Sunday, 31 July 2022

Hill in a Box

I keep dreaming of a hill in a box falling down and pushing out stuff, then I see people getting killed by it. I thought I should write it down because I think my subconscious mind is trying to warn me about a disaster that is about to happen soon. 

It is like there is a lot of pressure trying to escape but it is stuck but water is lubricating the friction and allowing it to break free. I see a big hill, it is huge. It falls down and pushes stuff. Then the stuff hits people and they never see it coming. What is my unconscious mind trying to say, I wish I could see it clearly. What is that stuff? Gosh. I have no idea. 

Go up when you can, be in higher places. Go up. Go up up up. It's good to be wrong sometimes. It is very good to be wrong. I feel awkward writing it down. I feel shame,  it is just a silly dream that repeated several times. 

Saturday, 30 July 2022

First Smart Watch

I was given a smart watch as a gift yesterday. It is very interesting to see your heart rate and blood pressure. It tells you how many steps you have made and how many calories it thinks you have burnt. I have learnt a lot from it. 

Apparently my blood pressure is ok. I'm not sure how it takes my blood pressure when it doesn't squeeze my arm. 

Do I need to know my heart rate and blood pressure? 

Friday, 29 July 2022

Gut Alarm

There is a deeper part of me that can sense when something is wrong. I feel like a huge disaster is about to happen but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. It is not a man made disaster this time. It is coming from the Earth. The Earth is going to do something that will kill many people. It is like I can feel there is pressure and it is trying to break loose, there is no malice behind it, just force. 

I ignore that feeling and hope it is a false alarm. I would be very pleased if I am wrong. The Earth doesn't care about what is happening on the surface it is indifferent to us and all life I think. 

Happy thoughts, I just want happy thoughts. Being lost in an interesting magazine, sitting outside, sipping some coffee and reading a nice book early in the morning when the air is fresh and cool. Eating ice cream and pizza. Thinking nothing for a short time. 

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Tom Hanks Gem

People say that books sold in second hand charity shops are not very good but I disagree. I often go to second hand charity shops to buy books because I usually find a book I like, if I don't like the book, I'm still helping a charity. Some of the books are there because the person has read the book several times and they want new ones on their book self or something to that affect. 

The other day I saw a book in there written by Tom Hanks, I think it is called 'uncommon Type'. I bought it for £1, the original price was £9; When I think of Tom Hanks, I also think of Zoltar the furtune telling vending machine from the movie called 'Big'. I saw a real Zoltar machine once, near Waterloo bridge in an arcade by the river Thames in London; it looked very different from the movie one though, it spoke a lot and it was more animated but it was wearing the same hat. It also gives you a furtune token just like in the movie. 

When I think of Zoltar, I also think of Zapomatic the Robot from the Dark ride called 'The 5th Dimension' at Chessington world of adventures in the 90s. I imagined Zapomatic and Zoltar sitting at a table and having a cup of tea and talking about the news. Zapomatic would be the Logical Bot and Zoltar would be the gifted but irrational one. They would ask for my opinion and I would say I'm just annoyed that one person took a family Booth table for themselves at Wetherspoon's. If you're American, Wetherspoon's is a pub chain, it is a bit like the English version McDonald's, but they serve beer, coffee and English food. I wonder if they will expand into America like McDonald's has in the UK. 

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

James Webb Hard at Work

I was keeping an eye on the James Webb blog on the NASA website. It seems they were surprised by some of the findings. They didn't expect galaxies to form into a flattened disk shape so early, as soon as they formed, they were disk shaped. I never knew that was even a topic, I never knew they were debating the shape and structure of Galaxies when they were first formed. 

I was wondering when they were going to point the thing towards Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the sun that is about 4.2 light years away. It is known to have at least 1 rocky earth like planet. Then there is Trappist 1, the small star with many planets close to it. Wouldn't it be interesting to look at those worlds? Wouldn't it be high priority? 

There is so much to learn, so many things to discover. It is amazing, I don't have to do much, just look at the website and read the blogs. The scientists are doing all the work. 

Monday, 25 July 2022

By Bus

Right now in the UK fuel costs about £2 per liter. It seems more logical to use public transport. There are many bus routes in my town, they go off to all sorts of places. 

I think there are many things that are done wrong, the night buses are too big and the rush hour buses are too small, they would be better served by a tram. At night time they have a night bus that can hold 50 people but there is only 3 people on it. They should just use a small mini bus at night time. A bus that only holds about 16 people. 

I was wondering why they don't use more trams where I live than buses. I think trams are better than buses because they can hold more passengers and they are often powered by overhead power cables. A tram can have four carriages. They could have smart trams, they don't run on tracks they try to steer themselves centrally according to markings on the road surface. 

Sometimes an ordinary person has the answers but no one listens to ordinary people. 

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Chaos at Dover

During the last few days, there has been chaos at Dover because many Brits were trying to go on holiday but they were being held up by the added delays caused by Brexit. They have to get visas stamped onto their passports to enter the continent, the passports have to be hand checked before as well by a passport inspector. They can't use those automatic scanner things. 

I never really had a strong view about brexit. I always oppose political unions between trading blocks and counties, I see it as a way to hand over democratic powers to a bureaucracy. I think it's wrong to share a supreme court with other states as well. If the EU remained a trading block only, I would have voted to remain. 

I don't like seeing the Celtic nations lose interest in the Kingdom and the possibility of Britain becoming a two state Island in the future. 

Friday, 22 July 2022

Hell thoughts

Not too long ago I read a book called '23 minutes in Hell' by Bill Wiese. He claimed he was pulled out of his body and shown Sheol, the current hell. A place where the spirits of the unrighteous are taken. The book scared me a lot. Sometimes I believe the Hell he describes is real, other times I think it isn't. It doesn't make sense to me, why would you spend all of eternity suffering in Hell if your whole life is short. A man can live to 50 years and spend a million years in hell after he dies because of his iniquity? Why so long? If it is like that, I don't want anyone to go there. If I was given eternal life in Heaven, I would suffer if I knew people that were in Hell, I would be thinking about them and wishing I could get them out of there. I learned that Bill Wiese does conferences about his experience and I can watch them on YouTube. 

I often look up people that claimed they have seen hell as as a vision or near death experience to compare their stories and look for inconsistencies. I see if they contradict themselves. 

Thursday, 21 July 2022

20 Minutes

I was thinking if my heart stopped beating, 20 minutes later everything I know and think would be gone. That is all it takes. Thousands of thoughts would instantly disappear as if they never existed before. Thoughts about nice food, simple delights like standing at the sea front, walking through the gate of an amusement park, sitting outside and breathing the fresh air early in the morning, thought experiments to try out an test. 
I guess that is why I feel like I don't belong in this world. I have a mind set to persist and remain but I am in a body with finite life. It is a mismatch. The two don't go together at all. We are put into bodies that die but our mind wants to persist. 
I think about death every day of my life for a short time because it is unavoidable. Eventually this body will stop living. When I die one day, it won't just be my body that dies, it will be all my thoughts within. 

What will happen after that? Not sure. 

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Heat Wave

Yesterday, the temperature in parts of Britain were at 40°c for the first time in recorded history. It was the highest temperature ever observed in Britain. The weather was very dry and there was many bush fires; I'm sure every one of them was started by a smoker discarding their finished cigarettes on the floor. 

The heat didn't bother me much, I just put on my sun screen and made sure I drank plenty of water. I let my body take care of itself, I sweat when I'm hot and the sweat evaporates and takes the heat away with it. I prefer warm weather to cold weather. I parked my car on the lower levels of a car park and could still feel the heat, it was like walking into a sauna, very nice. 

It is very nice to sit outside on a warm day and breathe the fresh air and drink a nice cup of coffee. I look up at the clouds and just think of nothing for a short time. When you look up at the sky for a while, you start to feel small because the sky is so big and we are so small. I am just a speck sitting on a speck going around a speck in a vast cosmos for a short time. 

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Joe Biden Alzheimer's?

Last year I thought to myself that Joe Biden may have Alzheimer's disease, his short term memory didn't work very well and he always looked confused; I put it down to stress because a lot of stuff was happening. There was an instant coup in Afghanistan when American forces left, we had inflation and a Pandemic. Now I feel pity, to me it is obvious President Joe Biden has Alzheimer's disease. He seems to get lost in the most familiar of places and his speech gets scrambled as if his memories are being contaminated by other events.  I hope they cure that terrible disease. You can lose your arms or legs but when you lose your mind, it's over. 
My mind is filled with many thought experiments. Things to try out. Perhaps it is better if I got a 3D printer before I got a Nintendo Switch. I don't know how long I have left in this world with a working mind. 
If I die or lose control of my mind than it is over. All those machines I created in my head will disappear forever. I don't no how long I have left. 
There is not one person in this world that I want to be afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. I don't agree with many things Biden supports but I would never want him or anyone to have dementia. It is so sad. 

Friday, 15 July 2022

James Webb goes to work

I was reading though the James Webb blog, noticed that the space Telescope has been put to work. All the configuration and preparation is finished. They zoomed into Jupiter to see how clearly the telescope could see distant planets and how much detail they get from different infra red band widths. They also zoomed into distant galaxies and looked at light that was transmitted before the sun and the Earth existed, they saw galaxies that are very young and small. It will be very interesting to see what they discover.

I go on the James Webb web site every day now to see what they have discovered. The website I look at is Very interesting. 

It is nice that an ordinary man like myself can look at all these amazing discoveries for free. 

Thursday, 14 July 2022

One Third of July

During the first ⅓ of July, Boris Johnson Resigned as the Leader of the UK, I think it was on the 7th. This means there is now a Third conservative Leadership race to become the Prime Minister. 
I responded by thinking inwardly, thinking about things that bring me comfort. I don't want to think about the leadership race because I feel like I can't relate to the candidates, they're all posh rich people that went to expensive schools. I felt like I trusted Theresa May more than the other guys but she resigned in 2019. They all seem to have quick fix ideas, good luck to them. 

I was thinking about machines that I want to try and build. Little thought experiments. You could say I am like a clam, when irritating thoughts come into my head, I make a perl to trap it. Happy perl thoughts. 

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Small talk

The other day I assembled a flat pack chest of draws, at first I felt disappointed because I thought the bottom of the draws were too weak. There was a thin particle board panel on the bottom of the shelves and a slit at the front and back to hold the panel in place; soon I noticed I was wrong because I screwed on metal sliders and noticed they had a flange that grips the bottom panel from the sides. I then screwed a metal bracket on the bottom to go across the middle. I was impressed by the amount of thought that had gone into the design of the draws. They had used the metal in the slider twice, as a surface for the rollers to move across and an extra bracket to hold the board at the bottom. 

The problem is I live in a society that makes it hard to talk about little things like that. Everybody is too busy and don't want to sit down and talk about the happy simple things in this world. I want to talk about butterflies, quirky designs. I want to debate the plot of a movie or a story. 

I don't want to talk about the leadership race because they are all talking bull-shit, they say they will cut taxes, but don't say how they will pay the running costs of the public sector, they will just cut one tax and raise another one. I feel irritated when they talk because they went to posh schools and they are rich so they just say some slick sales lines and their powerful friends get them promoted. Sometimes ordinary people have the answer. 

Saturday, 9 July 2022

Hidden Joke

In the movie called 'the thing' from 1982, I noticed they hid a joke in the movie. When Mc-ready was playing chess on a computer, the computer had a glitch and declared checkmate when it wasn't checkmate. Mc-ready responded by calling the computer a cheating bitch and pouring a glass of whiskey onto the computer's circuit board. I wondered if the glitch on the chess computer was something common at the time or just something they put in the movie. I felt like they were trying to warn people not to create a society that relies on computers too much because they are not as infallible as you think.

I was on a toy train the other day and heard the train driver say that it is air conditioned, I am the only person on the train that thought it was funny because the sides of the train are exposed to the air. It would be like me saying a bike is air conditioned. 

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Boris Johnson Resigns

I learnt this morning that Boris Johnson will resign as prime minister in Autumn. This means there will be a 3rd conservative Party leadership race. The first one was when David Cameron resigned, the second one was when Theresa May resigned, now Boris Johnson will resign. I think the reason he resigned is because many of his team quit. They felt that they had broke too many rules and caused the public to not trust the conservative party. Plus they lost some recent by-elections. Integrity is always very important.

We are days away from seeing some of the oldest light transmitted in the universe from the James Webb Space Telescope, it will be a summer of insight and a political summer for the Brits. We will see into the past and wonder who will be the next leader of the UK. It will be very interesting to see what happens. What will JWST discover and who will lead the UK?

When my son was born in Spring 2019, Theresa May was the leader but she quit because her team couldn't break the Brexit deadlock, Boris took over and his team was able to break the Brexit deadlock. But now he will quit because his team broke some of the rules that they made and caused the public not to trust them. 

Monday, 4 July 2022

June 2022

June started off with the true deformation verdict for the Johnny Depp deformation trial. I think Amber heard was fined 15 million dollars; half a million dollars is a lot of money to me. Even a quarter of a million dollars is a lot of money to me.

The Queen celebrated her platinum Jubilee, 70 years on the Throne. I was busy so I only saw the highlights in the news, I liked the Paddington Bear CGI effect. 

June 2022 was the first time I flew in a plane since the pandemic. When I go to the toilet in a plane, I become aware that it is just air holding me up 11 kilometres above the ground because there is less padding on the walls so you can hear the air rushing around the skin of the plane at very high speed. I like the way the doors on the toilet fold to open so the toilet is in the space of a cupboard, very clever. 

The Roe Vs Wade constitution was overturned in America by the supreme court. This means there isn't a single law that gives women the right to have an abortion, all 50 American states were permitted to make their own abortion laws. Some of the states will abolish abortions, others will try to keep abortions in the first trimester, they will all have different abortion laws.
 I hate abortions, the part of my brain that processes swear words turns on when I hear the word. I don't like ending the life of a fetus. I consider a fetus at the end of the first trimester to be an infant, more of an infant than an embryo. That is just the way I am, I don't mean to offend anyone. Sometimes abortions are good, if the woman is bleeding a lot then the abortion would save her life, or if she has a medical condition that causes her to have very high blood pressure during pregnancy or something like that then I guess an abortion is ok. 

It is now summer, bright happy days? Let's see. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...