Thursday, 25 June 2020


Just had a quick thought about how I will use 100mbs of internet streaming when my router connects to 5g in the coming months, hmmm. High definition netflix uses about 1.7mbs. call it 2mbs. Perhaps I will play 50 videos at a time. Maybe I can charge people for using my internet. My router can connect to 64 devices at the same time. Perhaps I can launch my own internet radio station. That would do it. A talk radio station about facts and statistics. They are making self hosting very easy these days. I would have to keep the sound quality at 50k. That would support about 2000 threads. Or perhaps I could put the sound down to 10k 10,000 threads. If it was just talking then sound quality isn't so important. I wonder if you could get clear sound in 1k, 100,000 threads. Ouch. Maybe they would have a fair use policy and tell me to piss off,  I don't know. No harm in thinking about it. It would be nice to have a radio station where they are not blames o crying about everything. There are so many cool facts out there, and there is no radio station that does that. They play music or debate about tosh.  

I wonder what it is like to go to work by zip line. That would be so cool. You just hang there and let the thing take you to where you are going. I have been on a few zip lines before, it is a bit like being on a boat. You feel like you a bobbing around in the air and flowing to the end. If you lived on a hill you could take a zip line to work and then take a tram home. The world I know isnt like that. A shame... 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...