Thursday, 7 July 2022

Boris Johnson Resigns

I learnt this morning that Boris Johnson will resign as prime minister in Autumn. This means there will be a 3rd conservative Party leadership race. The first one was when David Cameron resigned, the second one was when Theresa May resigned, now Boris Johnson will resign. I think the reason he resigned is because many of his team quit. They felt that they had broke too many rules and caused the public to not trust the conservative party. Plus they lost some recent by-elections. Integrity is always very important.

We are days away from seeing some of the oldest light transmitted in the universe from the James Webb Space Telescope, it will be a summer of insight and a political summer for the Brits. We will see into the past and wonder who will be the next leader of the UK. It will be very interesting to see what happens. What will JWST discover and who will lead the UK?

When my son was born in Spring 2019, Theresa May was the leader but she quit because her team couldn't break the Brexit deadlock, Boris took over and his team was able to break the Brexit deadlock. But now he will quit because his team broke some of the rules that they made and caused the public not to trust them. 

Blog Archive

Spring Time

It is Spring time now, you can tell, activists have started climbing up stuff and gluing themselves to things, "Yawn". It would be...