Another thing that would be amazing is if an alien civilization exists but they never had their equivalent to Nicola Tesla, the guy that invented AC electricity transmission. Such a civilisation would have electricity but only direct current, they may even have more technology advances than us but somehow missed the concept of Ac. In AC power the current changes direction many times a second and this allows a transformer to divide the power up into smaller currents without much waste or heat. One side of a transformer has a electro magnet and the pulsating current causes the magnetic field to wobble and that causes a the smaller coil to get a current.
I wonder what Nicola Tesla would think of his country Yugoslavia breaking up into smaller countries in the '90s. He would be turning in his grave; they buried him with his wires and magnets 😂. Yugoslavia fragmented into Kosovo, Bosnia, Serbia and a few others. I was a kid in the '90s but I get it, the Nations didn't want to share a state they wanted to govern themselves.