Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Window Shopping Alan Style

Very often I will look through sites that supply stuff for gaming rooms to look at all the stuff they have developed. I will look at the products and then I look them up on YouTube, I will also create a playlist on the watch later temporary folder. Then when I lie down I play through the whole play list. 

Sites that I look at very often is... 

Arcade 1Up, They are cheap self assembly arcade machines with licensed games on them. They are small but have risers to help you play them from a standing position. 

My arcade, Collectable mini working arcade machines and retro consoles. 

At Games, They make a top of the range arcade machine with multiple games. 

Home liesure direct, Everything for the man-cave if you have money to burn. 

Argos, A shopping site that sells some of the products made by those companies. They also have everything a man-cave needs. Pool tables, arcade machines, table tennis, things like that. 

A man-cave liesure room is about sharing, it is about bringing people over and having a happy time being a big kid. That is one of my dreams. 

Happy thoughts forever... 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...