Sunday, 28 June 2020

Suspicious mind

One thing I have learnt from the Pandemic infection of Covid19 is that people have a very suspicious mind. They set fire to 5g towers thinking it was causing the corona sickness symptoms. In the black death plague they were setting fire to Jews, that is not a joke. They accused them of poisoning the water in some villages in Europe. The villagers should have set fire to their own bums using that logic. 

I see 5g as a gift to the ordinary man. Internet broadband providers take the piss, not like Rolf Harris in half liter bottles. They exploit customers. One company takes the piss a lot, I won't name them, I'll just call them Big Twit or BT for short. Big Twit owns most of the cabling for the internet so they can give customers old "turn of the millennium dsl" internet. They cap the speed of the internet so it is slow even for the hardware, then they put the price up faster than inflation. They don't have much competitive pressure to improve their service. They just cram as many customers on a gateway system with as high a price as possible. Very nasty. 

Now people don't even need a physical line to get broadband. They can get it through mobile transmitters. The internet companies can't take the piss any more. Not unless they want to loose money. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...