Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Make two together

Earlier in the week I created a short documentary video. My videos are not popular because I am not an exciting person that a lot of people want to see. My goal is to make the videos as interesting and good quality as possible and have a million subscribers on YouTube. I will take a glass of whiskey when I have a hundred subscribers, there are about 75 at the moment.  I posted a twitter poll because I couldn't choose the topic for the next video. I wanted to make a video about the Juno Probe or the plot of the 1985 "the thing" movie. 

The jury was out on the twitter poll, when I say the jury was out I mean it had no votes. So I put a poll on my work social media site(Yammer), I had a bit more luck there but the jury was still out, it was 50:50 split. 

This inspired me to make two videos at the same time. One video requires my sketches and narration and the other requires me to pull off material from the NASA.gov website and research. So now I am making "The movie plot of the 1985 the thing"  and "what we have learned from Juno" at the same time. I sense that one will be finished before the other though. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...