Tuesday, 30 June 2020

The Fizz

I was thinking of so many things, I thinking what would happen if they sent the Queen up to the international space station. She may say "one must float around and do science experiments in zero gravity". She would keep an orderly presentable posture even in zero gravity. 

I was wondering why I felt like I was back in the 90s last spring. I was a kid in the 90s and I realized that it was because I had to queue up to go into a shop so they could space people out inside. When I was at high school everything was about queueing. We had to queue to get lunch and to go to class and even to leave the building. The 90s was the birth place of domestic internet. They called it dial up. They adapted the modem from fax machines to allow computers to send digital pages to other computers around the world through the telephone lines. They even put a speaker on the modem so we could hear what it was doing. It would make lots of peeping sounds and then it would make a fizzing sound as it speeded up. It blew my mind that I could download interactive digital pages from around the world on a desk top computer. I loved to go to internet cafes and use the internet, I think they actually served coffee at the same time back then. 

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Suspicious mind

One thing I have learnt from the Pandemic infection of Covid19 is that people have a very suspicious mind. They set fire to 5g towers thinking it was causing the corona sickness symptoms. In the black death plague they were setting fire to Jews, that is not a joke. They accused them of poisoning the water in some villages in Europe. The villagers should have set fire to their own bums using that logic. 

I see 5g as a gift to the ordinary man. Internet broadband providers take the piss, not like Rolf Harris in half liter bottles. They exploit customers. One company takes the piss a lot, I won't name them, I'll just call them Big Twit or BT for short. Big Twit owns most of the cabling for the internet so they can give customers old "turn of the millennium dsl" internet. They cap the speed of the internet so it is slow even for the hardware, then they put the price up faster than inflation. They don't have much competitive pressure to improve their service. They just cram as many customers on a gateway system with as high a price as possible. Very nasty. 

Now people don't even need a physical line to get broadband. They can get it through mobile transmitters. The internet companies can't take the piss any more. Not unless they want to loose money. 

Saturday, 27 June 2020

This place

I'm not sure who is reading this now, a facebookalook-ologist? Or twittergit-sitter. Or a yammerMC-hammer or someone that can't see the letter L very well when it is in orange airal font format.  All I can say is this place is not a diary, just a written blog of the thoughts of an ordinary man that has lived on both sides of the millennium. That's it. I have no political agenda or motive. This is little more than a hobby. I don't know very much and I trust that the person reading this now can make more sense of my world than me. Sometimes the world I live in makes no sense to me at all. 
I often wonder how long this blog will last. Will it be around longer than me? I wonder when now is? It is possible that the person reading this now is not yet born when I wrote this, perhaps this is the distant future from my perspective? I hope your story is better than mine. 

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Black lives matter

The goal of the black lives matter protests is to put pressure on local authorities to treat black people the same as white people and value them the same. That is the message they show me. 

The trouble is black lives don't matter if they allow them to protest in the middle of a pandemic. At least they don't matter to the local authorities. The covid19 virus is more leathal than any flu we have ever seen, it kills 2% of the people it infects. The government has lost a lot of revenue putting many businesses on lockdown. They have also taken all the children out of school and the parliament building is empty, all normal life has stopped. If they allow people to protest at this critical time then they don't care about the well being of those people. Some of the local authorities didn't resist at all. 


Just had a quick thought about how I will use 100mbs of internet streaming when my router connects to 5g in the coming months, hmmm. High definition netflix uses about 1.7mbs. call it 2mbs. Perhaps I will play 50 videos at a time. Maybe I can charge people for using my internet. My router can connect to 64 devices at the same time. Perhaps I can launch my own internet radio station. That would do it. A talk radio station about facts and statistics. They are making self hosting very easy these days. I would have to keep the sound quality at 50k. That would support about 2000 threads. Or perhaps I could put the sound down to 10k 10,000 threads. If it was just talking then sound quality isn't so important. I wonder if you could get clear sound in 1k, 100,000 threads. Ouch. Maybe they would have a fair use policy and tell me to piss off,  I don't know. No harm in thinking about it. It would be nice to have a radio station where they are not blames o crying about everything. There are so many cool facts out there, and there is no radio station that does that. They play music or debate about tosh.  

I wonder what it is like to go to work by zip line. That would be so cool. You just hang there and let the thing take you to where you are going. I have been on a few zip lines before, it is a bit like being on a boat. You feel like you a bobbing around in the air and flowing to the end. If you lived on a hill you could take a zip line to work and then take a tram home. The world I know isnt like that. A shame... 

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Overkill Five

I have started to associate the number 5 with overkill. This is because of 5g and playstation 5. I call it overkill five. 

My phone and my home internet is 4g.  The speed of the internet on my phone is usually about 11 megabits per second. And my 4g router is about 20 megabits per second. I think they can both go faster than that but I never test them early in the morning when there is no traffic. This is perfectly fine for me, when I watch youtube videos or netflix, they are using less than 2 mbs. If I download a video, the speed on the other end is capped at 5 mbs. What I am saying is I rarely use more than 5mbs myself. 

5g can go over 1000 mbs (1gbs). It will probably cap at 100 mbs for individual customers. I'm not complaining, I just want to know why? Why are they making internet so fast that I will only use a small amount of it? I am so confused. Me and my family are using less than 5mbs and they want to give me 100mbs? What is going on? Wouldn't it be better to just close up the gaps in the existing system? 

PlayStation 5 is coming out this year and the thing spits out 4k graphics faster than a yob pissing on a policeman's memorial. Why? Why are they making a machine that is so powerful yet people will be playing mine craft on it. They will play games that work on mobile phones on  a machine that can render graphics better than my eyeballs. Why? 

It reminds me of the sorcerer's apprentice on the movie fantasia. Mickey mouse uses magic to get a broom to fill a well in a castle but the broom overfills it. He cuts the broom with an axe but the splinters resporn into more full sized well filling brooms. Everything goes crazy. 

Overkill five is the word. It is on this blog first. I'm sure I will find other examples. 

Monday, 22 June 2020

True Summer

It is true summer now. We left behind the damp political Christmas of 2019. We made it through the relentless winter rain at the start of the year and we have passed through the 2020 Covid19 lockdown spring. It is summer now. What could possibly happen now? I have no idea. Perhaps aliens will invade Earth. What will it mean to be a Brit in the near future and what will it be like on the whole Earth? I have no idea. 

I think 5g mobile internet is overkill. When 3g went to 4g, I didn't notice a difference. I never used the internet that much to need it. It is a bit like last March when many people bought a lot of toilet rolls and turned their house into an loo roll bouncy castle because of panic. It is like being back in the 90s when people thought they needed ISDN lines installed in their house to get broadband, then we found out that you could convert the existing telephone line into high speed internet. They called it Digital subscriber line, then there was Advanced DSL (adsl).  Well, domestic internet was born in the 90s and I was a kid in the 90s so I watched it all happen. Sometimes I feel like I am back in the 90s again. Overkill for speed is sometimes wasted. That is all I will say. 

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Small train set

When I was a child, I was given a Hornby train set. I loved playing with my train set and observing all the details in the train, such as the lights at the front. I also loved to mount the train on the tracks, it takes a lot of patience to get every wheel aligned. Half the fun of having a train set is designing the scenery. You would try to make terrain for the train to move across. The problem with trian sets is you need a lot of space because the train has to move along the tracks. 

I wonder if they ever made a tiny scale train set, a size so small the whole train fits in your hand. A train set for people that don't have much space. 

I considered integrating a trainset into the bar table of my future man cave. I decided I wouldn't because it would clash with the theme of the bar in the man cave (90s gaming). The train set would be a tiny metro rail train hidden between the walls and perhaps on another table. 

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Mild Day

Jacob, my son. You have changed a lot since you have become a toddler. You move about much more and seem to be interested in everything. 
I read books to you but you grab the book and try to eat it. It is a bit early but I'll keep trying and see what happens. 
You are always keen on walking. I wonder what you will be like when you are older. 

You seem to be more interested in the kitchen than anything else. I always have to stop you from going in there and you hate water so it is quite hard to bath you. I have so much to learn about you. 

Thursday, 18 June 2020

New community

I recently joined the redit community. Redit is a free social media service. All the social media platforms that I use to feed through and express myself have their own quirks. 

Facebook is all about friends and family and sharing media on a feed that is observed mostly by your friends. 
Twitter is more simpler and direct. You can tag celebrities and politicians and interact with them in a direct way. The messages are short and to the point. 
Then there is Yammer and linkedin, they are more formal social media services involved with work and trade. I was reluctant to post my blogs on there because it isn't appropriate but then I thought that my blog could give another person a little 2 minute escape from their work. The work place and all the things that come with it can mess with a person's head, it is nice to be able to take a deep breath and clear your mind for a few minutes from time to time. 

Since I only joined redit yesterday I can't say much about it. All I can see at the moment is you have more control of your feed. You implement subredit feeds that are about specific topics and build your own feeds about your interests. There seems to be subredits about everything. 

This blog gets about and takes many people on little voyages through a little world of a mind that desires tranquility. A boat heading for placid waters. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Small Life Hack

If I'm in a grocery shop and I see buns or bread being reduced in price because it expires, I will buy all the bread my freezer can hold, even if there are 10 packets. 

I would see a packet of 8 bread burger buns that was originally sold at £1.20 being sold for 29p and I would buy all the packets being sold. Then I would put all the packets of bread buns in my deep freezer, then before I sleep I would take out one packet and leave it to thaw. Then when I wake up, the bread item is ready to eat. Sometimes it would need 20 seconds in the microwave oven to soften it ready for breakfast. If the item is sliced bread then I won't microwave it, I will just make toast. If it is a bun I would put it in a plate and place the plate on top of my small oven so the heat from the other breakfast item cooking would heat it up and make it soft. 

While the bread is in the freezer, it stops degrading and will stay the same as long as the freezer remains ice cold. Even a year later the bread item is still edible. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Speck in the cosmos

I think that one of the biggest problems with society is we have conditional respect. If you do something outstanding or you are a big shot or celebrity then your point of view is more important than everyone else's. I learned this in June 2016 when celebrities were asked their opinions about the Brexit outcome. If I have a point of view about Brexit I wouldn't be free to express it, after just 2 minutes someone would just talk over me. They would say "yeah yeah, whatever Alan" or something like that. 

What society does is it puts itself in the centre of the universe and glorifies itself. What they don't realise is the entire planet is just a speck in the cosmos. It is almost nothing. If the Earth was smashed to pieces then the rest of the universe wouldn't notice any difference. The universe may last for 100 billion years but we live for decades, our lives are almost equal to nothing. We exist and we stop existing in a brief moment in time yet our ancestors made themselves into gods in their own eyes. 

If prestige was ever given to me for any reason and I was famous then I would be the man that has nothing to say. I will have no political polarity, no point of view and no desire to be glorified. If they offered me an award I would not want it. I will be the celebrity that has no opinion at all. I will be the opposite to all those people that made statues of themselves as gods. I will just be a man that respects and loves the creator of the universe and has nothing to say. 

Monday, 15 June 2020

Earthy smell

It was raining yesterday for most of the day and when the soil gets wet it gives of a musky oily smell called Petrichor. I learned recently that the smell comes from oils in the plant roots that protect the roots from dehydration and also methane and nitrite compounds made by bacteria. 
The roads that are present today are made of asphalt and when they are being resurfaced they also have a strong smell that I like. Perhaps this is the reason I would like a home with a large porch. You can sit on a soft chair on the porch when it is raining and listen to all the drops falling and breathe the Petrichor through your nose. 

It is the simple things that bring joy in this world. I am thankful for all of them. 

Toddler emerges

Jacob, my son. You are now a toddler, you changed from an infant to a toddler at the end of the Spring lockdown of 2020 during a period of civil unrest while statues of evil people were toppled. 

You manipulate your own food and are able to walk in a clumsy toddler way and say a few things.  I wait patiently to see what kind of person you will be as you grow. 

Friday, 12 June 2020

Nebuchadnezzar Statue falls

Nebuchadnezzar is the name of the plasma hovercraft that rescued Neo in the movie called "the matrix" when he was unplugged and flushed down the toilet. It is also the name of the king of Babylon. In the bible book of Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar was given a dream by God that showed future events. He was dreaming about today's world. I think everyone should have a look. He had several dreams that predict what will happen in current times. 

When I saw the statues of evil bastards being toppled around the world I remember Nebuchadnezzar dreamed of a statue being destroyed by a giant Rock. The statue was made of 4 metals and the 4 metals are the 4 empires that would rule over Babylon, present day Iraq I think. 

The book of Daniel in the bible is the most interesting book because it is premonitions of today's world. 

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Toppling Statues

So far I would say that in june, people around the world were toppling statues of people that were evil bastards when they were alive. I had no hard feelings for most of them, they were slave traders and generals from fascist militaries. 

If Winston Churchill's statue was toppled I would be a little upset because he was what I call a flawed hero. He was racist and and alcoholic but he resisted hitler and stopped the third Reich from taking over the world. 

He did all the negotiating to get Indians Canadians and persuade USA to help us fight Hitler. Lesser leaders simply saw the huge military machine that Hitler had assembled and decided to cooperate or surrender. 

I don't care much about statues, I have no hard feelings if they are pulled down, unless the fall on my feet. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

spring lock connection

In my little world there is a strange connection between this spring 2020 and spring 2008. They are both times when I was forced by nature to stop what I was doing and confront my thoughts. 

In April 2008 there was a freak snow storm that came out of nowhere. The British transport system was unprepared and there was no salt to melt the ice on the roads, the weeks before showed very warm weather. It rarely snows in April in England, especially when the weather is warm. At the time I was questioning whether it was right to eat meat. I realized that human society was imprisoning animals for all their youth then killing them for food, I thought that was cruel. I thought that it is wrong to eat meat because you are supporting a cruel deed, you are a part of the team that caused the animal to be trapped and killed. By the middle of April 2008 I became a vegetarian and I am still a vegetarian 12 years later in 2020. 

Now it is the end of the 2020 lockdown Spring and I have defined my lifestyle and named it. I call it the Grey zone, working hard and just being ok. I also realized that my life is almost equal to nothing because I won't exist for most of the time the universe is here. I just have a tiny little slot, a tiny flash of life that will last less than 150 years. Infact if you are reading this now 100 years in the future then my mind has probably already perished and my thoughts are no more. I am at the mercy of the creator. Unless I am restored to consciousness after my life ends, everything I am doing and thinking is for nothing. I realized that I want to escape from the grey zone and need to understand why I exist. I need to find God. Somehow I need to get in touch with the creator of the universe. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Brit sickness

Spring 2020 was written off for most people because of the lockdown. If I wasn't doing key work, I was at home. Most my family's birthdays are in Spring so I was absent from their parties and even my own son's birthday was spent isolated at home however the United Kingdom still had the most Covid19 deaths in the world. At first I thought that the government messed up. Then I realized that the problem was not the government, it was the Brits themselves. 

Through my own observations and from looking at the news I can say that the Brits are very stubborn and don't like being told what to do. The British people routinely violated the lockdown rules, they staged several protests including conspiracy theory demonstrations, BLM anti racist protests and a community demolition of a statue. When I went to the park to exercise I noticed there was large groups of people sitting together on the grass having a meal and sunbathing. This was happening throughout the country and throughout spring. I'm not knocking those people, all I am saying is don't blame the government if there were many Covid19 deaths when you are defying the lockdown requests. 

The good thing is the government doesn't tell people to not drink petrol, otherwise there would be dead bodies on the street farting out LPG. The Brits are stubborn, I can say that because I am British. 

Monday, 8 June 2020

Toppled Statues

Toppling statues of evil bastards is all the rage these days and recently the statue of a slave trader called Edward Colston was toppled in Bristol. I think they should have melted it down years ago to be honest. 

I topple statues myself, invisible ones that are relevant to my life. The trouble is they get re-erected. 

I use my creations and ventures as a wrecking Ball to smash the Grey Zone. I sometimes spell the colour Grey the American way "gray" but that is just for click bait (most people that read this blog are American). The grey zone is my lifestyle. It is working hard and getting by and little else. It is being a prisoner of stress and disappointment. 

I have created videos, computer games, blogs, software and burned through several franchises. But I am very patient and I keep going. One day I will smash the grey zone to pieces and it will never cast a shadow on me again. No one will know I did it because I am a modest man that has no interest in prestige. 

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Dragon space Quest

With all the rioting and protests, it is easy to overlook that a private company recently delivered astronauts to the international space station. SpaceX used the dragon 2 space ship. It is a reusable rocket system. It docked with the space station and formed an air tight seal that was safe for the astronauts to move across. 

NASA wants to privatise low earth orbit missions so it can focus bigger missions like landing people on the planet Mars. If you were wondering why we haven't already had a manned mission to Mars, I would say it is more complicated with people. You see deep space is full of high energy radiation so it would cause the astronauts to die before they arrive at the planet. It is ok for robots because they are not effected by the radiation as much as people. If they were to build a interplanetary space ship, they would need to build it in space so they can make the walls thick and hard enough to deflect the radiation during the journey. 

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Crouching effect

There were a lot of protests today against racism. I never would have guessed the scale of the chain reaction caused by the crouching cop Derek Chauvin. Riots and mass Covid19 infections, the unnecessary deaths of many people. 

If I were to say the police officer Derek Chauvin was racist, I would be a liar because I don't know him. I don't know if he was crouching on George's neck because he was black or if he just arrests everyone like that or perhaps a weapon was pulled on him in a previous arrest and that was messing with his head. Police officers have mental breakdowns sometimes because they deal with a lot of violence and abuse. 

It is true that there is a lot of racism about in every profession but sometimes it is not clear where it is coming from. When I was a boy I found a dried up river and poured water onto it to see the water flow, when I poured the water it didn't flow. It pooled and formed a puddle. The slope of the river was too shallow to push the water down stream, water only flowed if there was a lot of it. You see that is how society works, individual people may not be the problem. The problem may be everything as one entity. When river water flows it isn't falling to the sea it is being pushed by the water molecules behind it. 

Friday, 5 June 2020

Merging and Growing

This last bit of Spring I would say that my three main hobbies are merging together. They are all from the trunk of my hobby tree in my head. Drawing pictures, writing blogs and making videos. 

I'm walking and waiting for the ticket to the next part of the hobby tree. The happy zone, where the branches spread out. The happy zone man cave and work shop, and the time and money to play golf and go bowling. 

All those rich people say money doesn't buy happyness because they always try to indulge themselves. They buy mega yachts and super cars and helicopters. Maybe if they took their head out of their ass and helped other people they would be happy about their money. If you get a lot of money and you see it as a tool to help others then you would be happy every time you received it. 

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Social distance

Once again I have missed a relative's birthday because of the 2020 lockdown spring. This time it is my nethew Ethan. 
I missed his birthday so I could avoid bringing viruses into their homes. The virus particles get into your hair and into your clothes and fall off in different places. Viruses behave like dust, they float in the air for a while and get onto everything. 

I draw more now because drawing makes he feel better about life. It is my second hobby and I am trying to merge my two hobbies together, blogging and drawing. Just like I have done on this post. 

George Floyd

It is my role as a chronicler of history to record the truth as I see it. Well. Last week I learned that a man called George Floyd was killed when a police officer crouched on his neck for over 8 minutes. It was murder by a cop in the eyes of the law and media. The incident triggered mass protests and riots. I was given the impression that the incident was linked to racism. 

What many people may not know is that George didn't commit the crime he was being arrested for. He was using a cheque that was authentic and was given to him as a gift by the bank. He didn't forge any cheques. He is just a working man like myself and he was wrongly accused of a crime. 

I think it is important to make that point because many people may think he was a criminal that was killed, he wasn't. This thing could of happened to any law abiding citizen, they could be wrongly accused of a crime and arrested in a violent way by a bad police officer. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Human Trap

In my little world there is a place called lemon valley, a place to put thought machines that don't work or can't be made at the present time. In lemon valley there are all sorts of machines and most of them clearly won't work at all. Some of them may work. 

Some of the thought machines are people traps. They are devices that trap people without harming them. The traps would be used by police forces or in houses to stop intruders and even by the military to trap fighters that mingle amongst civilians. These machines were brought to the surface when I saw George Floyd died when a police officer crouched on his neck. I would love to supply police forces with people traps because I know that the deaths and injuries would drop worldwide. 

Sometimes police officers kill because they hate ethnic groups, other times it is by accident. A death is a death and I would love to save lives in my own benign way. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...