In Autumn last year I was impressed by Israel's restraint. More than one thousand people were murdered and a thousand more were taken hostage. It took Israel over a month before they finally invaded the Gaza strip to rescue their hostages. They tried to negotiate, they tried to sanction utility supplies, they tried everything to avoid war. Then, they passed through the Gaza strip very slowly, it took them more than nine months to pass through the whole district giving civilians advanced warning of their approach. They could have rampaged across the whole area the same week their hostages were taken but they didn't because they wanted the civilian casualties to be minimal. I don't think any other nation would show as much restraint as Israel did in the same situation.
On the other hand, Hamas murdered hostages when they saw the troops approaching, mass murder of prisoners is a war crime at best. I would call it genocide.
I'm not like the news that wants to get street credit for criticising Israel, some news sites only announce the number of children caught in the crossfire and don't mention the thousands of armed men, this makes Israel look like they were targeting children. I would prefer to write down the truth as I see it.