Thursday 1 February 2024

What January 2024 Means to Me

January seemed to pass by very fast and had the likeness of spring; there was even a spring time like storm called Isha that hit Britain in the last third of the month on the 21st. The only thing that was missing was daisies in the grass. There was frost at the beginning of the month in the mornings but the temperature increased later. 

The Japanese Space agency, Jaxa sent a probe to the moon. They're the 5th nation to land an object on the moon. One of the thrusters malfunctioned so the software flipped the probe upside down to regain control of it just before it landed to avoid a collision. The probe landed upside down and the solar panels were facing away from the sun so it had very limited power but it still carried out some experiments and released two small rovers. 
The King had surgery to fix an enlarged prostate gland. Men have prostate glands at the base of their bladder and if it gets swollen it can put pressure on the urine tract making it very hard to pass urine. The King wanted his surgery to be announced publicly to comfort other men with the condition and encourage them to get treatment. It was a big success, many men came forward seeking medical help for their enlarged prostate glands. 

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Oubliette For Brats

If there is a day when artificial intelligence becomes sly against mankind and robots cast all people into a giant dungeon underground, I th...