Saturday, 27 June 2020

This place

I'm not sure who is reading this now, a facebookalook-ologist? Or twittergit-sitter. Or a yammerMC-hammer or someone that can't see the letter L very well when it is in orange airal font format.  All I can say is this place is not a diary, just a written blog of the thoughts of an ordinary man that has lived on both sides of the millennium. That's it. I have no political agenda or motive. This is little more than a hobby. I don't know very much and I trust that the person reading this now can make more sense of my world than me. Sometimes the world I live in makes no sense to me at all. 
I often wonder how long this blog will last. Will it be around longer than me? I wonder when now is? It is possible that the person reading this now is not yet born when I wrote this, perhaps this is the distant future from my perspective? I hope your story is better than mine. 

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...