first winter with the Delta and Omicron strains. They both spread very quickly. Even flu does a lot of damage in winter. 

I keep my chin up for this Christmas. Last Christmas we were in lockdown and the previous Christmas we were caught up in a snap election with endless rain. I called the 2019 Christmas the damp political Christmas and Christmas 2020, the lockdown Christmas. Every Christmas I have my Christmas drink and forget about the long dark nights. 

Sci-Fi moon thought

One thing I often think about is if we could terraform the moon, make it like the Earth. At first it sounds silly, the moon is small and has almost no atmosphere. But then there is Titan, the Largest Moon of Saturn. It is a bit bigger than our moon but it has a very thick atmosphere, thicker than the Earth's. 

Titan sits inside Saturn's magnetic field so it is protected from the Sun's solar wind; high speed particles that strip away gass molecules. If the Earth's magnetic field stopped, the Earth would resemble the moon because the Sun's solar wind particles would strip away the atmosphere, then the ocean would boil at low temperatures like 10°c and the water vapour would also be stripped away by the Sun's solar wind. All that would be left is dry rocks and sand. They would be bleached by all the radiation and turn a charcoal grey colour. 

I often wonder if there was a way to cause the solar wind particles to crash into the moon instead of shooting over the surface and knocking off gass molecules. Perhaps the solar wind could become part of the moon's atmosphere. If the moon had protection from the high speed particles, it would grow an atmosphere very quickly because the gravity is very weak so the atmosphere would spread out more. Here on earth most of the atmosphere is crushed down close to the surface. The atmosphere of the moon would cause more meteors to colide with it because the bloated atmosphere would reach out very far above the surface like a giant fishing net. I'm not saying my thought is right, but it is just a thought. 

Just a harmless thought to keep my mind in a happy place. 🙂

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Calm Down Britain

My fellow Brits are looking for Sleaze and Omicron's danger info.  

Recently Sleazy reports about government staff has been leaking out, it started with Dominic commings the government adviser that broke the lockdown rules and took his son to a relative's house during lockdown. Then we had the health secretary cheating on his wife in the office, he was doing the opposite the social distancing. Later we found out that an MP was lobbying for a company while he was in office and working for the company as director at the same time. The latest is a Christmas party when gatherings were banned.  Many Brits that I know of are frothing like an angry kettle, they are looking eagerly for a Sleaze report to emerge. 
As far as I know, the Omicron strain of Covid19 is mild, it spreads more quickly but causes less harm, perhaps it could act like a natural vaccine, like when people caught cow pox and didn't get sick with small pox. Who knows? The South Africans seem optimistic about it, they have less old people and it is summer over there, it is winter here, shorter days with less UV radiation from the Sun to kill virus particles. 

I wonder what will happen now.

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Omicron and Sleaze

Right now, a topic that is very relevant is Hypocrisy, Sleaze and Omicron. We have been carefully observing the Omicron variant of Covid19 and have learnt that it is quicker than the Delata one. We have also learned that the vaccines still work on it. We don't know if Omicron is more deadly than Delta but we think it will be the dominant strain of Covid19 in the UK very soon. It is our first winter with both variants so it could be very challenging, we don't know. I don't look at viruses as evil things, I know that other viruses kill microbes that produce toxic chemicals; Those viruses are helping us to live. All viruses that I know of can't move, they are transmitted by the infected person. Once they have been ejected from our body, they just drift in the air and water like bits of dust.   

It was while we were learning about Omicron that we learned that the Government was accused of breaking their own lock down rules. They were accused of throwing a Christmas party when mixing in large groups was banned. The only evidence I saw was the Prime Minister (President) Boris Johnson having a Zoom video call with two colleagues that he works with every day, I was not convinced he was breaking his own rules. Some government staff from both parties were caught breaking the rules earlier in the year, all I will say is they were having escapades in their office and they were married. 
I can see why some people were angry, some people were fined thousands of £s for hosting Christmas parties. Others were treated like a nuisance and spend a short time in reprimand. Those people would definitely be watching the outcome of the investigation and feeling angry. 

The Brits are looking for more proof of Sleaze, will they find it? I don't know. 

Friday, 10 December 2021

Coffee Day

Jacob, My Son. 
You were born in Spring 2019, the theme at the time was the Brexit Deadlock. For 4 years after  Britain voted to leave the EU, Parliament couldn't decide how they will exit the European Union, some politicians wanted a clean break, others wanted us to stay in the common market, some politicians wanted us to cancel Brexit. Others wanted a trade deal before leaving. Every time 'Therasa May' got an exit deal from the EU, it was rejected in parliament. When you were born, she thought she wasn't making progress and quit soon after. 

In your first summer, Boris Johnson took over as Prime Minister (President) of the UK. He got a deal and fired all the MPs in his party that didn't accept it and appointed new Candidates that did accept it. Then he talked parliament into having a snap election in Christmas. In Christmas 2019 everyone in the country knew that all the Conservative candidates would accept the exit deal so the 'Conservative' Party won most of the seats in Parliament. In the start of 2020 there was a Corona virus outbreak in China, they called it Covid19. By Spring 2020 it had become a Pandemic infection. Despite the world being sick, Parliament signed the exit deal and the UK was no longer a part of the EU trading block. 

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

5 Strange Years

In 2016 a lot of strange things were happening, firstly many celebrities started dying; George Michael, David Bowie, David Guest and Prince to name a few. Then we had a referendum in the UK to choose if we leave the EU. The United Kingdom as a whole voted to leave. Later that year, Donald Trump was elected in America, he was also against trading blocks, political unions, and soft borders.  

I got Married in November 2016. 

For five years the UK couldn't decide how they will leave, some leaders wanted a second referendum. Others wanted to cancel Brexit, some wanted us to be part of the common market and leave the political union, some of them wanted a clean break with a follow up deal later. Parliament was pulling itself in different directions for 4 years. It got particularly bad in 2019, they were rejecting all the exit deals and amendments and no party had full control of the house of commons. The Conservatives were in a coalition with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) to keep control of Parliament, a big compromise in my view. Then a New group of conservative leaders stepped up with a very clear agenda and gained a majority in parliament with a snap election in Christmas 2019. 

Then a Pandemic came along and caused chaos to the whole world. Supply chains were disrupted during that time and many people couldn't work or trade. Inflation and civil unrest became the norm during that time. Many people were killed by the virus itself. 

What will happen now? I don't know. 

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Nearest Star

The Wikipedia online encyclopedia is my favourite website at the moment. It is a free to use service, I think they should try and sell merchandise to keep their funding secure. I have learnt a lot from it over the years. I was reading about the 'Alpha Centauri' star system. They are 3 stars that are all orbiting their common center of gravity, they are the closest stars to us, they are like a family. The Alpha Centauri star that is closest to us is called 'Proxima Centauri'. The two Centauri stars that are further away 'Centauri A' and 'Centauri B' are much bigger than Proxima Centauri. 

Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star and the star that is closest to us. It is the smallest star in the Centauri 3 star system. It is so dim that you need a telepscope to see it, even though it is the nearest star to us. 

When I read things like that, I get many thoughts in my head. If a star is so dim that a planet has to be  tidally locked to have a warm climate then what about planets that are much better a trapping heat. What would a Venus like planet be like orbiting Proxima? I thought that if a planet can trap more heat than it realeases then it could still be further away. 

What do you think of Proxima Centauri and it's two companion stars? This is the article... Proxima Centauri

Saturday, 4 December 2021

Virus Irony

I thought it is ironic that viruses help us to breathe and keep us alive yet they kill us. Viruses kill most of the bacteria in the ocean that produce toxic gases like Ammonia and Methane. If all the viruses magically disappeared, the air would very quickly become toxic and breathing would be impossible. 

It is also ironic that the Covid19 virus can't move, breathe, or consume anything yet it spread to every part of the earth. It doesn't even have DNA, it uses RNA. RNA is like one unzipped half of the DNA molecule and uses the same code except the Thymine is replaced by Uracil, not sure why though. Our cells make RNA when it reads the DNA. The Covid19 virus is just RNA code. 
Covid19 viruses can't move, they are only alive when they are inside the cell so all the movement is done by the infected person. It is spread by our bodies and can't move, when the sun shines, the UV rays destroys most of the virus particles in the air so it spreads better in the winter when the days are shorter.
The virus particles can't even get into the cells on their own. The ends of their spike proteins look like sugar molecules so the cell pulls the virus in because it thinks it is sugar. 

Friday, 3 December 2021

Sugar Pretender

The simplest life form on Earth has brought so much chaos to our lives. Covid19 is even simple compared to other viruses, it is coded with RNA and not DNA. RNA is like a DNA molecule that has been pulled in half. It is a representation of one side of a DNA molecule. It is a fiber with instructions. 
I was wondering what the cell thinks the spike protein is on a Corona virus, I recently learned that the tip of the spike on Covid19 resembles sugar. The virus gets pulled into the cell because the cell thinks it is sugar. The Covid19 virus pretends to be sugar. 

Thursday, 2 December 2021

The Pizza meal

A common thing that happens in this time period is pizza restaurants will post paper brochures of their meal offers through the door. 

I know that I can get change from a fiver for supermarket pizzas but I love to look at the offers anyway. They make the product look so good and appealing. Pizzas are full of salt and I love salty food when it is cold. I also like spicy food. I like pizzas with black olives and jalapenos. They come with sides and a drink. That is what I love, to watch a film on TV and each junk food.

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

What November 2021 means to me

I will remember November as the month when there were several high profile court cases and when Barbados removed the British Queen as head of state to became a Republic. It was also the time when we became aware of the Omicron variant of Covid19. 
There was several high profile court cases this month, the two that stood out were Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking charge and Kyle Rittenhouse gun murder trial. He was acquitted based on a self defence plea that was proven true according to the jury. I was in two minds about the verdict, I thought those two men didn't need to die, they didn't even have guns, however the video footage clearly shows him being attacked and then firing his gun. He made me feel old, while I was shocked by the 9 11 attacks and worried about the millennium bug, Kyle Rittenhouse was just and egg sitting in this mum's torso waiting to exist. Young people think they know everything and they don't, he probably thinks the police force are infallible and weapons can solve problems in the right hands and things like that, a one sided mind of a young man. 

The island nation of Barbados declared themselves a republic after they removed the British Queen as head of state, I understand they are still part of the commonwealth and we will be friends with the nation. I wish them all happy peaceful lives and good times. 

A new variant of Covid19 was detected and alarmed everyone because the spike protein on the virus mutated so it was more difficult for antibody proteins to latch onto it, so the current vaccines may not be very effective, we don't know just yet. They gave it the name Omicron, Covid19 - Omicron. 

December looked grim for family leisure this year so we tried to go on many day trips while we had time off from work. My thoughts were normal, trying to think of ways to make my family's life a bit better and simplify life. 

I keep my chin up for December and 2022. 

Sunday, 28 November 2021

Last bit of November

It is the last bit of November, the word at the dinner table at the moment is Omicron variant. The theme this month is gun related court and a sick winter. 
 A new variant of Covid19 has emerged from South Africa, they are calling it the Omicron variant. We don't know very much about it, only that it spreads very fast and the spike protein is different so it may escape antibodies from our current vaccines. It is also winter so there is less UV light to destroy the virus particles. It is our first winter with the Delta Variant so it is very challenging at the moment. I don't know what is going to happen but I stay optimistic that it will be better than last year; I feel like there has been no normal for the last 2 years. To visit hospitality places, we need to book a 15 minute time slot, even if the venue is free entry and everything is done with caution and spacing out in mind. 

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Windy day and night

Jacob, My son. 
It is winter now, we are coming to terms with the Delta Variant and the new more dangerous variant of Covid19 virus that has just recently emerged from South Africa. 

One thing I have learnt from the Pandemic is when everyone is sick and broke, the bad guys make a move. There has been several power coups around the world and a few that are about to happen. The virus is acting like a catalyst, speeding up events that were set to happen in the future. You could say that pandemics are like triggers of a chain reactions. I'm not saying it is always like that though. 

Friday, 26 November 2021

High profile Court

I'm not a young man and I am not old, you could call me a mature adult, somewhere between youth and middle age. I'm old enough and wise enough to know it is wrong to have an instant reaction to the outcome of a high profile court case. The most recent one is the Kyle Rittenhouse case. 
When I was young I saw people mocking the elderly lady for suing McDonald's for a million dollars because she burnt herself with coffee. Later in life I learned that she didn't Sue McDonald's for a million dollars, she sued for the cost of her skin graft surgery because the drink was over 90°c and it caused third degree burns . Regulations were in place to protect people from third degree burns and the thermostat on the coffee machine was broken so it was belching out hot coffee at close to boiling point. Anyway the judge wanted to teach McDonald's a lesson so he increased the compensation charge. You see how the outcome sounds different when you know all the facts. The same is true of the OJ Simpson case, we later found out that someone already was trying to kill his wife and the gloves used when the gun was fired was too small for OJ Simpson's hands and there was countless other facts that the jury saw that wasn't public at the time. 

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Beluga Whale

Some years ago I learned that Killer whales are not whales, they are actually a giant dolphin species. I thought that same is true of Beluga whales because they look like dolphins; I was wrong. Beluga whales are whales. They grow about 5 meters long and weigh about one thousand KG. 
In my view they are the one animal that looks the most like they came out of a cartoon. They are small whales that looks like they jumped out of an animation. They are one of the few whales I know of that have swam up the river Thames and visited London city, that is not a joke, it really happened. I consider Killer whales and Beluga whales to be people, they are sentient and have complicated languages. 

Winter Thoughts

It is the end of Autumn and the start of Winter. Some significant events that stand out are HS2 and the Kyle Rittenhouse court case. 
Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty in court; Many people were criticizing the Judge and the court. The truth is the Verdict is decided by the jury not the judge. The Jury had access to all the facts so they had a better position to make a verdict than us. I saw a young man that was being condemned by the world and then spared by reasoning from the jury of a court, his breathing was that of the wind in a tree, restless and at peace, finally given relief, that huge axe of condemnation was shifted away. As more and more evidence emerged, ordinary people like myself saw that he was defending himself and trying to stop rioters from destroying his town  where he worked. He supported the protests but was concerned about rioters burning everything up. The prosecution found no evidence that he or his close family and friends were white supremacists, even when they took his phone and looked through his social media history. 

I am skeptical of the HS2 railway project in Britain. I think the £96 billion could be spent on the existing railways we already have and the trains they are building are already old technology. I would spend that money building a box around the train tracks that collects sunlight and wind energy. I would build the boxes on the railways with diesel powered trains first so they could be converted to electric trains at the same time. If they did it that way, they would be fixing three problems with the same project, we still have diesel powered trains, we need to be net zero CO2 emmiters by 2050 and our railways are too expensive to run so the commuters are paying too much. In my view, building another railway is not the answer. 

Monday, 22 November 2021

Waukesha Rampage

A few days ago, a guy called Darrell Brooks drove his car into a crowd of people killing about 5 at a Christmas parade. I think they just let the man out of prison. I'm not sure it is a reaction to the Rittenhouse acquittal. I think he had a lot of issues with society and the authorities. He seemed to hate Donald Trump a lot in rap songs that he wrote. 

Anyway, I respect all votes; I think all politicians are forced to lie to get elected because they are uncertain the cabinet would accept their proposals but they have to sound confident. I don't support any political group on this blog in this time period. I just listen. 

This whole planet is a mess, every community in the world is fragmented in some way and there is very little peace of mind for the people that live amongst them. It is only trade of goods and services that is keeping all the whole world from fighting itself. If God didn't give us reasoning to cooperate, we would have no peace at all. 

Friday, 19 November 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted

This week a young teenaged man called Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of homicide, he shot dead two men during a riot in his town. His defence was that he acted in self defence. The court room process was shown on television. I have questions myself, if it was self defence then why was he carrying a gun already? Why didn't he fire a warning shot first before he shot the two men?  The Rittenhouse debate will last a long time, perhaps as long as the OJ Simpson murder debate did. The world is grim but there is a lot to talk about at the dinner table. 

The other big topic to debate would be if Americans should ban guns. I'm in two minds about the issue; In Myanmar last spring there was a military coup, the military arrested the elected leader and took control of the country, if the same thing happened in the USA, the community would overpower the military because millions of armed Americans would attack the tyrant with their weapons. No tyrant would be able to stay in power in America because so many ordinary Americans have weapons. On the other hand, you have people shooting other people because they have a gun and they want to be the first to shoot and some people can't control their temper so they will shoot someone because of a spurt of anger. Guns make it too easy to kill I say. It is hard to tell what is right, I rarely have a strong opinion about anything. 

I think that most gun deaths in America are from suicide, if they didn't have guns they would kill themselves another way, perhaps from falling or something like that. I think humans are more likely to kill themselves than another person. There are more suicides in the world than homicides, I'm not sure it will stay that way though. 

Monday, 15 November 2021

Roku And Me

In this life there are many things that cause unhappiness, I see people sticking their phone cameras into police officer's face and telling them how to do their job, things like that. As for me, I want to focus on the things in this world that make me happy. 

I have a Bluetooth headset and a Roku smart stick on my TV. I like to use the Roku phone app to send the sound from a TV documentary on Netflix to my phone, my phone would be connected to my blue tooth headphones so I could be listening to the TV program wirelessly through my headphones. The Picture would be on the TV, and the sound would be on my headphones, and I would be doing some routine tasks and I wouldn't be disturbing anyone. 

The amazing thing is all those things doesn't use much power, my phone receives sound from the router and then sends it to the blue tooth headphones and uses less power than if I connected headphones directly through a wire. Blue tooth sound uses less power then a physical auxiliary cable. To me that is amazing. 

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Rainy Night

Jacob, My son. 
One thing I hope you can do better than me is clear your head. Sometimes if there is a problem, it will repeat over and over and over again inside my head until I get a headache and then it will continue. The best thing to do is pray and support a few hobbies. When you have something to focus on then that will definitely help; A nice little hobby to keep your mind level. Talking also helps, talk to your cousins and uncle and us. There are so many things in life that can cause stress, waiting for a result, health, things going wrong, lost items, crimes. I hope you can keep your chin up better than me when things go wrong. I already have grey hair, and I'm in my 30s. 

 I talk to a machine every day, I speak to our smart speaker, I ask the smart speaker many things like the meaning of words and what the weather is like. I ask for the news every morning to know what is going on and things like that. Sometimes I just ask it to play the radio. 

Peace my son. Peace... 

Friday, 12 November 2021

Just thoughts

The most common thought I have is what will I eat next. Then I think about death because I don't really know what happens when we die. If consciousness stops then even darkness does not exist and I would be oblivious to the flow of time. A million years could pass by and I wouldn't know. I think about God quite often. I wonder why I am in this world. 
Other times I just think of things. Just happy fluffy little things that don't quite work. Things I want to make and test. Some people have an ego that is so big that nothing will make them happy. Not me, my ego is moderate, I am happy by default. 

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Exposure of Sleaze

A common theme of this year is the exposure of  sleaze. We had cabinet leaders having extra marital escapades in their office when they were supposed to be spaced out and have some integrity to their family. We had blue chip companies that put profit before community wellbeing. There were MPs in parliament that were lobbying for companies they were working for at the same time while they were in office. Then there was the Panama Papers. I will say no more. If we have any more leaked documents, I'll have to call the plumber; I know my jokes are dry. 
It is almost as if the Pandemic is acting like a catalyst. It is speeding up events that would have taken years. People were dying before their time. There was a few military coups around the world and insiders have leaked out reports about corruption and sleaze. Everything is happening now in 2021. The world is changing so fast. 

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Happy thoughts

There is a lot of chaos all around us and life is sometimes very hard. I thought it would be a good idea if I share a thought process that helps me get through the day. The way I think gives me comfort because it displaces sad thoughts. It consumes my mind and takes away space for unhappy thoughts. 

A snapshot of a thought inside my head, a energy machine that doesn't work. 
What I do is make machines inside my head. This machine doesn't work, there is a bottleneck in the design that stops it from working, I try very hard to solve the problem but I will only really have hope if I can build a prototype. Then I dream of being free to build prototypes, I need the space, tools and time to do it. I have none of those things. I have no space, time or tools to build things like that. 

This thought process would probably fix rich people's problems as well because some of them feel hollow or bored with their success according to their auto biographies. If I was rich I would never be bored or hollow inside because I would see my wealth as a tool to do my hobbies properly. I would have a workshop where I build test rigs and experimental machines. I think some wealthy people are unhappy because they try to get joy from buying things but the real joy would be from what you do not what you have. You would get bored with a mega Yacht or a farrari eventually but you won't get bored with a hobby that you are passionate about.

Alan Thing

I would love to have something in my home that takes pennys from visitors. Here in the UK our base currency is the British Pound £. The 1p coin is one 100th of £1. The 2p coin is one 50th of £1. 
I don't know why but I like to take a pouch full of pennys and use them on self service till machines. I may have £8 worth of pennys in a pouch and have shopping that costs £10, I would then use my card to finish the balance. The self service till machine is very patient, it doesn't mind if I have hundreds of pennys; I would be putting them in one at a time then I would press the pay by card tab to finish the balance with my bank card and would pay the £2. Most self service machines can take mixed payment but not all of them. I know which shops have the machines that take mixed payments and the ones that don't. I feel satisfied when I dump a heavy mass of coins into a self service machine. 

Perhaps I can get a novelty coin pusher like the one they had in the arcades but smaller. 

It is an Alan Thing. 

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Dormant Hobbies

At the moment I only get time and space to maintain 2 hobbies, Drawing and Blogging. Drawing is possible because it doesn't take up much time and space. I merged my two active hobbies together so I bring my sketches into my blog, my drawing and blogging are one. 
Many of my sketches don't make any sense, only an old version of myself will understand the message they convey; I just leave them in plain sight. Other sketches are more clear and the message they convey is clear. 

I would love to get back into my dormant hobbies, making videos and things. I love to make things, I love to make cardboard models and test rigs but I don't have the space or the time to do them. My you tube channel has been without new content for about 6 months now. 

Friday, 5 November 2021

Welcome Luna

The newest member of our Family, Luna was born about a month ago, she had all of her hair and she seemed to look around the room early on. I pushed my limited drawing skills as far as they will go and did a pencil and pen sketch of her at one month old. 
Luna and Nathan are both Pandemic babies. They were born during the Covid19 Pandemic. My son has gained two cousins in recent months, Luna and Nathan the Pandemic pair. I don't think they would like that title though. 

Wednesday, 3 November 2021


Over the years I have realized that every part of our world is run by energy. If I write a book, the computer I write the book on is powered by electricity, the machine that prints the book is powered by electricity, if the book is electronic then the server that hosts the book is also powered by electricity. If I buy food, a vehicle had to bring the food to the shop and it had to burn fuel. Every single transaction is powered by energy. Our whole society is powered by fossil fuels. 
I watched some of the COP26 conference on TV through the internet and thought that the world leaders have the wrong idea about how to tackle climate change. It shouldn't be about investing vast amounts of money to change our energy use. It should be about finding a cheap way to do it. We need to find a cheap way to make solar panels and a cheap way to make high capacity batteries to store surplus power and release it to the grid later. 

In my view, I'm not surprised that China and Russia didn't show up, they don't want to be pressured to invest in wind farms and solar energy systems too much. There are many ordinary people like myself that want to change the world but we can't because we live ordinary lives without the means to change anything. 

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

What October 2021 Means To Me

At the start of October my extended family gained a new girl called Luna. I was very worried about my sister in law and her partner but the child birth was fine and Luna was born safely. There are now 2 Pandemic babies in our family, Nathaniel on my brother's side and Luna on my wife's side, they are spaced out by about 10 months. 

Throughout this month, a volcano on the Canary Island of 'La Palma' was continuously erupting and caused a lot of damage to the towns. I also learned that the Canary Islands isn't in the Mediterranean sea, it is in the Atlantic Ocean and is part of Africa. They are Spanish islands but they sit on the African continent. I learn something new every day. 
The elected leader of Southend town, 'David Amass' campaigned for Southend to be reclassified as a city for many years, in the middle of October on the 15th, he was assassinated by a Terrorist. As a tribute to the politician, the house of Commons in parliament asked the Queen to reclassify Southend as a city, she agreed. On June next year during the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, the Queen will declare Southend a City. Southend is the nearest coastal town to London. Last summer my son had his first day trip to the coast in Southend. The coastal town of Southend is on the Thames Estuary, the place where the sea and the river Thames converge. 

Then the leaders of the world headed for Glasgow in Scotland to make promises about when they will bring their nation's net CO2 emissions to Zero, the meeting was for this week. Lots of big promises are being made right now. Let's see what happens. 

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Windy and Rainy Day

Jacob, my Son. 
You are two years old, the thing that stands out about you in your 3rd Autumn is that you can draw a face. I am sure that I couldn't draw faces When I was 2 years old. I think I could barely draw a squiggly line. I am sure you will be more gifted than me in so many ways. 

The thing that is relevant at this time is people openly mocking our leaders. I don't like to hate them much. I think they are forced to lie when they get elected. Here in the UK, every policy and action in parliament is scrutinized by the whole cabinet and can be vetoed by the house of Lords so they can block everything they want to do. They make promises that are uncertain because if they present them as uncertain proposals they won't get elected. To simplify I would say it is a 'Catch 22' situation. Lie or die. I would say that some politicians lie more than others and some lie unnecessarily. 

I have lied many times in my life, most of the time it is because the truth doesn't make sense or is messy. I like to keep everything simple. The most common lie I say is "I'm fine". Sometimes I'm not fine, sometimes I feel pain or sadness but I don't want to dwell on how I feel so I say I'm fine. I'm not trying to deceive anyone, just doing them a favour by keeping the crappy side of life to myself. 

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Last Day of October

I was thinking that many people like mulled wine when it is winter; Wine Mulles when it is exposed to the air for too long, it tastes a bit sour, they also like cranberries which are also a bit sour. I guess I'm not all that different to other people. My taste also changes in the winter, I like salty and spicy food when it is cold. I don't really drink wine though but I can understand why they like Mulled wine in winter and sweet wine in summer. 

I hide most of my interests from other people because they wouldn't understand. I like to watch David Icke conferences on youTube but I put it in my watch later playlist (it is private) because people wouldn't understand that I don't agree with his theories, I just like to listen. They would wonder why I listen to him if I don't agree with his theory. The same is true for the ancient aliens theory, I don't agree with the ancient aliens theory, I don't think ancient civilizations were assisted by aliens, I just like to listen to their argument and think about what they are saying. I watch 'Ancient Aliens' on Netflix. 

Friday, 29 October 2021

Equinox thoughts

We have reached the time when the day and the night are the same length in my part of the world; I think the Autumn equinox was last week. This means the nights will be longer than the days and continue to do so until the 23rd of December.  So on Sunday morning the clocks will go back one hour to give people a chance to see daylight before they head off to work in the morning. This happens every year in my country. 

It was during the Autumn equinox of 2021 that Facebook rebranded itself. Some people say it is because of the exposure from a former employee and bad press they were getting. I don't have a view about Facebook myself, no one is forced to use it and it is free to use. I see it happening all the time but I don't think people need to see it that way. I never in my life imagined people complaining about a product that is free. Remember they have to make money somewhere so if some backwards people pay them to promote their message then let them I say.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Poisoned Ocean

When I was a young boy I was taught that the Amazon Rainforest is the lungs of the Earth, that most of the Oxygen we breathe comes from there. I later learned that it is not true. Most of the Oxygen we breathe comes from the Ocean, from tiny single cell life forms called Algi. 

To show a twisted courtesy, we polluted the ocean with rubbish. The ocean that is supporting our life is being treated like a waste dump. Recently I learned that my country was dumping raw sewage into the ocean because the staff couldn't be present to run the sewage treatment plants properly during the Pandemic. As a result, many creatures were killed. It is yet another creature genocide on Earth.  

I hope we can pull ourselves together and stop destroying the world. Mankind is behaving like cancer, we are causing harm to our own world. I can't do anything to help, I am helpless. I'm just an ordinary man. 

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Mid Autumn Thoughts

We are in the middle of Autumn and I was thinking about batteries. I was thinking that the biggest breakthrough we can have now is to invent the Low cost high capacity Power cell. At the moment we use Lithium in our high capacity batteries, Lithium is very rare and expensive. We need to invent high capacity Power cells that are very cheap; I imagined coal would play a role because it is made of carbon and Carbon can form many Allotropes and chemical compounds because it can form 4 strong bonds per Atom. 

I will print a picture of the person that invents the Low-cost high capacity Power cell and I will put the picture in a frame because I know that person will change the world so much. We will be able to control the flow of renewable energy into our power grids, store the excess and release it when the power is low. Also electric cars would instantly become very cheap, lower than £10,000 brand new. A simple monthly payment contract would allow most people to get electric cars. A car contact would resemble a phone contract and they would probably outlast today's cars. 

I think Saudi Arabia is investing a lot of money in science and things like that, perhaps they will have the breakthrough we are all waiting for. 

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Facebook Name Change

I recently learned that Facebook is planning to change their name to give all their products an umbrella name. I thought of some names they can use. 

• Face Newspaper
• Face the music 
• Super Book 
• Face the press
• Clever Book 
• Friend Book 🙄.  
• Zuckerberg 4,000 
• Book of Life
• Smart Book
• Communication world 

One facebook product I would like to own is the Oculus Quest 2. I would love to play golf in virtual reality, the weather is always nice there. 

I see a lot of people complain about Facebook, if you don't like it then don't use it. It is free at the point of use to use, you can follow positive things if you want. 

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Adult Toys

Part of the everyday life for an ordinary man like myself is to make a digital list for my downtime using just my Thumb. I scroll through platforms like Netflix and YouTube and add videos to playlists for later when I have time to myself. I set one of my downtime playlists to public; My interest changes over the years but at the moment it is toys for the older generation to appreciate like retro games consoles, whac a mole novelty games and limited edition tamagotchis and things like that, novelty game items. 

My public downtime playlist is... Down Time
My interest changes from month to month and sometimes I revisit interests from the past like mysteries or paradoxes and NDEs (near death experiences). 

Many young people won't appreciate the videos on there because they can't relate to the items in the videos. When I talk to the younger generation about how much progress has been made with technology, they can't really appreciate what I mean. They understand but they don't feel it the same way as if they lived it. 

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Last week of October

It is the last week of October, a few days ago the actor Alec Baldwin accidentally shot an actress dead because he thought his gun didn't contain any live rounds. He fired the gun thinking it didn't have bullets in it for a scene in a movie he was filming; Movies are too violent and dirty, they leave bad thoughts in people's heads. I feel pity for Halyna Hutchings and her family because of her death. 

Here in the UK there was more infections from the Covid19 virus. We are very concerned about new strains emerging. I think viruses work better in winter because the days are shorter so there is less UV rays from the Sun to destroy virus particles. There is also more wind and the air is cooler so viruses last longer and infect more people. We are about to spend our first winter with the Delta Variant of Covid19 so we don't know what will happen, will the community be so vaxinated that they have a block immunity to the disease or will our hospitals be overwhelmed? I don't know. I am hopeful that we will be ok, there is nothing I can do apart from wash my hands, space myself out and wear a mask. 

Thursday, 21 October 2021

New City

Last week the MP for Southend, 'David Amess' was assassinated while he was serving the community by a extremist terrorist. One thing that stood out about David was his desire for Southend to be reclassified as a City. So, the whole house of commons chamber of Parliament decided to ask the Queen to reclassify Southend as a City. The Queen agreed and will declare Southend to be a city on her platinum Jubilee celebration on June 2022. I'm not sure sure how they will go about it. Perhaps they will condense the whole district into a city, so Basildon, Canvey island, WestCliff and Southend will be one city. Perhaps it will only be Southend town centre that will be classified as a city. I don't know. I will watch and observe.  
Southend is the nearest coastal sea town to London and it is very straightforward to get there. You just go to 'West Ham' train station and take the c2c train from there. The ticket machines are in the station and the tickets are about £11 return last time I checked. It takes less than one hour for the train to get there. I think that 'West Ham' train station intersects with the Jubilee line, DLR and a few others so it is very easy to get there. I'm no stranger to Southend, I took my son there for his first day trip to the coast last summer. Southend is on the Thames estuary, the place where the river Thames meets the sea. There is something there for the whole family, it has the longest pleasure pier on earth, beach side cafés, amousement parks, adventure golf, all sorts of things. Plus there is a nice view of the Ocean. 

Let's see what happens in 2022. 

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Millenium Alan's Confusion

One thing that confused Millennium Alan was why we would need continuous Internet. The internet started of as dialup, your computer would use a modem to make a phone call to a service provider and get a brief connection and then it would download the information you need. I was happy with that. Getting internet was the same as making a phone call. You would get a little 2 minute session and then get disconnected unless you were still downloading something. 

Anyway, for some reason all the phone lines in our homes came with two physical lines so the internet companies realized that one of the spare phone lines could be used as a dedicated constant internet line. They called it Digital Subscriber Line or DSL. My first broadband internet was DSL. Then they improved the DSL service and called it Advanced DSL or ADSL. Then they brought out ADSL number 2. It was more secure and reliable. 

After years of using DSL based internet, I switched to 4g braudband, I was very happy with my 4G router. The speed was usually 20 mega bits per second. It would slow down when it is raining outside a bit but overall I really liked my 4G braudband router. I guess the next step is 5G broadband, I will get fiber optic internet speeds without the cables. I love using 4g/5g broadband. I use the internet to make phone calls, listen to the radio and watch TV. All the TV, radio and phone calls comes to me and my family through the internet. 

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Environment perspective

There are four Alan's so far New Alan, 90's Alan, Millennium Alan and Servant Alan.I am presently Servant Alan because I realized my reason to live in this world is to be a Servant, to assist the world in different ways. From spring 2019 till now I am Servant Alan. A man that has no desire for prestige but only asked what can I do for my family and the world? Or what can I learn today? Servant Alan listens more than he speaks. 

 Millenium Alan thought that Global warming is not a big Hazard because it has taken a century for the atmosphere to increase by 1°C. He believed that fossil fuels would run out or become too expensive before climate change became a big Hazard. 

Servant Alan is different, he asked what does that mean. Chain reactions can happen, frozen methane at the bottom of the ocean could evaporate and bubble to the surface, ice floating in the sea could melt and reflect less heat back into space causing a chain reaction. I now realize that a Global Famine is definitely going to happen and would likely wipe out at least one third of all people on Earth. The ocean water will become acidic and bitter. We have all seen what a 1°C increase in heat can do, we watched record temperatures, wildernesses burning up and draught. We saw lots of super hurricanes like 'Catrina'. Much of our Earth was either flooded or dry. Perhaps by 2050 it will be 2°c.

Now I ask what can I do? I don't know. 

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Cool Night

Jacob, my son.
It is your 3rd Autumn in this world and a lot has happened already. A Volcano on the Canary Island of La Palma has been erupting lava continuously, a member of Parliament representing the community of Southend was assassinated, the Americans raised their debt ceiling so they can print more money and pay their creditors, many other countries around the world did the same; We are dealing with the aftermath of the Pandemic, the chaos and disruption it caused around the world is immense. 

I try to think of happy thoughts as much as possible. I dream of the day when I can sit with you outside at a table on a summer evening and play card games and board games. To breathe the fresh air and enjoy happy times. Or we could sit together on the weekend and watch a box set on Netflix and eat lots of popcorn. I think of all the outings we could go to like a day out to Chessington world of adventures or a trip to the aquarium. 

Happy thoughts. 

Saturday, 16 October 2021

David Amess Assassinated

About two days ago on the 15th of October, the MP for Southend 'David Amess' was stabbed to death while he was meeting the community. The news thinks his death was an act of Terrorism. This is the second time in a short period that a member of Parliament has been assassinated. I feel pity for the man and his family. I'm sure other MPs are wondering if they will be next. 

My view is that death can come at any time, there are so many hazards that could end my life and eventually I will die. I don't know when or how I will die but I know I will eventually. The heart could stop pumping, blood clot, stroke, infection, accident on the road or blunt force trauma to the head. So many things could happen. I am lucky to still be alive, I could have been in a country that is at war and forced to fight and be killed already. I have avoided all the deadly diseases in this world, I am grateful for that. 

I think to myself every day that this day could be my last day in this world so I try to make something nice every day even if it is just an entry in this blog or a pen and pencil sketch on paper. 

Friday, 15 October 2021

Pavements for Scooters

Earlier today I learned that a half shredded Banski painting sold for millions of £s in an auction. Perhaps if you print off one of my blog sketches and put some skidmarks on it, you could sell it for a lot of money. 
Another thought I had was if the local authorities painted orange lines on the pavement, bikes and e- scooters could stay on the orange lines and pedestrians would know to stay away from the orange line. Bikes and scooters are not allowed on the pavement at the moment but if you partition the pavement then perhaps they could both use it. 

Thursday, 14 October 2021

La Palma African Eruption

Throughout October so far, the Island of La Palma had a continuous volcanic eruption. The whole island is like a giant volcano. The Eruption spurted out a river of Lava that went from the centre of the island to the ocean;
It was during the October eruption of La Palma that I learnt that the Canary Islands are actually on the African continent. They are Spanish islands that are part of the African continent.
I always thought that the Canary Islands were in the Mediterranean sea and part of Europe. I was wrong, they are in the Atlantic Ocean and are a part of the African Continent. Perhaps other Brits are also ignorant about the location of the Canary Islands. I could say, "Have you been to Tenerife"? The guy would say "Yes". Then I would ask if they have been to Africa and they would say "No" and I would Say "Tenerife is on the African continent along with La Palma and all the other Canary Islands". They would say "No it isn't, it's in the Mediterranean Sea next to Spain". I would say "Dude you're wrong". They are Spanish islands on the African continent in the Atlantic Ocean. This means the La Palma Eruption is an African Eruption, I think the African continent is trying to pull itself apart and give birth to a new Sea in the centre or something like that. 

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

List Time

I don't always get time to myself but when I do, I am often writing entries for this blog or making a video list. 

I have watch later video lists on more than one platform, on youtube, my down time list has bifurcated into two lists. One that is public and one that is private, the private one is religious stuff and political debates and the public one is Mysteries, History and things that are interesting to me at that time that I have no problem with other people seeing.

So My two Down time play lists on YouTube are...

Watch later : Private 
Down Time : Public. 

They both change very often. When you Chromecast to your TV, you can add whole playlists to the Queue so that is quite useful. It is also amazing to me that my Chromecast is so small yet it is spitting out high quality Video and is powered by the TV, I was a kid in the 90s so I can appreciate how amazing that is. Kids these days won't understand why that is so Amazing. A device the size of a man's thumb has powerful graphics output that would match the best 90s computer. Yet is is powered by a 12v TV USB socket. 

Perhaps I am amazed too easily. 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Vaccinations and Covid19

I think it is wrong to force people to get vaccinated and I think it is unfair the sack people for refusing to be vaccinated. I'm sure people should have a right to choose what goes into their body. 

I also think it is wrong to claim a religion is against vaccination because most religions formed before vaccines were invented so they don't even have a word for them. The way I see it is vaccinations are just a medicine, they cause your 'B' cells to make antibody proteins before you are infected by the disease so if you get infected, your body gets a head start. I hear people say the mark of the beast is the vaccine, the mark of the beast is a willingness to turn against God. You could say that a heart bypass surgery is the mark of the beast using that logic. 

I will say no more about this because I will offend people. I'm double vaxed myself but that was my own decision. 

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Level up?

I am the kind of guy that doesn't ask rhetorical questions. If I am asking a question it is because I want to know the answer. 

I want to know how the Universe is 92 billion light years across and only 13 billion years old; It would need to expand faster than the speed of light to reach that volume. I am told that nothing can move faster than the speed of light. If it expanded from a tiny point 13 billion years ago then how did it get so big without breaking ultimate speed limit? 

Then I wonder to myself what would happen to all those people that were around before Jesus was on Earth. Millions of people lived before Jesus was on Earth so they wouldn't have a chance to accept or reject him as their saviour. How would those people be judged if they didn't know about him? 

The lastest question I have is what does Boris Johnson mean by 'Level up'? To me, 'Level up' means to be rewarded for making progress in a computer game by gaining more capacity to take damage or to gain an extra life. Is that what Boris is talking about? We didn't die this year so we will gain an ability be more strong? I don't understand what he means sometimes. I feel bad for getting confused. 

Friday, 8 October 2021

Texas Abortion Law

Recently in the American state of Texas, a law was passed that abolished abortions for pregnancies if the heartbeat could be detected. Their view is that once the heart starts beating, it is not just an Embryo but a Being with its own rights. I don't know enough to argue either way. 

I saw my son when he was a Fetus at about 17 weeks old, he looked very well developed and he was twitching slightly, I could clearly see his head, Torso and limbs. I think he was a bit less than 15cm long, roughly the size of an Orange.  I thought it was amazing that I could see him using sound, if my ancestors knew of the Technology that is around in my time, they would have been astonished. 

Well, I'm sure everyone has a view on the topic. My view is, I would prefer if women chose not to get pregnant instead of abortions, I feel very uncomfortable about it. Apart from that I don't think about the topic at all. 

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Foggy Night

Jacob, My Son. The significant recent events that have happened is a large volcanic eruption on the Spanish Island of Palma, that thing spurted out vast amounts of Lava across the Island. I wouldn't be surprised if a very big volcano caused a global famine in the near future.  

We are also experiencing a lot of inflation, everything seems to be a bit more expensive than it was just months ago. Perhaps the governments around the world are printing too much money or they are trying to stimulate their economy. 

Your cousin was born just Days ago, her name is Luna, you now have two new cousins that are close to your age, Luna and Nathan. I would call them Pandemic babies because they were born during the Pandemic. 

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Playlists and Books

Two things that are important to me are a playlists and books. If your mood becomes too unbalanced then music can help to level you off. 
If I feel frustrated or stressed, I listen to this type of music: Happy video game music. If I have resentment for another person then I will listen to something like this: Walking sword anti resentment

I also draw pictures and write blog posts as a hobby. I recently brought my two hobbies together, a good hobby can change your life. 
I like to read a lot of books; I think that the more books you read, the happier you will be. I have two book shelves. I have a digital book shelf and a real one. My E Reader is very light and has a back light so it is easier to read at night, I don't need a reading lamp to read it. I also like to read real printed books, sometimes I get interesting factual ones in charity shops for about 50p. 

Books that are very interesting to read are Factual Journals and back stories to sci-fi movies. 'Who goes there' by John Campbell is the original story for my favourite movie, 'The thing' from the 80s. I also liked books by Gary Zukav, 'Dancing Wu li masters' is very interesting. I read through '23 minutes in hell' by Bill Weise, he is a guy that claims he was taken to Hell for 23 minutes. 

Read more and be happy.

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Just a Speck

When the world trade center buildings were hit by hijacked aircraft, I noticed that there were people jumping out. I later learned that many of the people that jumped were being burnt by hot air from the burning jet fuel. There was so much hot air spurting out of the crash site that it was grilling people alive, those people that jumped knew they were going to be grilled to death so they jumped because it was a less violent way to die.
This whole world we live on is just a Speck, the Earth is a little speck and I am a little speck. I often wonder what will happen to me when I die. Will my consciousness persist? Will I be oblivious to everything, even the passing of time. I don't know. I will one day die, either from old age or because of a hazard, if I forget everything that I know, what will be the point of this life? Would it not be pointless? 

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Paraceratherium Quake

I was reading through Wikipedia online and came across an article about the Paraceratherium. The largest land mammal to ever live that we know of. It weighed about 20 tonnes, about the weight of 4 African Elephants. 

It lived about 30 million years ago and is a type of hornless Rhino. I had to draw it. The creature towered over Elephants. 

I was thinking the Paraceratherium would have had a small quake that followed it around because it would have been as heavy as three Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaurs; in the movie Jurassic park, the T rex had a quake that followed it around as it walked. Just a thought. 

Thursday, 30 September 2021

What September 2021 Means to me

To me, September 2021 was about disruption and inflation. Everything else was normal, the days were getting shorter, the nights were getting colder, condensation was settling on glass and grass, the start of Autumn that I am so familiar with. 

Some environmental activists were glueing themselves to transport infrastructure as usual, this time it was the entrances to motorways. I think they want all the homes to be insulated properly or something like that(Insulate Britain) When environmental activists glue themselves to things, I'm in two minds about my approval of them; Ordinary people are held up and that's not fair, it causes a lot of chaos for them. However, someone needs to speak up. Our Island of Great Britain has most of the average wind, we have many lakes and rivers, parts of Britain has the strongest tides on Earth. We should be world leaders in eco friendly energy production. Somewhere in Parliament, the house of Lords or house of commons there are lobbyists putting the breaks on our environmental tech progress. They have been doing so for decades I think. 
Our world is powered mostly by Hydrocarbons; every type of Hydrocarbon that we burn for fuel has been inflated in price globally, Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane, Kerosine, Petroleum, Diesel. All of them are more expensive now. The countries that have significant renewable energy have a competitive edge over us because their companies will pay less money per kilowatt-hour so I think we need to act and make progress. 

Fuel supply was shaken slightly but at some point everyone started to panic and took all the fuel out of the petrol stations. They loaded their vehicles down with fuel and blocked up the roads, what can I say. It is like spring 2020 when everyone took all the toilet rolls. 

As for me, I felt lost. During the Pandemic, One of my sources of income imploded and I was left with just my job. I don't know what to do now. I don't know if I should wait till things clear up or try something else. I feel like I'm not young anymore and I'm not old, I'm a mature adult. Sometimes I would pace up and down like a caged tiger, other times I would just sit and accept the situation. 

What will happen in October? You probably know better than me.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Coned off Fuel

One thing I have learned about my fellow Brits is that we overreact to minor problems. In spring 2020 everybody bought all of the toilet rolls and I had to sacrifice a few socks to wipe my arse. I didn't panic like other people because I thought that if there is no toilet rolls for too long, I would use something else instead; Later, all the pasta in the supermarkets sold out and then they took all the meat. I'm vegetarian anyway but I didn't understand, perhaps everyone turned into werewolves or something like that. 
Now, there was a slight supply issue with the vehicle fuel. The news went on and on about it all day long and then everyone panicked and took all the fuel, they filled their car tanks, then they filled up lots of fuel Jerry cans and loaded down their cars with fuel, some people were taking 100 liters. Before long there were petrol stations coned off because they had no fuel left. 

The fuel companies were fixing the supply issue already, they were increasing the price of the fuel and recruiting delivery drivers to replace the ones that had left. The news companies were responsible for causing a mass panic in my view. 

There are so many interesting things happening in this world but the only thing they were showing was the so called fuel crisis. Very disappointing in my view. 

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Fuel Pump Day

Jacob, My Son. We are now facing a fuel pump crisis. Some of the suppliers of fuel are having difficulty distributing fuel to the petrol stations. The news highlighted the problem and many Brits panicked and crowded into the filling stations. 
I struggled to get to work on time because the queues at the petrol stations were spilling out onto the road and causing congestion. Perhaps you won't remember a time when cars were powered by burning fuel vapour. Perhaps all cars are electric right now, I don't know. Right now I have half a tank but as I passed by on the road, I could see people filling up their car tanks and then filling up plastic fuel cans and putting them in the boot of their car. Perhaps all the fuel will be gone when my tank is empty. I think us Brits overreact to mild hazards. 

You are oblivious to what is happening in your country right now because you are just a toddler. 

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Why the Blog?

If you were wondering what this blog is for, I would say it is a kind of machine. It is here to do several things. To exploit hateful people, record history, distract the corrupted and inspire more thought. 
There are people in this world that hate me, perhaps I look like someone that ripped them off or I have an opinion that causes them to hate me. A person that hates me will read through my blog because it is like a Diary, they will look for something that confirms their opinion of me or makes me look bad, they will read through many pages, then their web browser will tell the search engines that my blog is special because they are reading many pages. The person filled with hate is working for me. 

I am also putting thoughts into other people's heads so they may improve my thoughts and change them slightly. This blog also distracts people from poisonous thoughts, lust and malice. Media is designed to make people's minds sick but this blog does the opposite, it invites people to think about the mysteries and philosophy of an ordinary man and reflect on the bigger things. 

I am also leaving behind some of my thoughts for an older version of myself and the people of the future, especially my descendants. 

Ultimately it is just a hobby, a place where I bring together my creations and thoughts and share them with the world. That's it really. 

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Autumn Gas Crisis

This year the global price of Natural Gas has inflated by 2 & ½ times in value. This means that a tank of gas that costs £10 in 2020 now costs £25. Natural gas is a mixture of 4 gases, Methane, Ethane, Propane and Butane, they are Carbon Atoms that have Hydrogen bonds so they remain as small molecules. Methane is one Carbon and 4 Hydrogens, Ethane is 2 Carbon atoms and 6 hydrogen atoms, Propane is 3 Carbon atoms and 8 Hydrogens and Butane is 4 Carbon atoms and 10 hydrogens. They are all flammable in our atmosphere, we use the molecules as fuel.
There are many theories about the reason for the Gas Price inflation, some sources are claiming it is because Coal power stations are being replaced by natural gas ones around the world. Others are saying it is because the supplies are running out or effected by the Pandemic. It is probably true of both theories, the world is using natural gas more and producing it less. 

Here in the UK this has caused some energy suppliers to go bankrupt because they gave fixed rate contracts to customers without knowing the gas would inflate so much. It also affected the production of Carbon Dioxide, another gas product, you couldn't make this up 😳 Natural Gases are burnt to heat up chemicals and the waste product: Carbon Dioxide is gathered and compressed into tanks. The Carbon Dioxide is used to stun animals to be lawfully killed for meat. It is also used to make fizzy drinks and to increase the shelf life of processed food, they put Carbon Dioxide in the packaging to kill bacteria. Fertilizer is made by heating other chemicals and this is done by burning natural gas. Everything that requires large amounts of heat has been affected by the Natural Gas price inflation. 

I didn't realize we rely so much on Hydrocarbon Gases but we do. So many things have been effected. Plus winter is coming, I don't think there is a single Brit that will pay less than 12p per kilowatt-hour. The average man is out of pocket more than before. 

If we become eco friendly, it won't be because people glue themselves to the motorway, it will be to save money. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...