Tuesday 16 June 2020

Speck in the cosmos

I think that one of the biggest problems with society is we have conditional respect. If you do something outstanding or you are a big shot or celebrity then your point of view is more important than everyone else's. I learned this in June 2016 when celebrities were asked their opinions about the Brexit outcome. If I have a point of view about Brexit I wouldn't be free to express it, after just 2 minutes someone would just talk over me. They would say "yeah yeah, whatever Alan" or something like that. 

What society does is it puts itself in the centre of the universe and glorifies itself. What they don't realise is the entire planet is just a speck in the cosmos. It is almost nothing. If the Earth was smashed to pieces then the rest of the universe wouldn't notice any difference. The universe may last for 100 billion years but we live for decades, our lives are almost equal to nothing. We exist and we stop existing in a brief moment in time yet our ancestors made themselves into gods in their own eyes. 

If prestige was ever given to me for any reason and I was famous then I would be the man that has nothing to say. I will have no political polarity, no point of view and no desire to be glorified. If they offered me an award I would not want it. I will be the celebrity that has no opinion at all. I will be the opposite to all those people that made statues of themselves as gods. I will just be a man that respects and loves the creator of the universe and has nothing to say. 

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Oubliette For Brats

If there is a day when artificial intelligence becomes sly against mankind and robots cast all people into a giant dungeon underground, I th...