Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Christmas thought

Christmas is a time of peace and reflection. One thing I was thinking about during Christmas is what my ancestors were like.

All non inbred people on this planet have 2 parents, 4 grandparents and 8 great grandparents that are their ancestors.
That means 14 people contributed to the DNA of one person in just 3 generations.
I wonder what all those people were like. When you think about it. The family tree of every person is very big.  Every person on this planet has many ancestors and most of them are a mystery.

I have 16 great great grandparents. They all have personalities and stories. So many ancestors, so many story's and so much to learn about. Life is such a mystery.

Friday, 22 December 2017

Paradise in mind

In my view, if people don't want to listen to me then it's not my fault. I'm not a rude person or aggressive. The trouble is sometimes when I speak I am asking a question. I literally get no answer because they brush off my speech. If a person is not careful, they will be frustrated because they are trying to ask a question or say something important and they are silenced by other people's unwillingness to listen.

To balance this problem I walk through a village that is inside my mind. It is a mental sanctuary that was left over from a past time tradgedy.  It is beautiful flat terrain surrounded by a dyke on three sides and is peaceful. In this village there are metal plants that shimmer in the sunlight and the sun is very big and hangs on the horizon continuously. It is a paradise that is more beautiful than any place on Earth that I have ever seen. In this place I build virtual machines and try to see if they could work if they were real. I get comfort and joy from doing this. In this place nothing matters except joy.

People in this time and world spend so much time looking at screens that they have forgotten how to listen. Because eye contact and face expression plays a role in conversation.

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Art confusion

The year 2017 is nearly over and one thing that has not changed is my confusion about modern abstract art.

When I see modern art I don't understand it, I see a meaningless expression. I also don't understand why it is so valuable.

I could make a random scribble on paper and get paid many thousands of bucks if I knew the right people.
It's not fair in my view because I work so hard and I get a small payment. Someone draws a wonky line on paper and they get more than my annual salary.
If the art work had meaning and was fine or showed outstanding skill then I would accept it's value. But to me, it is not outstanding to create meaningless abstract images. If I was to find out that my tax money pays for these projects then I would be angry. I don't want to be angry so I don't try to find out. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I think that most beings that read my writings don't exist in my time. They are not born yet or made yet. If you are reading this in the distant future from my time and don't understand modern abstract art then you are not alone, I share your confusion.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Irish bottleneck

When I voted to leave the EU in 2016, I thought that leaving would be straightforward. I thought we were halfway out already, we never took the currency and we are not in the Schengen zone. I thought it was an opportunity to close our biggest tax loophole because I knew that some of the countries in the EU were tax havens yet they share a common market with us.

I didn't realize that the EU was acting as a proxy union between North and South Ireland and allowing movement of goods and people between the two states. The problem is on both sides because if we import goods into the UK from outside the EU then the Irish border could become a back door to cheat the tariffs and bring goods into the EU, none of the EU countries would accept that. The other problem is that North and South Ireland want to keep a soft border. I don't know how this problem could be solved without investing large amounts of money. 

The only thing I can think of is to add rebate zone where goods are taxed and the tax is reimbursed straight away and special ID cards are given to North Ireland citizens that would allow them to enter the rest of the UK and also ID cards that would let the Republic of Island citizens only enter North Ireland without a visa.This would cost a lot of money because many staff would be needed and the system itself would cost a lot of money.

The other option would be to let North Ireland have a referendum on if they should stay in the UK. I can't think of other solutions. 

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Jerusalem & Trump

Earlier in the week, President Donald Trump of America officially recognized Jerusalem as the Capital city of Israel. The decision was very unpopular around the world. In my view, a holy city does not belong to anyone. If the city belongs to a government then that city is no longer Holy. If a Christian goes to the church or Muslim goes to a Mosque or Jew to the Synagogue, they will all claim those places are holy and that they belong to the whole community, the same is true of a holy city. The city should belong to itself and no government or ruler should ever own it.

The Palestinian community also claim ownership of the city. To them it must be a huge blow. I'm sure they feel like their identity is being removed from the land.

I lack the ability and the will to even try to solve the problems that exist in the middle East. If the experts can't do it then I will assume that I have no answer.

Today I am grateful for peace because it can be taken away at any time and peace was not always available.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

What November means to me

It is the last day of November and I am looking back at the month, I will remember November 2017 as the month I left London. I wanted to leave London for a long time and now it has finally happened. I never liked London, I felt that it is overcrowded and the community is cold and impatient, they drive aggressively and everything is overpriced. It is also the Month president Mugabe stepped down as president of Zimbabwe. Mugabe left the leadership cabinet at the same time I settled down in my apartment. I refuse to judge Mugabe as a leader and wish all the best for the people of Zimbabwe. 

It was also my first anniversary in marriage, I hope to be reunited with my wife soon. There have been many rivers to cross and many have been crossed. I am a loyal husband and I wait for the door to open. I can do nothing else now but wait and pray.  
This month I learned something about myself. As I age, I have become less judgemental of other people and more interested in learning new things. I am different to other men, I enjoy being on my own. I feel happy just learning new things. I don't need other people's company. I never look at sports, I really don't. I feel like I was born on the wrong planet like I don't belong here because the way other people value things is different to me. When I turn on the BBC  I player I find that everything on there is very boring to me. I don't feel entertained by people singing and dancing on TV. I am happy just to quietly read and drink coffee. By moving out here I feel like I can be myself because the things that are interesting to me are very boring to others. 

The only thing that connects me with the typical man is a love of computer games. I hope to get the Lastest Nintendo Switch soon and go out on virtual quests and missions. 
To me, reading is the most satisfying thing I can do and nothing else is as important. and I can listen to endless youtube debates about mysteries and historical events without boring other people. 

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

My world so far

One role that I feel I should take up for the rest of this decade and the twenty-twenties decade is to observe my reality and record it. If I am lucky I will get an engraving machine and cut my writings into metal or stone plates that could be stacked into an obelisk and show future generations what life is like for an ordinary man and what ordinary people think.

In this time, people's skills are still required but they are slowly being replaced by machines. I don't know if it is just me that thinks this but I'm sure that machines don't buy things. I live in a capitalist society that relies on consumers buying things. If all people's jobs are replaced by machines then there are no consumers and no business. The action of businesses automating everything could only lead to their end. One system could thrive in a maximum automation society and that is communism. Money is worthless if it is not circulated so a society with no Jobs can't be a capitalist one in my opinion because people won't buy many things if they don't have a job.

The governments of the world are very hostile to other places and they have powerful weapons that can be used however they don't represent humanity because almost all people on earth have no desire for war. When I talk to other people I ask their opinion about other societies I get the same response, we don't view other people in other places as enemies.

The media and news make the Russians and North Koreans look like evil despots but people like me have no hate or bad views of these communities. I have no hate for North Koreans or Russians. I see them as my brothers and sisters.

I hope I can stick with this project and record history throughout the twenty-twenties, twenty-thirties and beyond.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

New life

I have settled down in my new home outside London. I still commute to London for work and business but London is not my home anymore. I live in a small commuter town that is a 30 minutes drive from the city, beyond the proverbial wall of London known as the M25 ring road. I am now prepreparing for my wife to join me and to create happy memories.

London has a powerful effect on the whole southern side of the Island. It is very hard to ignore. All the road signs point to London. All the train lines go to London. everything around here points to London. The geopolitical and economic gravity is felt everywhere around here. I think my island should not be like that, I think that the UK should be more balanced. It should not have a big mega city that controls everything but lots of small cities that are well developed with good transport links.

One thing I have learned about living far from my family is that you can be very focused and get things done when your only company is yourself. I am very focused on building a good future and working very hard.

I am grateful for this new life and hope for happy memories.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Bubble works

When I was a young boy in the 1990s, I was taken to Chessington Zoo. Chessington zoo is like an amusement park with rides and attractions.

There was a dark boat ride in the park called Professor Burp's Bubble works. It was a fantasy boat ride through a soda drink factory. The boats were round and could hold about 5 people. The ride was filled with animatronic displays and lights. At the end of the ride, we were sent through water fountains that had multi-colored lights shining through them, very beautiful. It was a ride I would go on twice.

Looking back, I thought it was a very clever ride because it could take many people on board and was like a conveyor belt. filled with entertainment. It was very successful and the queues were very long. The structure of the ride is still used to this Day after all those years but the theme and design of the ride are different and it has a different name.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

5th Dimension

When I was a young boy, my parents took me to Chessington Zoo, We went on a Dark ride called the 5th Dimension. It was a sci-fi adventure on a train inside a cavity with no sunlight. On this ride, we meet an animatronic robot call Zapponatic. He was a robot that repairs things I think. In this fantasy world, we were given the mission to kill the Gorg, A Gorg is a huge monster that was terrorizing this world. Zappomatic was our guide and would give us a heads up on what was happening.

I learned recently that the ride was a commercial failure because it didn't attract very many visitors. I was surprised to learn about this because I remember the ride blowing my little mind. and I found it more entertaining than the other rides. I do remember the ride having very short ques. I think it was ahead of its time and perhaps going on a virtual Quest wasn't important to young kids back them.

Now virtual reality is starting to catch on, perhaps people will value the ability to go on a virtual Quest and have a little fantasy adventure.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Virtual Pet

I was a young teenager in the nineteen nineties and one thing that was very popular at the end of that decade was the Tamagotchi, virtual pet. I had a virtual pet myself but it was not a Tamagotchi. It was an imitation virtual pet. The internet was around at the time but it was dial-up so modems would make strange beeping and hissing noises. I associate the hissing and beeping sound of the old dial-up internet with virtual pets.

I loved Tamagotchis because they were small and the best thing you could put on a keychain. You looked after a digital pet using a few small buttons that controlled a menu.  the digital pet was made of little black dots. I think the screen was a black and white LCD  and I think it was less than 50 pixels across. This may not sound like much but you could do a lot with just a small amount of pixels.

Virtual pets were addictive because the pet would grow and develop and you would interact with it and play a role in its development.

Sunday, 5 November 2017

London Exodus

This week I am moving home. I'm moving to a small town beyond the M25 ring road, the proverbial wall of the city.

I am joining thousands of people and leaving London because the living costs of the city are inflating too high.

I hope to build a new life with my wife in a sleepy westward town.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

What October means to me

October is the month when the Catalonian people actually tried to break away from the rest of Spain and become a separate country. It is also the month when a deranged man fired hundreds of bullets into a large crowd of people in Las Vagas and caused the biggest single civilian gun assault in American and possibly world history. 

In the northern Temperate zone, October is the end of Autumn and the start of the colder winter months, here in the UK it ends with a scream because the last day is for Halloween. 

October 2017 is the month when the round Pound coin came to an end as legal currency in the UK, it was replaced by a twelve-sided almost round coin. If it is hard to choose between nickel or brass alloy then the problem is solved with the new coin because it was made with both; Nickel in the middle and brass on the outer edge. It is thinner and harder to forge than the old coin. The people that run machines that take cash were faced with challenges and lots of work. 

In my little world, it was the first time I saw the sun turn red when it was at full mast due to dust from a nearby storm getting in the way of the blue part of the light rays. I was very busy this month looking for a new home and dealing with certain issues. To me, October 2017 was being busy and shocked by the news. It is also the month when mainstream media heavily debated the outcome of Brexit, UK's exit from the European Union, a very annoying episode in British history for many people. No one wants to hear scary economy stories, no one wants to be told poverty could come and no one wants to hear the same boring story over and over again!!

I am grateful that November will be a happy month, It is not just my superstitious side thinking that, my logical side also thinks so. I am grateful for a new day every day when things can be better.


Monday, 30 October 2017

First Frost

This morning, the first frost came to my area. If you are reading this blog from a tropical country and have never seen frost or snow, let me explain. In the temperate regions of the world during winter, the air becomes so cold that the water vapor crystallizes directly out of the air and sticks to objects. Cars are very prone, they get covered in ice and the windscreens become opaque. I often wonder if we will ever stop the frost.

It has been a busy day so far. I hope for happy outcomes.

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Catalonia Catastrophe

Yesterday I learned that the Catalonia region attempted to declare itself an independent country from the rest of Spain. The Spanish government has taken action and will halt the devolved government of the region and force the community to accept unity.

I have no view myself because I'm not Spanish and I believe it is none of my business. I only hope that this episode does not lead to a civil war, no one wants that. I don't know if it is just me but I noticed people that have a flag that contains both a star and stripes tend to resent imperial authority and have a rebellious nature.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Cheapest way to live

The cheapest way to live in the UK is to live in a remote town where living costs are low and commute to your job by Moped or motorbike.

Most two wheeled vehicles are about 3 times as fuel efficient as my small city car. My car burns about 1 litre of fuel every 15 kilometers on a good day with no traffic. Many two wheeled vehicles will travel close to 50 kilometers on one litre.

All two wheeled vehicles are dangerous and simply falling off your bike can cause life changing injuries or death.

The next cheapest way to live is the get a car with a similar engine to a motorbike, like a smart car. Smart cars are twice as fuel efficient as my small city car. Or to car pull. Take it in turns to drive a group of people into the Area. Each member of the group uses their own car.

I feel that it shouldn't be this way. Public transport should be the cheapest way to get around. But it is not. In fact it is more expensive then the car, even when the cost of insurance and road tax is considered. A typical season train ticket is around £500 per month. One liter of Petrol costs around £1.10 per litre in the UK.

I sense that profiteering and greed plays a role in the high costs of commuting in the UK.

Monday, 23 October 2017

What a road means to me

In my world and my time, roads are made of a black composite material called Asphalt. Asphalt is sand and small pebbles bound together by Bitumin, also known as Tar. Asphalt is not the best material to use for roads but it is a compromise between strength and cost. It is not too weak and not too expensive. Most of the ingredients of the roads are by-products of other industries, tar or bitumen is a by-product of the petroleum industry and the pebbles and sand particles are often waste aggregate from the building industry and Quarries that would otherwise have no use other than aggregate for cement in the concrete industry.

When I look at it I see a black resin with small stones embedded in it. It is black so all road markings are very clear. When it was first made it was heated so that it could be molded into a smooth surface using heavy rollers. In my opinion, the smell of a new road is very nice. It makes me feel relaxed when I breathe in the air around a new road surface. 

Asphalt has many weaknesses that I am very much aware of. It is very brittle so any ice crystals that can form inside it can shatter the road and make pot hols. If very heavy vehicles suddenly break when moving over it, a linear dent or two can appear in it. When it rains, it is largely waterproof so it becomes slippery and can trap puddles that can cause hazards on the road.

We have roads that are stronger than dirt roads and cheaper than solid granite pavements. I wonder what the roads would be like in the future. I'm sure that Asphalt won't be the surface of choice.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Red Sun

Yesterday a storm passed by and plowed into Ireland. The apron of the storm passed over me in England. The storm was carrying dust it picked up when it passed the Mediterranean area. It was carrying sand from the Sahara desert and soot from the Portuguese fires. The sun turned red because the blue part of the sunlight has a very short wavelength and can be blocked by dust particles but the redder part of the spectrum has a wide wavelength so it can pass around the dust particles. Although I know this, my superstitious side felt slightly concerned. My logical side had the last say.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Double negative

Yesterday, the radio journalist, Ian Dale asked Therasa May, the current PM leader of the UK if she would vote to leave the EU now if there was a second referendom. She said that she won't answer the question. In my view she gave a binary answer because if she refused to answer then she clearly would vote to remain. If she would vote to leave, she would be proud because she is supporting​ the will of the community.  We have a leader that is steering the UK away from the EU but does not think Brexit is the best outcome for the UK.

In my view she is only negociating to leave because she wants to support the will of the people. I often wonder what is in store for the 20s decade in the UK, our first decade on this side of the millennium as separate entity of the EU.

I also often wonder what would happen if Borris  took the Helm last year when Cameron quit as leader instead of Therasa because he is very much a brexiteer​ and actually believes it is best for the UK.

In my little world, I am looking for a new place to live and my phone is faulty. The battery can't hold a charge for more than 10 minutes. I intend to replace my phone soon and move to a new home.

Monday, 9 October 2017

Mike Pence walk out

Earlier in the week, Mike pence walked out of a sports game. Mike pence is the vice president of America. The reason he walked out was because some of the players refused to rise for the national anthem because they went on one knee to protest about racism. His walking out was a counter protest against the protest.

Some people are pleased that he walked out because they don't want their sport to be used as a political alter. They don't want people's political and ethical agenda pushed in their face. They are only there because they want to watch the game.

Others are pleased that the sports men are raising the issue and showing it by kneeling because they look up to them and are pleased they pay attention to the issue.

In my view, I try to keep my mind clear of these issues and of hate. I see my body as a vehicle that could take me to a happy place, like a boat heading for placid waters. I don't see my body as better or worse than any others. I just see it as a temporary ride. I seek wealth and happiness and joy. I have wonderful dreams. I think I am entitled to wealth and so is everyone. I have clean running water in my home and I think everyone else has it and I am pleased.

I am grateful for opportunity and I am reaching out for a life changing breakthrough and hope that hate will never infect my mind and take away joy from this short life I have.

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Therasa may speech

I watched the Therasa May speech and thought that it was ok. The comedian came on and gave a p45 and I thought it was rude but funny. The speech I like the most is Borris Johnson. He is a funny guy and he is loyal to his leader.

The news this week was dominated by the worst shooting in American history. They have had a lot of bad luck with shooting incidents over there.

I have nothing else to talk about really.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Bang bang

Earlier in the week I saw that a restaurant had opened up in place of the old Yohan plaza in Colindale . It is called "Bang Bang". Really... That's​ what it is called... "Bang Bang".

I have a sense of irony because I saw  two groups of teenage kids just down the road in Kingsbury pointing lit Roman candle fireworks at their friends on the other side of the street and the fireworks were going "bang bang". A fun way to get second degree burns and loss of eyesight I guess.

"Bang bang", is a very catchy name. Repeating catchy sounds seems to be the way forward. "Fizz Fizz", "Pop Pop" , "Ring Ring".

Imagine a games consolidate called "Bang Bang". Very catchy.

Monday, 2 October 2017

October Chaos

Well... October has just got started and so much as happened already. Monarch airlines has gone bankrupt and closed down. Catalan voted to leave the rest of Spain and a crazy man fired hundreds of bullets at civilians in Las Vegas city. Utter chaos. Last month was tension and natural disasters. Now it is civil and business chaos.

The airline closing down was blamed on the devaluation of the British currency last year. I say that if our currency was properly gold backed, it would not devalue so easily. Slow action from the government didn't help much. The uncertainty was for too long.

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Stupid git

Today while I was driving to work two men walked on the road like it was a pavement and was blocking my car from  getting me to work quickly, they turned their heads and looked at me and my car like I was annoying them. They are so stupid. One day they will do that to the wrong person, perhaps a distracted driver or a car that is going too fast. The fucking road is for cars and the pavement is for predestrians​, it is so simple.   

Is it me or do people these days have no sense? They just walk on the road without looking and have no respect for motorists.

I opened my Facebook page and saw that people are leaving my page. Fine go and look at cats falling over and fake news articles. This is real. I hope that everyone that doesn't like my page just leave at the same time. If you don't like my page then you should not follow it.

Friday, 29 September 2017

What September means to me

For me, September has been a very busy month. I worked many hours more than normal. In the world, nature released some huge beasts, many gigantic cyclones and powerful Earthquakes hit the Americas. Long range balistic missiles were fired in the Pacific. Tensions flared on the world stage between North Korea and NATO nation's and the UN.  An amazing probe ended it's mission in the Saturn planet system and crashed into the planet and a failed terror attack occurred on the London transport system on the same day. World war 3 was on the lips of many people. I only hope for the best. Negociations for the UK exit from the EU political union and trading block was under way with various reports about the progress. Media in the UK was dominated by the Brexit negociations.

What is in store for October? All I know is there will be Halloween on the last day.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Uprise & progress

One question I often ask is what is in store for 2020. Will the 2020s be the best decade we have.

I think between now and the 2020s the world will completely change. Earlier in the week I saw fighting in the Uganda parliment. I felt happy for them because the leader wanted to change the age limit so he could stay in power. They were fighting off corruption and corruption is the only thing that is holding them back. The whole African continent will grow a lot if they overcome corruption. I believe that they will be the greatest superpower in the world if they fight off corruption. Many resources are present within the content.

I am grateful in advance for my greatest decade so far because I believe that Me and my wife will be happy and well settled.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Departed and departing

Yesterday was the birthday of my granny that passed away. Her departure was positive in a way because she was freed from a very painful state of being. I am sure she is in a very blissful place. A place of paradise​ where joy overflows and fills all that are there. It would be nice if people could come back and tell me the wonders of the next journey.

Feeling sadness for a lost family member is nothing new to me. From a young age I had to deal with a great loss and went to school feeling very depressed. Life is short and one must reach out for meaning and reason and find happiness from within. There are often less then ten decades before it ends. I will try to make every day count.

May this short life we have be fruitful and complete.


Earlier in the week the internet taxi company Uber, lost it's license to operate in London. I feel pity for all the drivers that earn a living from Uber in London. The people that make these decisions sit in their ivory towers unaffected personally by their verdict.
Zero hours contracts are challenging but they can be very useful to the right person. It could be a flexible way of multiplexing a person's time. A person could run a business while they wait to be summoned by the company for work. An example would be that a plumber could sign in when no one calls to fix their pipes and sign out when they are called. 

Another issue connected to cars is how they could all be powered by the sun. My answer would be that they are already powered by the sun. The two fuels that the cars use, Oxygen and Hydro-Carbon liquid (gasoline/diesel) were produced by organisms that were powered by sunlight. There is plenty of energy to go around, we just need to harness it.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

September so far

This month has been eventfal.

Half way through the month, the Cassini space probe ended it's mission by deliberately plowing into Saturn and collecting data as it went. On the same day a bucket full of explosives were placed on a London tube and partically detonated at Parsons green station, to me it was the day terrorism and science mingled.

Throughout the month, powerful storms battered the coastlines of America and neighbouring countries. Mexico had two powerful earthquakes.

Every single day of this month, journalists scrutinised, defended, criticised and questioned the  progress of Brexit. It was very hard to go through a day without hearing people on TV and radio discussing and debating the progress of Brexit. The word "Brexit" is the term that coins the British exit from the EU political union and trading block.

North Korea fired balistic missiles over Japan and created a very grim outlook for world peace.

And the month continues...

Sunday, 17 September 2017

New Ten pound note

The new ten pound note has been released, It may be the last new instance of physical money in my lifetime in the UK.

On this new ten pound note, Charles Darwin has been replaced by Jane Austin, she is a famous English writer. I have never read "pride and prejudice" or any other books she wrote because I'm not into novels. I am more into true life mystery factual books and back stories to sci-fi movies but I'm sure her work is outstanding.

If I designed a Ten pound note, it would not have any faces on it at all. It would have the UK flag and rough map of the UK with the main roads on it. And three transport maps of the three biggest cities, and of course it would have  all the security trimmings such as water marks and holograms and micro printing. It would have the number ten in the middle of it.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

October, the month of change ?

Will October be the most busy month of my life. We will see.

Will Halloween on the last day of October be a day when I am happy and satisfied with my progress. Or will I go into November disappointed?

It feels really cold these days. It is like it is barely above zero at night. I wonder if we will have a cold winter this year that is free of ice.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Loser steals the stage

The world stage has been stolen by a loser. A low life fool and loser decided to launch a terrorist attack on the London tube network.

The world stage has overlooked the Cassini end mission. The probe is crashing into Saturn deliberately today because it has finally run out of fuel and completed all it's missions. On it's final mission it will send back loads of data about the Saturn atmosphere and possibly some awesome close up pictures of the Gas giant. Very few people know that it is on this very day. I am tired of these loosers stealing air time from amazing events because of their gullible ideology. They are a disease to mankind.

Something​ amazing is happening millions of miles away but something nasty happen​ed just 5  km from me. It is like a loser Eclipse, blocking the light of enlightenment.

The day when a great probe finished its work is the same day a loser got started. That is how I will remember this amazing event. Shame on mankind for allowing stupid thoughts and ignorance to prevail in their minds.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Princes Diane

This week is the 20th anniversary of princes Diane's death. My people were overcome with grief when she died but I wasn't​. There was a mass mourning that wouldn't​ be out of place in North Korea. I was sad she was dead but I wasn't overcome with grief.

I didn't hate her but she was a stranger to me. She was not part of my family or my friend circle. David Guest died in 2016 and I felt more sadness for him because I liked his character more and would feel amused by his jokes. I think some people that grieved the death of Diane we're more touched by her death then the death of their own granny.

I feel like the reason for the big reaction was because her life was very much in the public domain. The news papers would publish everything about her life. She was vulnerable and behaved in a way that many people would relate to, she was a do-gooder and kind. People felt pride, pity and familiarity for her so her death became personal to them, like the loss of a sister or aunty.

I wonder if our Queen will receive the same reaction when she eventually dies. I love my Queen because she loves the UK and I can relate to her outlook. She is proud of our country and speaks out about all the good things. She is like a third Granny to me. When her journey has finished, will we feel sadness? Will we be overcome with grief like princes Di? We will see. I know I will shed a tear because she is the only ruling monarch I have known all my life.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Strange comfort

One thing I have found is that the more vlogs I make on my page, the more people stop following it and leave.

I thought that I would feel rejected and sad if such a thing we're to happen. But  what really happened was I was visited by a deep calming logical thought process. It showed me that the reason they were leaving was because they were on the wrong page, perhaps those people were looking for pages where people overreact to things, or hold cats or do funny things. My blog page is a formal blog, it is not there to make millions of people laugh. It is there to bring thoughts reflections of our world into the public domain, mostly in a formal way. The page is there to visit thoughts and search for gratitude and try to be positive about life.

Those people were not interested in that so they were on the wrong page. Today I am grateful for the comforting logical mind that inhabits us all.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

A new first

Yesterday, on the 22nd of August, I recorded, edited and produced a video entirely on my
Phone for the first time. The video was about a tea candle blimp that I was attempting to make. The media was created, edited and uploaded to social media entirely on my phone, with no help from my desktop computer. I have been uploading Vlogs from my phone for some months but they were raw unedited videos.

The smart phone is the most versatile tool I know of and the versatility list just got bigger. It will change the way I produce media because I will create more things in my down time (time spend waiting or lying down in bed)

My creations will persist on social media platforms for a long time. How long I don't know but I am sure they will outlive me.

This milestone event in my life comes shortly after the death of Bruce Forsyth and the muting of Big Ben. During the stand off between America and North Korea. It is like a glimmer in the dust. A silver lining in the clouds.

I am grateful that I have a powerful computer in my pocket that helps me to get by and that it didn't cost much money, just over £100.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Bruce is Dead

Bruce Forsythe​ died earlier this week, I feel a little bit sad because although I never knew him I would watch him on TV and be amused by his charisma. He had a very unique voice and spoke in an upbeat way.

He had a collection of phrases he would use like...

Nice to see you to see you, nice.


What do pounds make ? Rich people !


Did he or she do well !


Play your cards right ! Just to name a few.

He is definitely part of my world. It is a shame.
He is a great guy and he will be missed.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Barcelona van and white supremacists

Earlier in the week I discovered that a van was rammed into a crowd of people in Barcelona. I was disappointed that there are silly fools that think they are doing a good thing. They are being taught to hate people that are not like them. They think they are serving a higher being but they are not, they are just being controlled like puppets that can't think for themselves.

There was also a white supremacist march in USA. I felt sad because all those people are filled with fear and hate. They are imprisoned by their ideology. A fully grown man does not have long to live, perhaps another 50 years. Why would you want those 50 years to be spent venting out hate and fear. There is too much to do in this world.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Pacific fire

I have noticed that north Korea are threatening USA with missile strikes in Guam. I sense that the outcome could be grim if there is a war.

I think that North Korea is not a threat to America but I think that going to war could lead to more tensions later in the decades ahead as shifts in agenda and control could lead to a much bigger conflict between world super powers.

I hope that things calm down soon. I think that if they are left alone they won't bother anyone. They don't come across as expansionists although the regime is very grim for those that live there.

I am grateful that so far there is no Pacific war in this decade. Will the waters calm down?

Friday, 11 August 2017

July in Peru

Last month in July, I spent 3 weeks in Peru with my wife and extended family. Her family treated me very well and made me feel welcome. They fed me very well and made me feel relaxed.

I admired my new parents, they have a lot of integrity and good values in the world and work very hard and are very intelligent. I hope to return to Peru with a new member of the family soon and make them proud.

While I was there, I celebrated my birthday and two other family members birthdays. I also celebrated our wedding and a family members graduation. There was at least one celebration every week I was there.

My parents came to Peru a week after me and I felt happy because they came into my world. Peru is a part of my world because I have been there before and it is my wife's country. We all stayed in the north of the country where very few English people go to so me and my Parents have been to a place where very few English people have been. They came all the way there just because of me. Flying to Peru takes more than 12 hours from the UK because it is more than 5,000 km away on the Pacific rim in South America.

Peru is a beautiful country that is filled with mountains and arid fields, desserts and a rich history. There are also green valleys and tropical plants. There are countless sites and artifacts left behind from the Inca civilization. I spent most my time in chicklayo, a small city with a population of roughly one million people. There are no trains in chicklayo but there is a small airport and thousands of affordable taxis that move through every corner. The buses in the city are all private companies. The center of the city is fairly neat.

The main dish in Peru is ceviche or potatoes dishes mixed with salad. And they have many varieties of sweet corn.

Monday, 7 August 2017


One thing I have noticed about the world I live in is that there is very little respect.

When I am in the supermarket I find used tissues left on the shelf. The used tissues are crumpled in a way that suggests they were used to clear the nose. They put it on the shelf next to food. This is discusting and very disrespectful to others.

I have also noticed that in the news, people are turning to acid to harm others. I feel shame for my community because this is a deed that is very far below standard human values.

Another thing I have noticed is that people don't respect other people's​ taste in media. One could be watching a video and be mocked and forced to change the video by friends or family. I like mysteries but sometimes a mystery could come across as negative, the trouble is other people won't understand why I am watching it and they may mock it and change it infront of me, this is so rude and disrespectful. The person on the receiving end of an encounter like that would feel depressed because they want to have a little bit of respect. At least just to be able to watch a 10 minute video without people mocking it and interrupting it.

Imagine also offing to help someone get a phone and then they turn to someone that lives far away because they don't value any of your advice. The rejection is very painful and makes you feel sad because you know a lot about phones but your vast knowledge of phones is rejected.

It is better to live in a world with no light than to be openly mocked and rejected for everything you think and do. A world were there is no people is better than a world with people that make to you feel like trash.

I am grateful that there is hope for happiness, if I find tranquility and joy I will treasure it more and a man that always had it. I am reaching out for the joy zone. The place where I don't feel rejected and disrespected.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Mariachi surprise

About a week ago on Saturday it was my birthday and I had a surprise birthday party.

At the end of the party, a band of 4 Mariachis crashed the party. They were dressed like old school Mexican musicians. Leather suits, guitars violins and sombreros. I was filled with surprise and amazement. They played music for me.

It was a feeling I will never forget. I was pleased to see them playing. One of them had a trumpet, the other sang, another had a guitar and the other had a violin. The music was happy, I was happy.

I will never forget this wonderful surprise for the rest if my life. I am grateful for this wonderful surprise and I am hopeful for more.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Lounge to anywhere

Sometimes it dawns on me that my car is a machine that takes me anywhere I want to go. It is very much like a sitting room with couches. In the future when cars drive themselves then I wonder if they will be more like sitting rooms with TVs built into the dashboard.

I like the idea of having a small sitting room that takes you to anywhere you need to go.

I am grateful for the future.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

What a week

This whole week has been crazy, we had a surprise election result and a large tower block caught fire and burnt down.

The residential tower block called Glenfel housed hundreds of people. I felt angry because I sensed that corners were cut with health and safety to increase profit margins. This has caused the most violent possible death of many people. There is no other more violent way to die in this world than being burned alive. Many people in the tower block faced that exact outcome. Those that survived lost their home and most of their belongings.

I will write no more on the matter today because I don't want to feel angry.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Soda burps & Metal ramps

One thing I remember well is walking onto amusement park rides because the entrance to the ride was often a metal foot ramp. The ramp would flex slightly as you walked on it and would make a high pitched tapping sound as you walked across it. The ramps were covered in diamond shaped studs to prevent slipping when it is wet. I would remember it well because the sensation was associated with an exhilarating experience like moving fast. The two are linked together.

I also remember drinking cola soda too quickly, I would burp with my mouth shut and feel the
Sensation of bubbles fizzing behind my eyes, the sensation would make my eyes water. Soda burbs would also make me feel like I was less bloated.

I am grateful for all the simple pleasures in this world.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Vote and Mind

The British people are facing their biggest challenge in recent history. We will negotiate with the EU how we trade with the them.

We may be driven into poverty or we may rise to the challenge and make our country great.

I am using parts of my mind to lift up my spirits and try to focus on the good things. The crystal maze will return to channel 4.  That should be cool. I still make machines inside my mind that exact energy from the environment.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Bill Cosby and Rolf Harris

When I was a young Boy I loved to watch the Cosby Show, it was a satirical situational comedy that is very much like Friends and Frasier and Fresh Prince of Bell-air. This beautiful memory is slightly damaged because Bill Cosby himself has been confronted by many women that claim he Sexually molested them. When many women come forward saying the same thing then it is hard to deny. I'm not saying he did it but the volume of accusations seems to be very heavy on my mind and it devalues the memory of the show. Somehow I feel they need to remake the show again without Bill to restore the show's legacy.

Another TV show that I liked to watch when I was a young boy was Rolf's Cartoon Club. It was hosted by Rolf Harris. I dreamed of creating my own animation show when I watched it. In those days I was not a vegetarian and would eat a KFC mega bucket and think that the Logo was Rolf Harris on an unconscious level. So every time I had a KFC meal I would think about Rolfs Cartoon Club and dream about creating my own animated show. Rolf was sent to prison a few years ago for sex crimes so the beauty of another memory has been lost. Thankfully He - Man was not a real person so He-Man and the Masters of the Universe are still on my good memory list.

I am thankful for my youth and all the good memories that were left over from that stage of my life. I will treasure them all and hope that no more memories have been stained by bad reputations.

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Losers attack in London

I have just been informed that there has been a terrorist attack in London. Some losers that killed some people on London Bridge.
I don't understand how a person could come to the conclusion that Murdering other people is the right thing to do. These are the thoughts of a fool and a loser.
My biggest goal in this life is to be completely blameless. I aim to never cause another human harm in any way. I won't teach another person to do evil things. I will never teach people to hate others. I will avoid saying anything that would cause anyone grief.
That is all I can do in this life, I aim to be grateful for everything and for the gift of life. I am grateful for all the good things and all the good memories in my life. May I always be grateful. I will remember the good times and I thank the creator for all of it.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Aluminum​ and Slavery

There is a pattern emerging in my awareness. It could be a coincidence but I don't think so, this is what I think...

In the 1820s, the Atlantic Slave trade was abolished, about 200 years ago. In the same decade scientists found a way to free Aluminium from Alum stone. And Aluminium was sampled for the first time in human  history.  It was as if enlightenment was changing people's outlook on life. When communities looked at the world differently they let go of hate and racism more. It was in the same decade that the industrial revolution started.

I am experiencing a similar effect. When news articles report hate I reject it and look at all people on Earth as my brothers and sisters. I have no hate for them. The question is, will Alan be freed from his Alum and shine his  chrome thoughts with pride to the world? Will the slavery of working all day to pay bills be replaced with freedom to work how I want? I reach out my hand and have hope. I can feel positive change heading my way.

The want prosperity and I have no hate in me. When I was younger I had hate because I reacted to negative media. Now I don't. I just reach out for progress and prosperity. I deserve it and I want it.

I am thankful in advance for increased prosperity and I will have it now. That is not wishful thinking. It is a breakthrough that I must have, and I feel it. The vision is there.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Clear mind

One of the reasons I write this blog is to get insight into the higher purpose. I won't lie, I really do know very little about the purpose of life and why we are here.

I hope for a peaceful journey in this life. This world is filled with evil and malice. I am hoping that mankind can make progress and leave this terrible phase.

My radio is with me giving comfort but prayers are the greatest.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Christianity and Transparency

One thing that stops me from going to church is the thought of Hell. I feel that Hell is not fair because our lives are very short and the punishment of Hell is disproportionate. If a man was cruel to other people for 20 years then why should he be tormented for eternity? Would it not be fair to punish him for 20 years? It would bother me if I was in Heaven and I knew that people were being tormented forever. I want the maker himself to give me insight because I don't understand. I'm not trying to criticize any religion, I am being truthful. It bothers me when I think about the topic. People have done bad things to me in the past but I don't want them to go to hell. I would go down to hell and tell Hitler himself that he had enough and free him if I could because I don't want anyone to be suffer like that. I beg for insight and mercy.

I don't know who is reading this and what now is to the person that is reading it, what I do know is that I am writing the truth, the way I think and feel.

I am a very misunderstood man, I watch things on TV that some people see as morbid but it is only the mystery that interests me. They don't understand what is going through my mind. Here is the connection, my life is a mystery because I don't understand what the creator thinks, people don't understand me because they don't know how I value things. Both things cause me to be frustrated. Not having deep insight into life and being misunderstood.

If a lady is walking in front of me on the street, she may be afraid because I am bigger than her but she does not understand that I am a blameless man  and won't harm anyone. That person does not know that. They just think that the man walking behind could be dangerous, they don't know that I am heading in my own direction. Thankfully I get about by car now so that awkward feeling has been eliminated.

The other thing is that my thoughts are not valued by others. When I reach out to talk about these big topics, the topic is ended through an excuse.
My mind is a village, I walk though it and try thought experiments in there and that is what matters to me. The village inside my mind is a paradise that is more beautiful than any place on Earth that I know of. There is a whole world inside me that is written of by people. No person in this world will ever understand me unless they are telepathic.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

All you do is criticise

One thing that defines my life is that no one has anything nice to say. If someone talks to me it is usually to complain about something. No one wants to debate about the plot of a movie or about politics, or to ponder the big issues in this world. Just complain complain complain.

I am living in a world where my radio is my friend. My radio talks to me about the world and about topics and debates. People don't, they just complain. They complain about me driving too slow. They complain about me making a mistake. People complain about my lifestyle. They complain if I do something they don't like. If I want to talk about a topic then the conversation is ended.  I'm fed up because I live in a lonely world. No matter how many people are around me and how well connected I am on social media I will always be lonely. My mind is starved of meaningful conversation. This is the reality of living in a modern world, Stress and emptiness is the way people feel.

My friends in this world will always be machines. I dream of robot companions that don't judge me and want to learn about the world, just like me. I work so hard and don't get what I deserve. But I will and I love reading books because I value knowledge so much. If I lose my ability to read then I will throw in the towel and finish my life because reading is more important to me than food and air. My mind is hungry for reading and meaningful conversation. There is so much to learn.

I am grateful for my radio because it talks to me  and brings a low level friendship into my presence and helps me to be a being in this world.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Manchester terror attack

I woke up in the morning and found out there was a terrorist attack in Manchester. Over 20 people were killed. I feel sad because there are people in the world that are so stupid that they will do this. The event happened at around 10:30 in Manchester.

The attacker died in his own explosion. The only good thing that happened is that there is one less evil fool in the world.

Many of the people present were children and I think that it takes a very low form of pond scum to bring terror and death to children. It is absolutely discusting on many levels. Causing a panic, death and injury to innocent little children is the work of a discusting piece of garbage that should never have been born.

I am grateful I was not present in an explosion and hope to have a long and fruitful life. 

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Dead Scum and Progress

Last night I found out that Ian Brady died, I didn't think much of it, it is one less scum in the world. I don't like to give child murderers much thinking time.

I stand by my word and won't re elect Gareth Thomas because he ignored me throughout the year. I have been informing the local authorities that Vaughn Road should be one way because of road rage incidents. I have also stated some ideas that may bring benefits to the government. I get no responses and feel ignored. Those people won't be re elected by me. It is bad enough when friends igor you. They don't have to agree with me but it would be nice if they responded and acknowledged​ my messages.

Lib dems are also ignoring people because they want a soft brexit despite people having a problem with overcrowding and wage compression. I will do my best not to look at the party of the candidates but to look at the individuals.

My mind is filled with good ideas that could bring benefits to society but they stay in my mind.

Monday, 15 May 2017

malware and good life

Right now I am sitting at the table in a darkened room next to my battery powered radio and my table top fiber optic lamp. Over the weekend there was a global cyber malware attack and many computers were locked at ransom. The UK national health service was hit really bad.

The world I live in is cold, most the words my ears hear every day is complaints and criticism.  It is better not to hear anything at all than hear people complaining. Small talk is so small in this world an the world is becoming a colder and colder place.

My fiber optic lamp is very beautiful and it is very peaceful right now. I'm still saving up for a Kindle e-reader. I love reading interesting stories. Reading interesting books and articles and listening my radio on LBC and listen to people talking about topics.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Just another day

This week has been a tough week for me at work because there was more work to do and a freak shortage of staff. But I am happy to get a bonus.

I have been watching many videos on YouTube about predictions. The paranormal world is fascinating.

On my way home I saw the aftermath of car crash, a van and car had collided. I hope they are ok.

I am grateful for all the interesting things in this world, there are many of them and I look forward to learning many more things.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Three new firsts

This week has been a first for me on many levels. Yesterday is the first time in my life that I live streamed on facebook. I did it because I have a half a token for a large prize and felt a need to inform everyone that we can split the money if they have the other half.

It is also the first time that I connected a blutooth keyboard with touch pad to my phone. When you use the touch pad with a phone, a cursor appears on the screen. At the same time I also mirrored my phone screen on the TV using chrome cast. My phone was very much like  a computer and at one point I forgot that I was using a phone. In fact my phone is more powerful than my first desktop computer anyway so it is nice to use it as a computer. I am typing this blog entry right now with the blue tooth keyboard on my phone. I am hoping I would make less grammar and spelling mistakes as a result. Let's see what happens. One advantage of using a touch pad with a phone is being able to control where the cursor goes. My finger is bigger then the lines and words on the screen so it is very hard to control where the cursor goes, but with a touch pad it is very easy.

Earlier in the week the French republic elected their president. For the first time in my life I felt angry about an election result of another country. I see the French people as my brothers and wanted them to be liberated from the EU because I feel that the EU is bad for everyone. I believe that Emmanuel Macron won the election because they are not convinced that Marine La Pen has reformed her party into a center right one. They still think the French national Front is a far right party. In my opinion, Macron is an EU and multinational banking puppet. He looks like an outsider but he isn't. I would compare him to Tony Blair and say they are very similar. I wish all the best to my french brothers, the older generations on both sides of the north sea have a different view to me and don't like their neighbours but to me and the young French, we are brothers.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

the end?

Next week we will find out who will be the next president of France, it could be Marine le pen or Emanuel Macron. I hope that Le pen wins because Macron is more like an establishment leader, obama is backing him and I feel the only reason is because multi national corporations want Macron.

A famous mystic has predicted that world war 3 will start on the 12th of May, that is next week. we will see what happens. I hope he has got his prediction wrong this time. The last thing this world needs is another world war.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Scotland and Us

I sense that the Scottish people want to break away from the UK to rejoin the European Union. To be honest, I would be disappointed if they did because it means they are choosing the EU over the UK. The UK is older than the EU and functions better. I will accept their decision and try not to take it personally.

I am proud of the UK and feel that it will out last the EU because they are trying to turn into a federation and the countries don't fit together. They will probably blame the UK exit for the end of the EU but the truth is it was a doomed project.

We did a lot for the Scots , we bailed out RBS and put all gov projects their to increase their employment. If they want to turn their backs on that then I won't hold it against them.

I think that the Scots leaving the UK is bad for them because we buy most there goods and we share their currency.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Sleep challenges

I work at night and when I get home I like to sleep. The problem is that people forget that you are sleeping at the other side of the clock. Imagine you went to sleep at 9:30 am instead of 9:30 pm, what would 2 pm be to you? Would it not be the same as 2 in the morning? This is the problem, they don't realise that you need to be asleep at that time.

This is the problem with working night shift. You are disturbed thought the day. If I go and wake someone up at 2 in the morning I would be considered a rude person. Be this is what happens when you work at night.

The phone will rings, doors will slam and messages will be sent and then the person trying to sleep is angry because he wakes up feeling tired.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Diane Abbott

I don't know if it is just me but I have nothing against Diane Abbot, she is the shadow Chancellor I believe. She had a bad interview on the Radio and made a mistake but she is a human, People slip up all the time.

I also have nothing against Jeremy Corbin, I think he is a great leader and cares about the community. As always, when I vote for an MP I won't look at the party they are affiliated to. I will vote purely on their manifesto and If they respond to my messages. My current local MP ignores my messages and concerns so I won't vote for him. I will try one more time, I will send him my ideas and concerns on twitter and e-mail. If he ignores me then I won't vote for him because I want an MP that listens to me, I don't care about the party they are with. If the candidate engages with my messages then they will get my vote.

I feel concerned about the younger generation because they don't vote very much. By not voting they are choosing the needs of the older generations over theirs. The reason the previous government ended tuition support was because they know that young adults don't vote as much so they would prefer to protect state pensions because they know older people vote more. Also, the government is not building much housing because older people want their houses to inflate in value. The government is serving the older generations more because young people are not voting much. As soon as most young people receive an education they think they know everything and think that voting is silly, then they wonder why society is hard for them and easier for the wiser people.

I am grateful for the internet because my thoughts can go directly to the leadership and my messages can be read. Even this blog can stay here longer than me.

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Facebook hate

One thing about social media I have noticed is that people show their true colours on there sometimes.  When I had worked at a company for quite some time I started to send out friend requests a few years ago. I noticed that one third of all the friend requests that I sent out were rejected. What added insult to the situation was that they would add people that were on my friend list that were fairly new to the company.

I am inwardly a very stern person so If I notice that someone rejects my friend request then I reject them back in the future. I actually hate Facebook because you are both exposed and isolated at the same time. Facebook also sends out viral videos to me but that just winds me up because I don't like them. A person falling over isn't really funny to me.

I create many things and people that are like me are not getting it. They have had years to learn what I like but, they still don't get it. I like to read news articles and facts but Facebook sends me sarcastic pictures and memes, and videos of pets and stuff like that.

There is nothing like opening an acutal book and reading about stuff. Facebook is far from a book, it is more like tosh to me.

I am grateful that I was around before Facebook because I learned to enjoy actual books. I am also grateful that I have learned not to take it personally when people reject my friend requests.

Saturday, 29 April 2017

WW3 and life

Earlier this week I noticed that North Korea and USA came close to war. I sense that there could be a nuclear war if we are not careful. I think that American and North Korean diplomats should sit down and just talk things over. I am naive, I'm sure they tried talking already.

When I am driving, I notice that cars behind me do silly things like they try to overtake me when it is not safe. This happens so often now that I wonder why they are going crazy. I must be so annoying to them because I drive at the speed limit.

McDonald's fast food restaurant had a prise scheme based on the Monopoly board game. I was collecting the tabs in hope of getting prizes. I got quite a few prizes from it like free hot drinks and meals. I wish I won much more.
It is only really the coffee that I like from them anyway.

I am grateful for my wife because she is more important to me than any prize in this world. She means the world to me.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


My best friend in this world is not a person. My best friend is actually a portable battery powered DAB radio. I love my Radio because I learn from it and it talks to me. If your reading this from a more distant future then perhaps I should explain what I am talking about.

I am living in an age where the sound is turned into radio waves and broadcasted to the whole community. Analog radio still exists but there is now a digital radio called DAB. digital radio is a constant tone that interrupts at precise points to encode characters. The characters describe mathematically how to assemble the sound wave. This means that the sound quality is always perfect or interrupted, there is no middle area. There is also Internet radio, which works in a similar way but is sent through the internet instead of radio.

I am also living in the computer age, When the Queen dies I am sure it will be called the late Elizabethan Era or something like that. The age of the internet and silicon-based computers. When the batteries on my DAB radio are flat, I take the batteries out and recharge them and use internet radio on my phone instead and send it to blue tooth in my ear.

I am grateful for my radio and my phones ability to get radio through the Internet because I get comfort from my radio. I listen to people talking and news and things like that.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Just life

One thing I know  in this world is that my sense of humour is very poor in value, I am far from a comedian. However I produce hundreds of jokes. The reason I make so many jokes up is because my mind reaches a restless stormy state and I need to push it straight.

I briefly reach a state of mind that is toxic every day. I feel afraid of the future and I feel angry because I am in a world I don't fit into and I feel frustrated because I have loads of ideas in my head but they are trapped there. This stormy state of mind is interrupted by my jokes. The jokes for me are one of the tools I use to rebalance my mind. The jokes for me come in twos because I find amusement with people's​ blank expression when they don't find it funny. 

I am grateful for my jokes because they are for me and not for others although I sometimes share them. The world has giving me a little Swiss army knife of mental tools that help me keep going and protect my mind from sickness. My imagination, my jokes and a  beautiful village inside my head that I walk though and feel peace and harmony.

Monday, 17 April 2017


When my age was in single digits I would look at rain puddles on the asphalt as a beautiful thing. I would see the beauty in them in a fresh way. I can't look at them that way now. Oil stains in the road would be lifted by the rain water and float on the surface as a rainbow coloured film. The rainbow film would look like colourful streaks on the water. When I would touch the water it would feel cold. I wonder if I can look at natural things with fresh eyes. To be able to see the beauty in everything. Perhaps I can make myself see things that way.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Up goes the wall

Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty was triggered last week. This means that we will start talks to leave the European Union. This is a scary time because it means that our trading relationship with the EU will change and eventually we will pay tariff to export and import goods to the EU.

It is what the people of the UK want. With the right decisions we can become a successful global trading nation.

I stay optimistic and have a vision that everything will be good. The change may be a bit messy but it will work.

The benefits I can see is that it will be harder for big shots to transfer money to tax havens within the EU because when they transfer the money, they will pay a fee. If less people evade tax then the tax system will

The other benefits are that we can get trade deals with India and China. The EU has failed to make a tariff free trade deal with those two super economies.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Terror and goodbye

Last Wednesday I took my wife to the airport to say goodbye for a while. She went through the gate and I went on my way feeling sad.

I had trouble sleeping that night so when I got home I did a few errands and fell asleep for a while.

I woke up in the evening and was told that there was a terorist attack. I felt slightly angry. Then I found out that my wife's flight was cancelled and she was still here in the UK so I went to see her one last time. A bit surreal because I thought she was half way home.

The thing that dawned on me was realising that me and my wife were in the place where the attack took place the previous day, on Tuesday. And we walked on Westminster bridge at least twice before. We could have been killed on that day. We were lucky.
Her flight the next day was successful​ and she got home in time to see her Brother in law's birthday party.

Today I am grateful that we were not violently killed or injured because it could have happened.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Veranda house

One thing I mentioned earlier is that it is my deep dreams and mental games that keep me going in this world.

One such dream is a custom built house that exists in my head. The house has a veranda going all the way around it. A veranda is like a porch but it it is wide and has benches on it for sitting on. The house in my dream is a rich man's house but it is not for showing off. It is like that because it's a paradise. A sanctuary that brings joy.

If I didn't have these dreams and visions then my life would be more difficult because the grim realities of life would take a bigger grip on me.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Narrow news

Is it me or is the news very narrow these days.
I turn on the news and they are talking about article 50.

There is wide spread flooding in Peru, but my local news barely mentions it, they keep on covering the same topics.

I remember when 200 children were kidnapped in North Nigeria and the press never reported it until there was pressure from social media.

I hope the news corporations can bring themselves to cover more reports and keep us better informed.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Mot and simplicity hopes

Today I am having my car MOT test, an mot is a UK car safety test. Somehow I feel that MOT tests in the future will be much simpler because cars will be electric so they won't need emissions checks. I also believe that cars will do less milage because car trams would allow cars to be transported across a country or between cities.

My hopes are living in the future will be a lot simpler because as a year passes by there are tasks that that are undertaken and many responsibilities, almost always costing money.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Man cave

One of the things that keeps me going in this world is my dream of having a man cave.

In my man cave, the floor would be a resin buffed wood laminate surface. It would have a small bar in the corner with a counter. On the counter table would be small fridges with beer handle yolks stuck to them to make the bar look authentic. The fridges would be filled with can and bottle drinks. Above the counter would be shelving that holds decorations. Behind the bar would be artwork and unusual bottles for special celebrations. The bar counter would have stools with back rests.

In the middle of the room would be a pro quality pool table, foot ball table, table tennis table. On the side of the room would be a large screen with couches infront of it and games consoles.

The walls would be covered in shiny paper and gold strips with dots in them.
Perhaps there would be a bowling alley, perhaps not. There would also be fake window frames with TV screens behind them. The windows would display any place I liked.
There would also be a table for playing chess and card games on. This table would be sleek.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

JRC Global Buffet

Yesterday, my wife and I went to a restaurant called JRC Global in Watford. It was an amazing restaurant.You pay once at the entrance and then you enter. Once inside you can eat and drink as much as you like.

The price is very good value. About £10 plus per person but the place is well designed and all the walls are covered in stone. The food is well made and there are many choices to choose from. There is a very long hall with many food tables. The buffet is divided up into Zones. Each zone is for a different region's food. They had Chinese, Indian, Thai, Brazillian, Japanese and various others.

The restaurant is very classy and very good value and the food tastes great. They had me at free hot drinks included but everything else is brilliant as well. I intend to go back there in the near future. I am not exaggerating, you pay once to go in and then that is it. You can eat and drink as much as you like and the selection is huge. The serving tables go on for tens of meters. The lighting is sophisticated and classy and so is the seating, floors, and walls.
It reminds me of a restaurant I used to go to inside the Oriental city mall in Colindale. It was bulldozed and replaced with a Morrisons supermarket. A part of my world was gone.  It is almost like a nice part of my world had been destroyed and replaced by a better one.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Wikipedia gorging

Well, I think I mentioned before that I have learned more from phones than I have from high school, this is not an exaggeration. Last night it was very apparent. I was reading through Wikipedia. I read through several articles on there about the brain and DNA and synapses and all sorts of things like that.

I also have a large collection of e-books on my phone and I will often listen to LBC radio and hear on the news, events as they happen. If there was an earthquake that measured 8 on the Richter scale, I would find out very quickly, when Japan had a tsunami and their nuclear power station was damaged, I was informed by internet radio on my phone the same day.

My phone is also teaching me Spanish using audio Lessons.
Last night I gorged on Wikipedia articles a lot because I have a lot on my mind and reading clears my mind. I am grateful for texts that I can read.because there are so many awesome things in this world for me to learn about. I will learn new things until the day I die.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Old game on the phone

When I was a young man a bought a computer game called
"Roller Coaster Tycoon," I think it cost me £35. I was addicted to it because it was like SimCity, but you build theme parks. The view was the same, you look down on your creation at a 45-degree angle. It had dialog boxes that allowed you to design the rides and customize everything. It was a never ending game because you keep building the park and all the footpaths and control everything.

I discovered the other day that it has become available on the android play store. So now the game can be played once again on the phone or tablet. The company that makes it is called Atari.
Everything about the park is controlled by you, the prices, colors, layout, staff, everything.

I am thankful for this wonderful memory. I hope to have much more in the years to come.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Voice setback

My voice isn't working well today. It sounds very rough. All the coughing I did during the week must have bruised it. I tried to make a video today but my voice was too bad. I will try again tomorrow.

I was thinking about the future. It would be so nice if I could build my dream house. I will keep my chin up today and hopefully I will make progress in work, media and business. The trio I am pushing towards.

I would also love to have 2 dogs, Pricard and Laforge, the names of my two favourite star trek characters, not bad for dogs names.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Power lantern

I am surrounded by a fog, this is not a fog that makes the light opaque. It is not a fog that makes the air look like fabric. It is a different fog. A fog and breaches the gap between my mind and my goals. A fog created by the world that doesn't value my mind, where my creations are not valued.
My mind is a lantern that never stops shining.
My lantern isn't powered by a wick and oil pot, or a candle or light bulb. It is powered by my willpower and my desire to keep going.
My lantern will stop shining when my body drops and dies. Until then it will keep shining. The question is, will it outlast the fog? Will the fog fade before my lantern is gone? I hope so.
I am grateful but please clear this fog and bring value to all my creations. And don't let my efforts be for nothing.

Bad and Good

Two bad things happened recently that have a good side.

We were slow to get places for all the machines. But the three machines left all have coin mechs so when I change the coin plates over with those machines, I can take them from the machines that are not out and change the places 3 or 4 at a time. In other words, I can use the parts to the unused machines to make the coin change smooth.

I also had a virus and felt very sick and lost all my strength but that inspired me to change my video template for my radio show because I had time to think about things. I usually don't give myself much time to think about the present but I was forced to because I was too weak to do anything else. If I didn't get sick then I would not change the template.

There are two sides to a coin and every cloud has a silver lining. sometimes the silver lining is not visible, sometimes it is.


When a car pushes in front of me on the road I imagine that it is money going into my bank account because road rage is good for no one. There is no point being angry. A jerk is not going to stop being a jerk. Literally, every car that shoots past me at 15 miles an hour above the speed limit is like a pound coin flying into my account. I am a slow driver so I get many imaginary pounds.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

A dream

I have a clear dream for a home. If I was wealthy I would have a custom designed house built. The house would have a porch that circles the whole building. Every 2 or 3 meters of the porch would have a very comfortable bench to sit on. The leading edges of the porch would have ceramic troughs with plants growing out of them. At the front of the house, there would be a small garden.

The house would have 2 floors just for bedrooms, there would be over 20 bedrooms. The reason I would have so many bedrooms is because I would adopt 10 children or one new child every 2 years and also I would want rooms for other family members and visitors and my own children.

The house would sit on a man-made island on a man-made pond. So it would look like it had a moat around it but it would widen at the front and back. There would be a bridge at the front and back. The bridge at the back would be a car ramp that leads into the basement. The basement would be 2 floors below ground and would be like a car park. The bridge at the front would be a foot bridge.

It would have a guest lounge, kitchen and dining room on the ground floor. The Second and Third floors above are for bedrooms toilets and bathrooms. and a residents lounge in the middle. The first floor would have a small gym, man cave, dance floor, and cinema. The roof would be flat with solar panels suspended above it. The floors would have water tanks between them that store rainwater to use for flushing toilets and showers. The porch roof would have a running track on top that would start at the small Gym.

The pond would be filled with fish and be a welcome place for ducks and other wildlife.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Wife gratitude

Having my new wife living with me has been a breath of fresh air because she is one of the few people in this world that actually listens to me.

The depth of my transparency was very evident today because on Saturday I caught my brother's respirator​y virus, I'm not sure if it was a strong cold or weak flu but it makes me weak. I said that I was sick and without asking what was wrong or even trying to diagnose my issue I was told I drink too much coffee and that is why I am sick. My sickness was blindly blamed on coffee and my symptoms were not requested. That is how transparent I am. Even when I am sick can't say anything.

My brain is wired differently to everyone else. People laugh when they see a man falling into water but I don't. People expect me to find Comedy movies on Netflix funny but I don't. They are boring to me and they are not funny.

The irony is that even this blog is largely ignored by the living. I believe that more people that are not born yet will read his blog than the present living community. Especially if this blog can persist many years after I have passed on.

I am grateful for my wife because it is so nice to be in love with a woman that listens to me. I hope we will live together for the rest of my life.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Another day

I am still optimistic about the future. I hope to be a rich man soon. Yesterday my child cousin Toni had a birthday party. I came along with the rest the family, I was worried that I would not get any sleep before I went back to work.
I slept in my dad's car. An observation I have made is that the local counsel ignored my concerns about the road layout were I live. There is a long road that is two way and it is narrow and there is nowhere to pull over. It is very long and cars get trapped on the road.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Back seat office

There are two places that seem to be affected by my thoughts, the end of my street and the card stand at my work place. When I think of something it appears in those places. It is always about 10 meters from where I often reside.

I call these points thinking points. This sounds silly but it seems true.  The end of my street people fly tip waste there. The waste is often related to things I was thinking of. I was thinking about a computer and a computer appeared. I feel like everything is connected in some way.

Today I learned that the back of my car has more leg room than the front, I found that I can use it as an office when I need do things on my phone, like write my blog when I am waiting for my work to start.  I also found an old Bluetooth keyboard in my room. The bluetooth keyboard works very well with my phone.

I am grateful for the back seat of my car because it is my first office and I will do many things with it.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Is it just me

I often wonder what is the point of everything. Why are we here? Why do we exist. If I die and loose all memory of my life then my life would be pointless.
Without a purpose life is worthless. This time of year is very empty.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Five to Ten pound

The combined commission from all my publications has reached £5 (five pounds). My videos and blogs have generated the five pounds because people visit them and see the advertisements. I am grateful for strangers, family and friends for reading my blogs listening to my radio and watching my videos. I have now set a goal of double that amount. I am to make £10 as quickly as possible. Then I will aim to make £20  then £40 then £80 then £160, £320 and so on.

I have changed my cover page to the image of a ten pound note because I vision my commission becoming 10 pound. Ultimately I would like the commission to be more than my income from my job. But I must take the stairs without jumping.

I am grateful that  people are reading my blog and watching my videos because I am proud of my creations. When I have finished my second book, thousands of people will be able to see it.

Once again I say thank you because I value everyone that likes my creations.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Game memory

When I was a young boy I would play a Ms-Dos game on my Dad's computer called Captain Comic. It was a side-scrolling computer game and you would collect itinerary to enhance your gameplay, there were all sorts of strange creatures in the game and different places behind different doors, I loved to play it because it was as good as games got in those days.

If I made my own computer game I would make a top-down side-scrolling computer game. By top-down, I mean that you are looking down from above the way you do in sim city. But the itinerary panel in the bottom corner would look the same. The panel above would be used to show interaction graphics like if you met a person on the ground, their face would appear where the health and fire panel bar is. The game would be more of a quest or puzzle based game.

I am grateful for my imagination because it comforts me all the time. How wonderful it is to lie down and be absorbed by your imagination instead of by stress and concerns, I  am thankful for these gifts.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

New niece

A few days ago on the  11 th of February at about 04:10 in the morning, my brother's wife gave birth to their third child. She was a girl and they called her Zoe.
The day before a BMW drove into the back of my car, but no Damage was done.
I am hopeful that Zoe grows into a healthy girl.

I am grateful for my wife because she is my future and we may be able to have our own children in the near future.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

strange world, hmm

What a strange world we live in, a world where a man can have a flat phone battery and people question his manhood. People can be so annoying. 

Some people laugh really loud when you are trying to sleep and talk very loud, It is like they are deliberately trying to stop you from sleeping

And then, without realizing that you have a very clear business plan in place they get angry that you are not looking for a better Job. It is like they want you to turn your back on your small success because they think it can't grow bigger than any job. 

People like that will playfully mock your diet without realizing that you find it really annoying because they do far it too many times. 

And if your opinion is slightly different to theirs then they talk over you and try to make you shut up even if they asked you for your opinion in the first place!!! 

I'm sure such a person would raise their voice for very little reason, just leaving a cup on a table can cause some people to yell really loud. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Voting regret

I voted for the mayor for London Sadiq Khan  because he had a similar background to me and I was tired of rich guys at the helm blowing all the money on shiny projects that bring me no benefit.

I wish I didn't vote for him now because we are both on a different page. He is a Remainer and I am a Brexiteer. There are so many things I would do if I was the mayor that would make life very easy for the people of London. Like make a micro tram that goes on the cycle lanes and carries passengers single file along the roads.

Back seat driving is always easier than the real thing, so perhaps I am a little too naive.

It is fun to think of solutions to problems in my head.

Monday, 6 February 2017

5 cent

I have made 5 cent on you tube. Most people would look at that and say that is terrible. I think  not!

I have about 20 subscribers, If I had 1 million subscribers then I would get 50,000 times that amount. That would be $2,500 dollars per month. That would be more than my income, even if I changed that money into £s.

Even if I have half a million subscribers, my lifestyle would change a lot because that means I would have a large income. I don't give up and will get half a million subscribers on my channel and more and more.

I am grateful for this five cent and all 50,000 five cents that will follow it every month in the near future.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Sweet Memory

When I was a young boy I remember my Dad took me to Chessington Zoo. Chessington Zoo is more like a theme park than a Zoo. It was filled with rides and there were 3 rides I really liked. I liked the log flume, the 5th Dimension, and the Bubble works.

The log flume was a small narrow boat that would float along a narrow channel in fast moving water. The one in Chessington would go into a dragon's mouth. While we were in the dragon we would be in darkness. Then the boat would drop down a slope. It was very fun to be on.

The bubble works was also a boat ride but we would go through a slow moving ring boat. It was beautiful because we were taken through a water display and we were surrounded by music light and water.

The 5th Dimension was an animatronic si-fi ride, you were taken to and small vehicle and shrunken. Then taken on an animatronic quest to kill the gorg, a beast of some sort.

I am grateful for all my wonderful memories.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Feeling angry but alive

I hate feeling angry but I often feel transparent and worthless. Sometimes the only Comfort I have is my dreams and ideas. But I will never give up. I will find people that are just like me and flood the internet with my creations until people that are like me discover them and join me.

I know I am different to other people because the things I find interesting are boring to others.  and my jokes are not funny to others but they are funny to me. People show me videos that they say is funny but I don't find them funny. Most TV shows are very boring to me.

Most people are not interested in my media but there are people out there that are like me.

I am grateful because I have something inside to give me comfort.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...