Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Angry People lesson

I was a kid in the 90s and a learned a lot about people in that time. The Berlin wall was knocked down in 1989, I didn't understand why the people were so angry at the wall, they were hitting it with sledge hammers and kicking it and throwing things at it. When I played super Mario Bros there was a wall with an angry face that stumped the ground, I imagined it came from Berlin and had a German accent. The 90s was all about two Germanies learning to be one Germany again. They paid a big price because East Germany was poor and West Germany was rich but they pulled it off.  

In the same decade Yugoslavia disintegrated into about 6 smaller independent states and all the 6 countries had their own civil war. Kosovo, Bosnia, Serbia & Montenagro, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia. They all had civil wars because the people were fighting the establishment authorities and forces that wanted the union to persist. And they were fighting over who runs their new states. Lots of crazy things were happening in that area, so called ethnic cleansing, bombings, full scale battles between police forces and army soldiers plus rebel insurgents and paramilitary fighting. I think the conflict spilled over to Albania as well, not sure why though, they did have a significant ethnic presence in Yugoslavia.

My point is you can't buy out and control people forever, eventually the will of the people will breakthrough. Germans wanted to be one and Yugoslavians wanted to be independent republics. And that is what happened in the 90s, a high price was paid but it was inevitable. 

I never really understood what was going on at the time. You could say it was all a lesson on ice. I only really understood later in life. 

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