Friday, 22 July 2022

Hell thoughts

Not too long ago I read a book called '23 minutes in Hell' by Bill Wiese. He claimed he was pulled out of his body and shown Sheol, the current hell. A place where the spirits of the unrighteous are taken. The book scared me a lot. Sometimes I believe the Hell he describes is real, other times I think it isn't. It doesn't make sense to me, why would you spend all of eternity suffering in Hell if your whole life is short. A man can live to 50 years and spend a million years in hell after he dies because of his iniquity? Why so long? If it is like that, I don't want anyone to go there. If I was given eternal life in Heaven, I would suffer if I knew people that were in Hell, I would be thinking about them and wishing I could get them out of there. I learned that Bill Wiese does conferences about his experience and I can watch them on YouTube. 

I often look up people that claimed they have seen hell as as a vision or near death experience to compare their stories and look for inconsistencies. I see if they contradict themselves. 

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One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...