Wednesday, 30 June 2021

What June 2021 means to me

It was in the month of June 2021 that the United Kingdom hosted the G7 summit in Cornwall on a privately owned beach hotel resort and had a dinner on the Eden project premises. I have never been to the Eden project because I live on the other side of the country and never got around to it but I became curious about that part of my country. 

One of the simplest lifeforms on Earth has caused chaos and death throughout the world. Corona viruses are so simple that their code is stored as RNA instead of DNA. RNA fibers are a representation of one side of the DNA strand. In June the Delta Variant of Covid19 had dealt a blow to our return to normality. In the middle of the month our government decided to extend the restrictions until 19th of July. The Health Secretary was caught cheating on his wife and quit his job. He was replaced by another slick city banker.  I'm not going to compare the elected government to pirates on this blog. 
One thing that has been overlooked this month is the price of fuel. Since the Suiz Canal got blocked in spring, the price of fuel increased by 10p per liter. The increase stayed and now many people are driving to local places for holiday so the price of fuel is now about £1.30 per liter. I think that is a 15p increase. To me that is an eye watering cost, a full tank costs me £40 now. 

I re-read through a book called "23 minutes in Hell" by Bill Wiese. It was about a man that claimed he was taken to hell for 23 minutes. I like to read non fiction journal books on my Kindle. I became obsessed with Hell again and often used the key words "NDE Hell"( near death experience) to find videos on youTube about people that think they have seen Hell. I like to listen to their stories and look for inconsistencies. 

I was thinking about planets quite often because I knew the Juno probe is coming to the end of it's service and will soon be destroyed. If we discovered another 50 planets in the solar system, I wouldn't be surprised. It takes less than one day for light to reach the observed solar system but the gravity influence of our Sun goes half way out to the next Star. There could even be objects orbiting our star more than a light year away and we would be oblivious. 

There was also tensions near the Crimea peninsular but I don't want to think about it. 

Sunday, 27 June 2021

End of June Thoughts

I am a servant with many thoughts about the big questions of our world and hopes to create outstanding products that many people enjoy or find useful. 
I don't mind being transparent to all the masses of people in this world. I think most of the questions I have can only be answered by God, I just want to know more and be happy. Being a transparent man that only values love and knowledge, not ego and power is what it means to be me. 

I was thinking how many planets does our Sun really have? The gravity of our Sun goes half way out to the next star 4 light years away. Surely there must be a 10th planet out there and it could be much bigger than Jupiter. If we have so many planets to our star than how many planets are there in the galaxy? There are billions of stars and I will assume most of them have more than 5 planets. So many worlds exist out there and I wonder what they are like.  

Friday, 25 June 2021

Outing Thoughts

I was thinking about taking my small family on regular outings in the near future, especially when my son is more than 4 years old. I think we should visit lots of different places that we have never been to before. Earlier in the month, the G7 summit was held in Cornwall and the dinner was at the Eden project. I have never been to the Eden project myself and I would love to take my family there.
The Eden project is a group of giant greenhouses with tropical rainforests inside them. It is on the other side of the country but I hope to visit the place soon. 
I would also like to take my son to Chessington world of adventures, it is an amusement park that I use to go to when I was a child. I think about all the happy times we may have. 

Happy thoughts.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Powder Keg

I would describe the human society at this present time as a powder Keg. A small spark of conflict could cause a global war. The east side of the planet is saying "who's bad" and the west side of the planet is saying "who's bad". "Who's bad, who's bad, who's bad, who's bad". They're both bad (at thinking). They are drinking the wrong tea. They need the right tea, I will say no more. 

We nearly had a spark of conflict in the black sea the other Day, I have no control over this world so I won't think about it. I don't get the logic of some people in this world. I remember when Stephen Fry was cussing God but he doesn't believe God exists. If he doesn't believe God exists then he is cussing Nitrogen or something like that, right? I don't know. 

There is no East or West on a sphere, there is no need to point weapons at other nations, why do we do it? I don't know. 

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Kindle and Echo

Two machines that I think are very nice are the Kindle paperwhite and the echo dot. I use those two machines every day. 

I think that my kindle paperwhite weighs less than 200 grams and the battery lasts for days and weeks because it uses very little power. I tend to read non fiction journal books like "90 minutes in heaven" by Don Piper or Isaac Copperfield's memoirs of the Holocaust. My kindle has a back light so I can read books in the dark, the screen doesn't fade in direct sunlight because it behaves like ink on paper. One book that stood out to me was "23 minutes in hell" by Bill Weise, he was a man that claimed he was taken to hell for 23 minutes and he wrote about everything he saw in that place. He also made videos on YouTube. I'm not convinced Hell is like that but I don't know, I like to listen anyway. There are a lot of people on YouTube that claim to have visited hell, the keyword to find those videos are "NDE Hell". Near death experiences of Hell. 

I bought an echo dot because my radio broke and I realized that it costs the same money as the broken radio. I could listen to my favourite radio stations through the internet and also ask the smart speaker questions. I often ask it logical questions like what day will it be on the 15th of July and how many days are left before the 15th of July. Or I would say "Alexa, what is 123 divided by 14", things like that. Maths questions. I often ask my smart speaker to set an alarm, I would ask it is set a timer for 25 minutes or set an alarm for a certain time. Sometimes I ask my smart speaker to tell me the news. 

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Nice Day

Jacob, my son. 
You have reached a new phase of development, you are constantly trying to talk. You say words all the time and always try to get through to me at my level. We have a small footstool to reach high places, you pick up the footstool and move it to different parts of the room so you can reach things that are high up, you use it with confidence. I have to stop you using it, sometimes I just hide the footstool. 

It was father's Day yesterday but I didn't do much, I was too busy I guess. 

I am puzzled about a few things. Why wasn't China a part of the G7 summit? Is their economy not roughly the same size as America? They had the G7 meeting in the UK. I don't know. Sometimes I feel like the Earth is pulling itself apart East pulling east and west pulling west. 

What is it like now in your time? What is the 20s and 30s all about? 

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Father's Day

It is father's Day now and my birthday in about 3 weeks. The UK recently hosted the G7 summit, I was left with even more questions in my head. 
What did the leaders think of that part of my country? Why wasn't China part of the meeting? Isn't their economy close to the size of America? Did they eat inside the Eden project greenhouse? Why did they choose that hotel? Is it because they could make the whole beach private? things like that. 

We later learned that the social restrictions will stay in place until the 19th so my birthday will just be a simple private party with my family. 

We also had the European football tournament. 
I will take a large glass of Whiskey on my birthday, the bottle lasts a long time because I only take two glasses of whiskey per year, on my birthday in the middle of Summer and Christmas in the middle of winter. The bottle lasts for about 2 and a half years so if it were a wine bottle it would be mulled by the oxygen in the air, even if it was closed back up. 
Perhaps whiskey also gets mulled by exposure to oxygen but I can't tell if it does. 

All that is left to do is be grateful that I have lived another year and I am still in one piece and avoided painful diseases. My health is still ok and I have a lovely little family and they are all ok. 

Friday, 18 June 2021

Media Renaissance

I have kept my dream alive of being a indi docu film maker (Independent documentary film maker). I make lots of short videos as often as I can, when there are half a million subscribers to my channel I will make a full length movie that is over 1 & ½ hours long. 
I have been doing lots of research on Jupiter and hope to add a short documentary vid about the Juno Probe before my birthday on the 15th of July. If successful it will be added to the alanasis play list. Like steps on a ladder, I learn from each video and improve the product slightly. 

When I have 100 subscribers, I will take a glass of whiskey, then when I have 200 subscribers, I will take another glass of whiskey, then 400, 800 and so on; at the moment I only take a glass of whiskey on Christmas and my birthday so if the bottle was wine it would be mulled by air exposure already. Mulled wine only tastes good when the weather is cold, I'm not sure why though. 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Washing machine soap drawer

I like the soap drawer on a clothes washing machine. Most washing machines that I know of have a soap drawer with three segments
If you pick a long wash cycle then it will flush soap into the washing drum from all three segments in sequence from left to right. The last segment is set up as a reservoir so I think they expect you to put a liquid in there. 

What I would do is put soap powder in the first two segments and fabric softener in the last one. 
But sometimes the skin soap in the bathroom is the size of a coin and hard to use, if the soap is like that I will put it in the first segment of the washing machine, then I will put powder in the second segment and I will put cheap perfume in the third segment. The £ shops sell perfume for £1, I would put that in the third segment to make the clothes smell nice. 

I don't like those all in one power pod things that you just put directly into the drum; I'm just set in my ways. I have my own way of doing things and don't like like changing my habits. 

Did I mention that most people find me very boring in this world, I'm not exaggerating. 

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

G7 Conference

This year the G7 meetings were held in Cornwall England. As an English person I was curious about what the G7 leaders thought of the place. 

I have never been to the Eden project myself but I have been to Devon and Cornwall. It is a very beautiful area, the soil is a reddish colour and there are lots of beautiful rolling hills with lots of hidden country parks that many people don't know about with lakes and beautiful gardens. It is a coastal area. 

I'm sure that one of the big topics that came up was climate change. In recent years it has become obvious that we are changing the climate. The air is warmer and drier than it was in the past. I was in denial myself for many years but I saw the evidence with my own eyes. I saw winters with hardly any snow or ice, I witnessed the wildernesses of the new world continents burning up, I saw record rainfall in winter and record high temperatures often. 

I thought of some ideas that may help like making a floating bridge with paddle wheels inside it. The bridge wouldn't disturb the fish because it floats on the surface of the water and the paddles only penetrate 10cm under the water. The fish would swim under it safely with no problem. 
People walking on the bridge would never see the paddle wheel because it is concealed under the bridge and only the paddles stick out in the middle on the underside of the bridge. 

I think flowing water is the future of energy production because it is persistent and contains a lot of kinetic energy. It can push many heavy duty water wheels. 

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Grains of Dust

did I take good care of your body? Is your health good so far? 

 I feel unhappy with the lack of progress, I feel like I'm not getting anywhere sometimes. Sometimes my patience is being put to the test. Will things get better? Sometimes all I can do is wait. I keep waiting and working. Just waiting for a decision, waiting for a breakthrough, waiting for my creations so shine, waiting for my world to change. 

I keep my eyes set on the goals ahead. I try to be greatful and remember that I still have good health for now and I have a means to change my world and the world around me. 

I started to share a window of my world to all the people just to give life some meaning, like I am leaving ripples in a pond that may help other people in ways I can't imagine. 

Friday, 11 June 2021

Cool Day

Jacob, my Son.
The big topics here in the UK while you were two years old are that people don't like politics in football. Many people that I speak to get very angry when football players make political gestures before they start the game like the BLM crouch and the black panther fist pump. I think people watch football to escape everyday politics and issues, they just want to watch the game. I hear booing from the audiences so it is obvious that people don't want to see it. 

The other topic is the delta variant, everyone is talking about the delta variant of C19 because they are worried dead bodies will pile up again and we would be forced into another lockdown. We are getting vaccinated and keeping our distance. Every Brit is afraid in some way, some are hiding their fear and others are showing it. 

Many people think that the original Covid19 virus came from a lab in China. I embrace the official story, the Covid19 virus emerged from a wild animal in a food market, a variant of the animal virus was able to infect human cells. 

The other topic that pops up very often is the Oxford anti royal mentality. Many students at our elite universities, Oxford and Cambridge want to abolish the monarchy, they think we should be a republic. They associate Royalty with our colonial past. Everyone I know of Brings up the Oprah Meghan interview and has a view on Meghan Markle except for me, I don't know Harry or Meghan so I don't have a view. 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

One third of June

One third of June has passed by, Spring is coming to an end. 
The first third of June was about people debating whether we should ease all the restrictions on groups and social distancing rules. There is a new variant of the virus present and more virus particles but also more antibodies because so many people have been vaccinated. On the last bit of June after the 20th the government plans to remove all restrictions but many doctors and virus experts are very concerned. Is it the right decision or are we jumping the gun again? I don't know. 

For me it was about finding a way to continue making documentary videos despite my lifestyle making it impossible. To get around the problem I used different devices and spaces. I recorded the narration on my phone in my car, I used my  smart TV box as an editing computer, when a keyboard and touch pad is connected to it, it behaves like a PC with mouse pointer. I also used my existing sketches for illustration. I made a short 3 minute video and I hope to make another two 5 minute videos before my birthday in mid July. I shared my video with the world.

Then I set my playlists to public and shared them and gave the community a window into my little world and some of the ways I cope with life's challenges. 

Playlist progress

When there is something messing with my head, like stress or resentment, I will sit on the concrete step outside the front door of my home. I take off my shoes and press my feet into to concrete apron of the footpath of my home and listen to a playlist while I drink a coffee. 
If that doesn't help then I will take my socks off and press my bare feet into the concrete and breathe deeply as I sip my coffee and listen. If the concrete is too hot or I need more, I will put my shoes and socks back on and walk in the park with my headphones on.

I have a playlist for everything. 

For resentment... Walking Sword

For Stress or Frustration ... Happy VGM

For feeling lazy or tired... Beat it

For Fear... Flying Arrow

Nothing I do needs to make sense, only to me. 

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Happy VGM

Today I set my Happy VGM playlist to public and shared it with the world through all my social media platforms. 

It is a collection of happy and peaceful video game music tracks. I will cheer up as much of the world as possible. 

I am a peaceful servant that brings peace and joy to the world. That is my role in this world. I talk peace and joy and try to bring peace and joy to everyone. 

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Make two together

Earlier in the week I created a short documentary video. My videos are not popular because I am not an exciting person that a lot of people want to see. My goal is to make the videos as interesting and good quality as possible and have a million subscribers on YouTube. I will take a glass of whiskey when I have a hundred subscribers, there are about 75 at the moment.  I posted a twitter poll because I couldn't choose the topic for the next video. I wanted to make a video about the Juno Probe or the plot of the 1985 "the thing" movie. 

The jury was out on the twitter poll, when I say the jury was out I mean it had no votes. So I put a poll on my work social media site(Yammer), I had a bit more luck there but the jury was still out, it was 50:50 split. 

This inspired me to make two videos at the same time. One video requires my sketches and narration and the other requires me to pull off material from the website and research. So now I am making "The movie plot of the 1985 the thing"  and "what we have learned from Juno" at the same time. I sense that one will be finished before the other though. 

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Bright Day

Jacob my son,
You are more than two years old now. I watch you every day of your life developing, learning and growing. I am hopeful that you will grow into a non hateful man of integrity with good health and a peaceful life. Sometimes I wonder if you will embrace the leisure of our ancestors, playing black jack, Cribbage, chess, dominoes things like that. I dream of one day sitting at the table with you and playing a simple card game and chatting about a debate that is relevant to that time. 

It has been a very tough year and the good thing is you probably won't remember it very well. The other day I took you to uncle Paul's to celebrate your cousin's birthday, you were full of energy and would run around every place. 

You don't like fruits or fudge. You only seem to like starchy foods like rice, potatoes and pasta. 

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Self publishing Revolution

I am grateful for my eyesight, my hands, my working mind and access to computing with internet. Without those things I would not be able to create blogs books and videos on the public domain. 

If I was blind then I probably wouldn't be able to make documentary videos on YouTube. 
As long as I am in working order I will keep trying to create amazing things that can bring joy to other people around the world. I don't know how long my body will stay in good working order but I try to make the best of it. 

Eventually my videos will be fun to watch and may change the world slightly. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...