Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Heat Wave

Yesterday, the temperature in parts of Britain were at 40°c for the first time in recorded history. It was the highest temperature ever observed in Britain. The weather was very dry and there was many bush fires; I'm sure every one of them was started by a smoker discarding their finished cigarettes on the floor. 

The heat didn't bother me much, I just put on my sun screen and made sure I drank plenty of water. I let my body take care of itself, I sweat when I'm hot and the sweat evaporates and takes the heat away with it. I prefer warm weather to cold weather. I parked my car on the lower levels of a car park and could still feel the heat, it was like walking into a sauna, very nice. 

It is very nice to sit outside on a warm day and breathe the fresh air and drink a nice cup of coffee. I look up at the clouds and just think of nothing for a short time. When you look up at the sky for a while, you start to feel small because the sky is so big and we are so small. I am just a speck sitting on a speck going around a speck in a vast cosmos for a short time. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...