Thursday 18 June 2020

New community

I recently joined the redit community. Redit is a free social media service. All the social media platforms that I use to feed through and express myself have their own quirks. 

Facebook is all about friends and family and sharing media on a feed that is observed mostly by your friends. 
Twitter is more simpler and direct. You can tag celebrities and politicians and interact with them in a direct way. The messages are short and to the point. 
Then there is Yammer and linkedin, they are more formal social media services involved with work and trade. I was reluctant to post my blogs on there because it isn't appropriate but then I thought that my blog could give another person a little 2 minute escape from their work. The work place and all the things that come with it can mess with a person's head, it is nice to be able to take a deep breath and clear your mind for a few minutes from time to time. 

Since I only joined redit yesterday I can't say much about it. All I can see at the moment is you have more control of your feed. You implement subredit feeds that are about specific topics and build your own feeds about your interests. There seems to be subredits about everything. 

This blog gets about and takes many people on little voyages through a little world of a mind that desires tranquility. A boat heading for placid waters. 

Blog Archive

Oubliette For Brats

If there is a day when artificial intelligence becomes sly against mankind and robots cast all people into a giant dungeon underground, I th...