Sunday, 30 August 2020

Cold night

Jacob, my son. 
It turns out I'm not only the most boring man on Earth, I'm also Spiderman. Earlier in the day you managed to climb up on the sofa and grabbed something that could fall on you, I leapt across the whole room and grabbed you before you could injure yourself. You are at an age where you can climb on things but you don't know the dangers that lurk around the corner. Spider man is rubbish anyway, he only has two legs, real spiders have eight legs. They should just call him "Rope man". 

When you walk, you woddle and toddle. That is why they call your age group Toddlers, because you can't quite walk smoothly. 

Soon you will be a walking talking Steven Hawking, you are very intelligent I think. I will be learning things from you soon. I always listen and observe, there is a lot for me to learn about you. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...