Thursday, 8 July 2021

Rivers of Shame

I watched the England game last Wednesday and was pleased that we won the game but I was overwhelmed with shame. Many England fans behaved worse than wild animals, they were a total disgrace. 

They booed the Danish National Anthem!!!! That is so rude and disgusting, I was overcome with shame. Then someone tried to blind the Danish goal keeper with a green Lazer!!!!! Then when the match finished they rampaged through streets breaking everything and leaving rubbish everywhere. 

I imagined the robot with a crazy face found the Lazer pen man, I think her name is Sophia. She would have a bamboo cane as thick as a baseball bat and brake it on his arse. I would say "Sofia, keep your hair on. Violence is wrong. Your swing is excellent though, I would like to take you to the golf course" maybe I would find my pity there, because I can't find any pity for the Lazer pen man here". Or
The Lazer pen man would wake up with the Kelloggs corn flakes logo tattooed on his forehead, I would say "Lazer pen man, you have the Corn Flakes logo tattooed on your forehead. I found a bicycle reflector in cornflakes once and even a Hologram of the Ghostbusters, maybe I will find pity for you in a cereal box because I can't find any pity now"!!!
I already have shame on my shoulders, my country invaded other lands and took their resources not too long ago. My country has thousands of rivers and loads of wind but very little exploitation of it for natural energy.  Why do I need more shame now? I don't. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...