Thursday, 27 December 2018

Divided Britain and Kingdom

The year 2018 is coming to an end and my island of Great Britain is very divided with odd pairings. From the summer of 2016 the British people divided themselves into three groups. Brexiteers, Remainers and Abstainers. Brexiteers wanted the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. Remainers wanted to stay in the European Union and Abstainers weren't sure or refused to vote.

The divide spanned across the British Island and spilled out to the edge of the Kingdom in northern Ireland and Gibraltar.

There was odd pairings and aliances  throughout the UK. London and Scotland wanted to remain. The rest of England and Wales wanted to leave. Northern Ireland wanted to remain and so did Gibraltar. Ultimately, leaving EU was the final verdict.

I have seen business leaders and politicians that were far from friends working together to achieve their goals. Rival politicians came together and was working as a team. Tony Blair and John Major were working together for the Remain Campaign, they were political rivals in the previous decades. It is a bit like Superman, Batman and Skeletor forming a group. I saw Tim Martin and Robert Dyson on the leave group. A pub chain owner and a vacuum cleaner manufacturer. People I would never see working together were drawn together by this strange situation.

Now the divide is about how we leave and the whether the Kingdom will be intact or if Great Britain will remain Great or be split in half across Hadrian's wall. My Island is filled with uncertainty. I can only hope that we work together and make the final decision work for us. Even a paralyzed man needs both his arms to push the wheels in the same direction, otherwise his wheelchair would just spin around and he would have no hope of getting anywhere.

When the Queen did her speech on Christmas, it made a lot of sense to me. We need to be united in the United Kingdom and the sons of Britain need to respect their brothers and sisters.

I can only hope for the best outcome.


Earlier in the week it was Christmas. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is unlikely that he was born on that day but the week of Christmas brings the shortest days of the year. Here on the British Islands, the sun sets close to 4pm. It is very dark this time of year.

I wish everyone a happy Christmas and a good 2019.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Indonesian Tsunami

Earlier in the week there was a very large Tsunami in Indonesia. A volcano on the Island caused a land slide under the sea, the pressure wave caused by the land slide produced a shock wave that went through the water.

I feel sad because many people lost their homes and there was many deaths and injuries.

I could see a pattern because a strong Tsunamis occour at Christmas quite often in that area. That time of the year is like summer for those countries and I feel like rain or water plays a role in triggering earthquakes and landslides. Perhaps the water acts like a lubricant.

People in this world are very divided but they should be united with common goals like finding ways to reduce disasters.

Thursday, 20 December 2018

What 2018 means to me

The year 2018 has come to an end and 2019 has just begun. The 2020s decade is very near perhaps it will be a decade I don't recognise if it changes a lot. 

I spent the start of this year in winter waiting to be reunited with my wife. I was reunited with my wife in spring 2018 in May, just before my father's 70th birthday. We made the weekend of my father's birthday special and celebrated in a hotel in Reading city.
I spent the second half of the year from July as an expectant father and in the winter of 2018 I learned that my first child will be a boy. In the spring of 2019 he will be born.

I worked harder in this year then I did any other time in my existence. I often worked through the night and carried on working during the morning and only came home to sleep. I try to have one day off every week.

2018 is very much like 2016, the British people are divided into three groups, Brexiteers, Remainers and Abstainers. People that want to leave the EU, people that want to remain and people that are not sure. The exit deal has not been agreed and it is not certain if an agreement can be reached. I often wonder why David Cameron conducted the 2016 refferendom when he was not prepared for both outcomes. He underestimated the size of the Eurosceptic community so I guess he thought we would just choose to remain and it would all be over. Brexit was a very big part of British life in 2018, the UK government changed staff many times and many cabinet ministers were fired or resigned over Brexit. There were many fiery exchanges on TV and radio debates about the topic. The British currency seemed to devalue every time there was a setback with negotiations.

The forces of nature were very strong this year. There were many very powerful storms throughout the world and there was a Tsunami in Indonesia. As an islander myself I feel sad for the Indonesian people. Us people that live on islands are vulnerable from the coastal areas.

Governments throughout the world set out to kill citizens that openly criticized them, With powerful poisons or violent ambushes in embassy buildings. It has nothing to do with me and I don't get involved.

The best thing about 2018 is that we came closer to finding an all encompassing cure to cancer, there may be a time when all cancers are just a slight nuisance, much like the flu or common cold. Our knowledge increased much more and we gained a great deal of insight from space probes about the other world's that share our Sun.

I wish everyone a happy 2019 and hope for a brilliant start to the 2020s decade. And I hope that my son will be born safely with no health issues.

Peace love and gratitude to all.

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Tension remedy

Many people living on my island are afraid of the near future. We are all asking the same questions in our heads, what will it mean to be British in the 2020s decade when we separate from the European Community and European trading block and become an independent country.

If my son is successfully born in this coming spring, he will live most of his childhood in the 2020s decade. What will the 2020s mean to him? Will it a time of joy? Will life treat him well? Will I be a good father? Will he grow up in a country that is Rich? Will his country be driven into poverty? What is in store?

My life is about to change and I sometimes feel stress. To overcome this feeling of stress I create problems inside my head and try to solve them. The solutions manifest as creations. There are over 50 creations inside my head and they displace stress.

One problem I have is how to create a vacuum blimp when I know there is no material in this world that can harbour a vacuum and be lighter than air at the same time. For example, if you created a vacuum in a jar, the glass would need to be as thin as paper before it would be lighter than air. This thin jar would be crushed by the air pressure outside and disintegrate.

Some solutions I thought of is to make the container inside a vacuum and add layers outside the container that only have a partial vacuum. Another solution is to use a revolutionary new material called Graphine that is as strong as Diamond. There are many more solutions I thought of but I won't bore you.

My gift to you is the concept of saturating your mind with puzzles to displace fear and stressful thoughts. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Euro-sceptic map

If I were to draw a Map showing the places where Eurosceptic communities are concentrated, it would show that the outer edges of the continent were more Eurosceptic than inner areas.

Italy in the south, Hungry and Romainia in the East and the British Island in the west.

I think this is because communities that are on the edges of the continent are different from the other Europeans. Perhaps those communities have a window to the world outside.

I won't say anything else...

Walking in the air

When I was a young boy, there was a short animation that appeared every Christmas called "The Snow Man". It was about a snow man that had the ability to fly and make anyone fly with him just by holding his hands. It was beautiful because the animation combined beautiful music, singing and sounds with outstanding hand animation.

After the leadership challenge yesterday over the handling of brexit, I could do with a showman friend to fly me away. I am sick of hearing about brexit on the news and the cabinet changing staff over brexit and related issues. I have never in life seen a government go though so much staff. It must be like a WW1 trench in the front bench in the UK parliament.

I seriously thought about it.... (Silly man I can be)

There are many ways to fly in this world without using much energy. One way is to reduce your net weight by trapping gases that are lighter than air such as Helium or Hydrogen.

There is one way that I thought of myself. Making crystals from carbon allotropes that are hollow and contain no air at all. At the moment this is impossible because the material that houses the vacuum needs to be thick to resist the forces of air pressure and this makes them heavier than air. But if you could use the strength of Graphene molecules in a clever way then you could make a light weight material that can harbour a vacuum. This material would float in air and take me away from this crazy world for a short while, perhaps drag a small village up there, above the clouds. Compressed air would be used as ballast to bring the village down when needed.

Dream dream dream.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Irish back stock

The UK prime minister, Theresa May has made a British exit (Brexit) deal with the EU but the house of commons don't like the deal. The main reason they don't like the deal is because Northern island would be treated like a separate country from the UK. They would have checks made on their products before they enter the British Island.

Let me explain the problem the EU faces. Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are two separate countries. When the UK splits away from the EU, the Republic of Ireland will remain in the EU and Northern Ireland will remain part of the UK. If goods are free to move from UK to the republic of Ireland without paying a tariff then the UK could do a trade deal with a country outside the EU and send goods that are not taxed into the rest of the EU through the republic of Ireland. For example, we could remove the tariff on Oranges from Dominica and then send them to the republic of Ireland and then the Republic of Ireland could send the oranges to Germany. This would mean that Oranges are entering the EU without being taxed.

The Irish in the North and South wanted to keep a soft border because people own assets and trade on both sides of the border. I think the best way out of this is to leave without a deal and pay the tariffs, I recall that the deal involved a £39 billion exit fee. Use the exit fee to reimburse businesses that are taxed for their exports. Isn't that a more straight forward way to solve the problem.

My son is due to be born and like his father is spending his time as a fetus in a country that is consumed by chaos and uncertainty. For me it was the Falklands war, for him it is Brexit.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Greenhouse nonsense

Many governments around the world think there is a big problem with global warming, I don't. I will tell you why.

I think that global warming is real and is a hazard but I don't think there is enough fossil fuels on Earth to cause a lasting greenhouse chain reaction.

In my opinion, global warming is a problem that is fixing itself. The inconvenient truth is that is is more and more inconvenient to harvest crude oil. It costs more and more money to get oil and coal out of the ground so people are motivated to get more fuel efficient cars and electric cars are getting cheaper and cheaper to make. Solar panels are also getting be cheaper to make.

Oil and coal near the surface is running out so bigger drills and diggers are needed that cost more money to get to the oil that is deeper and more out of reach. Eventually there will be no fossil fuels left.

Why should leaders like President Macron steal money from people to fix a problem that is fixing itself?

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Oven design

There is one technological implementation that I really like. I like fan assistance in ovens. When air is heated up, it organises itself into layers. Each layer is in ascending  order according to it's temperature. The air at the top is the hottest, the air at the bottom is the coldest. If you add a fan to a closed space then the air gets moved around, so every part of that space is the same temperature. This means you can have an oven that is the same temperature at the top shelf as it is at the bottom shelf.

You can cook 3 large pies in a fan assisted oven with each pie on a different shelf and they would all cook the same.

I was wondering, is it possible that putting a fan pointing at the ceiling in a house would cause warmer air above people's heads to mix with the colder air below and bring down the heating bill? I guess that the difference in a house would be too small to notice.

To most people this is boring but to me it is very cool. But I am pleased that someone had the good idea to combine a fan with an oven because a large family can have a large meal cooked for them with full consistency.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Betelgeuse bang

One thing I know is that somewhere between tomorrow and the next million years, the star called Betelgeuse will explode. There is also a chance that the star has already exploded because it takes over six hundred years for light to travel from the giant star to Earth.

When the light from Betelgeuse's super nover explosion does reach us, it will shine as brightly to us as the sun; so there will appear to be two Suns in the sky for about a month.

I wonder if I will be around to see it? Statistically it is likely to explode in 500,000 years. Wouldn't it be nice to get a heads-up about future events like to get with eclipses and things like that.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Floating at Venus

An Englishman rarely ever gets to see the planet Venus in the Sky. The reason for this is because clouds hang over our side of the Island much of the time, and most English people live in built up areas so we only see buildings and hills on the horizon. It also doesn't help to live far from the equator. However, I see the planet a few times a year. I'm not sure if the Scots get to see it more often.

The planet Venus is always close to the sun from our Earthly perspective so it is visible as a bright star on the horizon when the sun sets or rises.

I often wonder if it was possible make a floating island in the future. Like the floating village in the computer game "Zelda and the skyward sword". An island above the clouds and with the best view of the sky.

I would imagine the island would use panels that collect sunlight and power propellers inside. The panels would store surplus power in batteries so they could keep running at night. The many panels would be self contained cartridges that are replaceable when maintenance is required and carry the weight of the island.

What November Means to me

November 2018 was about discovery and a huge deal. It was in November 2018 that I discovered that my unborn child was a boy and at the same time I discovered that NASA had landed a probe on the planet Mars called inSight with the intention of peering inside the planet, good luck to them.

I would be happy if my child was a boy or a girl.
It is a boy and we are thinking about possible names to give the child when he is born.

November is also about the Brexit exit deal that was prepared by our prime Minister, Therasa May and leaders of the other European Union member states. I sense that many politicians intend to reject the deal because they think it is a bad deal. They will soon vote on implementation of the deal.

There was wide spread rioting in France because Macron increased fuel tax. This event reminds me of the time I learned of Margret Fatcher's poll tax. If people live a privileged life then they may forget the ordinary people struggle to live in this world. They can increase a tax without thinking about the poorer people.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Bitterness and hate

Very often in life, anger and bitterness can accumulate in a person's mind, because they remember all the bad deeds that were done to them. Sometimes they feel they are not respected. Other times they feel rejected socially. Well, an answer to this problem can be found in the Christian Bible. If I can recall correctly, the story of Joseph can be found near the end of Genesis Just before Exodus.

In the story Joseph, a Man with 11 brothers became the favourite of the family and was given a coat that contained lots of different coloured fabrics. His siblings became jealous of him and tried to kill him but decided to sell him off as a slave instead. He was betrayed by his brothers.

Joseph was able to overcome his bitterness by praying and doing everything very well. He did everything very well, even though the work he was doing was exploitation.

He was able to forgive his brothers and all the people that betrayed him. I think that bitterness and hate is poisonous to the mind and cuts people off from God. Forgiveness is hard for a human but when they pray to focus on what they are doing , the hate and bitterness goes away.

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Vicious weasel

The most vicious group of animals in this world is the Mustalids. This group of animals includes Badgers, Stotes, Weasels, Honey Badgers, Wolverines and Minks. There are many others and they all have a similar body plan. The have a pointy head and body like a missile and short limbs and loose rubbery skin that is hard to bite.

On my island, it is the Stotes that I am familiar with. Some people keep them as pets, I'm sure people that keep Stotes as pets see love when they look at them, however the Stote probably sees a butchers carving map with an x next to the owners liver and tick next to the spine. They wait until the owner is sick or crippled to attack.

I should look on this Animal as a friend because it is kills Rats and Rats are a hazard to my species.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Five Pence

One app I use on my phone more than any other is the calculator app.
I like to make crude statistical observations using my calculator.

Have you ever wondered how much salary you would earn if you continuously received 5 pence every minute? I did the math.

There is 1440 minutes in a day so every day you would make £72 or $72 if you were getting five cents. There is 365 days in a year so you would receive £26,280 annually before tax.
There are 12 months so if you divide £26,280 by 12, you get.. £2,190 every month. At the time of writing this blog entry, a salary of £2190 per month is more than the income of most people on my Island, even before tax. As a second income, that is outstanding.

All that is left is to think of things that generate 5 pence every minute all day without your intervention.

Perhaps a website or commission from a media product you have made or something like that.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

California fire

In the United States of America in the state of California there was a large forest fire. The fire was caused by dry weather and strong winds. I feel sad for all the people that lost their homes.

If I had a home that was in the path of a forest fire, I would cover my house in wet clay or mud because I remembered a scene from the movie Predator when Arnie got covered in mud, the Alien couldn't see him. The Alien in the movie sees with Infra red light. The infra red light is made with heat. I probably wouldn't work because the fire would find a way in but I would try anyway.

Saturday, 10 November 2018

General Zod

When I was young, I watched a movie called Superman. I think there was 3 or 4 sequals to the movie.

Superman 2 stuck in my mind more than any other because Lex Luther, the villain exposed a big flaw in his character. His greed was so big that it blinded him from seeing the dishonorable nature of General Zod and his crew. He wanted to cut a deal with the intergalactic villains, so he would tell them important information about Superman in exchange for control of Australia.

The story goes like this...
Jarel the king of the planet Crypton had a son that was sent to Earth and he was called Superman. But general Zod rebelled against Jarel and they were imprisoned. General Zod had two partners that helped him and they were all jailed. Everyone from the planet Crypton has super powers on Earth. Crypton was destroyed by its star and General Zod was released from his prison.

Anyway, Zod had no intention of honouring the deal. Once he found Superman, he would kill Lex Luther and by the end of the movie, it was obvious that Lex Luther would never become ruler of Australia. I feel like greed in this world can cause blindness to people and cause them to make deals with unworthy partners.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Seeing things

I don't know if it is just me but I notice innuendos in ordinary everyday things. I think that is part of being human, we see things that are not there, we see faces in grains. We see shadows of people when there are no people. We see shapes in the clouds and we see animals in random boulders.

In the Royal Air Force museum in the UK there is a deactivated 'blood hound' surface to air missile in the car park. It's job was to shoot down missiles that are fired at the UK.  Luckily it was never used. Anyway, I am the only person I know of that noticed that it was pointing at the near-by housing estate. The housing estate in Graham Park was over crowded and neglected for many years. I felt like they were trying to say the place should be demolished.

I am also the only person I know of that noticed the shamrock leaf impression embedded in the wall of the high Street parade in between St Georges shopping center and the Pub in Harrow on the hill town center. You see, that spot is the way to the older high street. I feel like it was put there  because the builders wanted shoppers to have good luck before walking close to angry drunk men. This is probably wrong, but I thought that way.

I look at the new one pound coin and I notice that the outer edges of the coin is made of Brass and the inner circle of the coin is made of Nickel. It is like the coin is a Nickel coin wearing a Brass Tuxedo. It is like the Bank of England is trying to say that the English pound is over valued. Like they are lying about how much gold they can pledge to people with money. In the UK Nickel coins have less value then the brass 1 and 2 pound coins.  Obviously I am seeing meanings to things that are fabricated in my head.

I'm not all that different to the ancient people that would think an eclipse was some sort of sign. Or would think a woman clapping too loud is a Wich and set fire to her. The difference is that I suppress my superstitious side and use reason to think more clearly.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

London backstab

It has been a year since I left London and made a small commuter town beyond the M25 my home but a few years before I left, I voted for Sadiq Khan to be Mayor of London. Looking back I regret the vote because he was show-boating and acting like the foreign secretary or various other cabinet members but knife crime went up on his watch significantly.  There was hundreds of incidents involving stabbings and acid attacks. He didn't seem to do the job he was paid to do. He isn't making London a safe place.

There is little being done to stop the huge crimes from happening in London. Hundreds of
Young people are being stabbed almost every day in London.

I voted for Sadiq Khan because I didn't want Zack Goldsmith to take the helm because he is an environmental politician and doesn't want Heathrow Airport to be expanded. Environmental politicians make it harder to be a motorist so I won't vote for that.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Pushing the bar

The best thing about having a hobby in this world is when you know you have a need for improvement and still enjoy doing it because then you are pushing the bar.

Every time you do that hobby, you are improving your skill in that hobby and making it better.

In my hobbies, I am very flawed by my own standards. When I draw pictures they are not very good but I am trying to improve every time I draw something. I am seeing how far I can push the bar and make the picture better.

The same is true for this blog, sometimes I see mistakes in my writing. This is because the predictive text on my phone has put a different word to what I have intended and I didn't notice because I loose focus at that point.

Every time I create something, I am trying to get closer to a perfect product.

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Snow flake

In this world, I try not to be angry because prolonged anger is destructive and takes energy away from your constructive thoughts.  I think I have got the upper hand with road rage.

There is one thing that really made me angry and that was discovering that a university student tried to make staff remove a war memorial because all the people on it were white.

The local people in the war memorial painting were all white at the time, that is not their fault. In the 1920's, the UK was not multicultural or multiethnic so there is no evidence the painter was racist or bigoted. Memorials in my view are our way to say sorry and thank you to the war torn communities. I drive past the Polish war memorial nearly every day. We say sorry to the people because they lost their lives and we say thank you for putting yourself in danger for the sake of their community.

If you have a problem with that then keep it to yourself. No one has a right to deface or try to remove war memorials.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

What October means to me

To me October has been a very interesting month.

Quite a lot of corporate scandal has been exposed this month, I won't say much because I can get legal issues if I'm not careful. Philip Green, the director of Top shop was exposed as an alleged sexual pest and bully.
I don't want to give any verdict about Philip Green because I don't know him. Buying a mega yacht is not a bad thing because you are providing employment to all the people that are involved with the production of Yacht and it is the dream of having a Yacht that helped to motivate his hard work and the creation of so many Jobs in the retail sector. If I say something about Philip Green then there is a risk that I am telling a lie about another person and that is a crime from my perspective.

I myself have been the victim of slander in the past. I have been accused of being a Liar and a Thief by complete strangers and it is very sad when a lie is told against you. I am proud of my integrity and feel offended if people try to accuse me of such nasty things. I have also been accused of being gay in the past and that is also a nasty thing to say about a another person if they are not like that.

There was an attack on a Jewish community in Pittsburgh I think, the most toxic thing in this world is hate. I am a white man but I don't think I am superior to anyone. I'm just trying to make my life better and my body is like a boat sailing to placid waters. My body is just like a temporary vehicle to me, taking me on a journey to enlightenment and progress. It is not something to use as hate and bigotry.

My hopes and faith is with the weeks to come.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

First Frost

One of the biggest issues of my time is global warming. Scientists believe that Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Is reflecting some of the heat energy from the sun back towards the Earth's surface. I don't think it is a big issue and I will tell you why.

I make my own crude observations, I see if the first frost comes before daylight saving or after. This year the first frost came one day before daylight saving. My car was covered in frost one day before daylight saving time changes, so the cold period is on time.

After all these years of emitting so much carbon dioxide, I can't see the problem, I mean surely most of the fossil fuels have already been used up and we will run out before there is a runaway greenhouse effect. Perhaps the ice caps will melt and cause global flooding. I don't know but everything looks normal here for now. 

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Death by Proxy

One thing that defines 2018 is long distance attacks on unpopular nationals of certain countries.  Sergei Skripal and his daughter from Russia we're both poisoned in Sailsbury, UK in spring of this year and in the Autumn it was the Saudi journalist that was attacked in the Saudi embassy, it is not clear to me when I wrote this how he died. The Saudi government have admitted that violence was involved but they are claiming it was a fight that went wrong.

I don't get involved, different countries value different things in this world. I'm just an ordinary guy with a blog. A man that lived in both sides of the millennium and sits down to reflect. If my blog offends anyone then I ask them to remember that it is just a hobby and and a gift to the people of the future.

Monday, 22 October 2018

The Grey stuff

Me wanting to build my own home is not just because I want a porch that surrounds the premises, and it is not just because I want well spaced rooms with custom designed walls. I want to build my own home because I don't like defecating on water that is clean enough to drink. Here in the UK, clean drinkable water is produced on a large scale so some of that water is supplied to the toilet flushing tank, I don't like that; it just doesn't feel right to me. I feel like it is wasteful to defecate into water that has been cleaned extensively. 

I want to defecate into the grey water that comes out of the back of a washing machine or the soapy water that comes out of a shower cubicle. It is more logical to me to defecate into water that is already dirty. To produce the water would be straight forward.

Firstly, rain water would be collected into water tanks in the attic. Then the collected rain water would be used in the clothes washing machine and shower. Then...

Secondly, the used water from the showers and washing machine would flow into another tank that fills the toilet flushing tank. When you flush the toilet, water would take away the waste.

The microbes that reside in the grey water tank would adapt to the detergent and soap and find a way to break them down so the gray water tank would give off heat.

All the sink basins would still use tap water that is cleaned in the plant because water from the roof could contain harmful microbes but you don't eat your clothes or lick your skin after a shower and rain water has no dissolved lime stone in it so it is good for the washing machine.

Friday, 19 October 2018

Fun house

If I was the leader of my country or part of the cabinet responsible for education, I would employ advertisement companies and TV show directors as head of education.

The reason I would do this is because the TV shows I watched when I was a young boy are still in my head after all these years. I left child hood two decades ago and I still remember them to this day. One show in particular stayed in my head, a show called "Fun House".

Fun House was a show about an assault course for kids. It is a crazy house set up like a giant dolls house and kids are given missions in this house in order to win prizes.  I can still remember the intro music from the start of the show, It went like this, " Fun House, it's a whole lot of fun with prizes to be won, it is a crazy little show where anything goes." It went something like that. I think the host of the show was called "Pat Sharp".

Anyway my point is that advertisement companies and show directors are set with the task of making their product stay in our head. They make songs and images that help us remember the product they are promoting and I am sure they would find a cleaver way to help young people learn new skills if they were employed has education directors for schools.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Hobby tree

Inside my head there is a tree, a tree of hobbies I would like do. The bottom stump of the tree is playing computer games, further up the stump is Drawing pictures. At the apex of the stump is media creations like this blog and videos. These hobbies are together because they need little space. Further up the tree in the first branches is building models and devices in a work shop, this hobby needs more space because a room is needed to house the machines and models. Playing music (possibly in a groups) and at the ends of the branches is Man caving and game touring. In game touring, a group of guys come together and visit golf courses and bowling alleys to play in different places. I sense that if I did have a gaming crew in the future at least some of the crew would be robots because I have not made enough friends in life to host such a hobby and robots are available on tap. In man caving, a room is needed that is filled with gaming tables such as table tenis and pool tables and football tables. If the man cave is well made, it will have a small bar stool with drinks and a coffee maker. The man cave would be the finishing place from game touring. So I would take my crew to the golf course and the bowling alley then would finish off in the man cave playing pool and other indoor games. The man cave could include a large screen with all the games consoles attached.

So... This is the hobby tree...
Bottom Stump: Playing computer games.
Middle Stump: Art(drawings, pictures)
Apex of Stump: Media Creations, (E books, videos, blogs)
First branches: Building models, and playing music)
Outer branches: Game touring and man caving (golf, bowing, table games)

At the moment I am at the apex of the stump. Will I get to the outer branches? who knows. Gaming is virtually free these days because many games are free and everyone has mobile phones. Art is cheap because all you need is paper and drawing tools like pencils or pens. Media is cheap because this blog is free and so are platforms that host your videos. The whole stump and cheap, solo and needs little space.

However, to get to the first branches and outer branches I will need more space and time and co-operation from others. 

Thursday, 4 October 2018

What September means to me

September 2018 is very much like all previous September months that I can remember. Here on my Island, the daylight time reduces every day and continues to do so.
I was so busy this month that I hardly noticed the passing of time. It is as if September was never there.
The big event I remember in September is the devastating earthquake that occurred in indonesia, it triggered a tsunami that swept through indonesia and devastated many towns there.

I can reveal that my wife is pregnant and I am due to become a father in April 2019. I discovered the news August in summer. There is a chance that the person reading this already knows the outcome in April 2019. 

Sunday, 16 September 2018


Every being that is reading this now could be  reading this for a different reason, you may be reading this because your finger is slow and your device thought you were pressing a link when you were actually dragging it. You may be an older version of me that is looking back at your past thoughts. Perhaps you are one of my descendents and want to know more about your ancestors. Maybe you are a machine overlord that has taken over the human world and wants to learn more about what you have conquered. If you are a machine overlord, I ask that you read this blog at human speed, one or two words per second because being human is about being slow. The person reading this text could be bored or curious and just come across this text. Who ever you are, welcome.

If you ever wondered why people have religions and faith, I will tell you why. People have religious beliefs because we are very logical, you see if you were aware of the affects if atrophy then you will know that everything will be destroyed in the end if all there is, is this world. Your body will eventually stop working and you will be gone, the sun will die one day and even the atoms have a half life and will eventually decay. There is a time when the whole universe as we know it will be a lifeless matterless void.

If you think that everything will turn into an oblivion, then why strive for anything. You may leave a mark behind but eventually that mark will also be destroyed with everything else. Striving for anything in this world without believing in an eternal God and eternal cause is like painting a house that is on fire, when your work is complete, it will be consumed by the fire.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Scratch card sense

I'm not going to advocate the lottery but I will say that some parts of the lottery are better than others. In the UK, a standard lottery ticket is hard to win because several numbers have to match up with the draw. There is more chance of no one winning than anyone.


The national lottery of the UK also supplies scratch cards and they are fixed odds. This means that there are always winners and the chances of winning prizes are  quite high, about one in 5 cards have a cash prize.

If you follow some simple rules, you will get more out of it. Firstly, you need loss control, for instance, you need to restrict how many you play in a month perhaps playing only one card per day. Doing more will cause you to lose too much money.

Then you should play in rounds, buying around 30 cards at a time. Then you should take the winnings and use them to increase the number of cards for the next time. Let's say you win back half the value that you put in, that would leave you with 45 cards if they cost £1. Every round that you play you have more winnings. Also, your daily cost will drop because you are only playing one per day.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

NDE hell and heaven

One of the biggest walls that stop me from being a Christian is the concept of eternal punishment and Eternity.

In the past 6 months I have become obsessed with Hell and Heaven because I don't understand them. When I am on you tube I will type the keyword NDE hell (Near death Experience).

I think that Hell is a place that is absent from God. It is written that God is peace and love and light so without God there is chaos, hate and darkness because when his presence goes, his attributes go away with him. I think this is the truth but I may be wrong. Some people tell me that hell is not being resurrected or just being destroyed permanently.

I would love to glimpse heaven, just see what heaven is like for a short while.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Aluminum Lady

Here in the UK, the Prime Minister (Leader) of the UK is facing huge challenges. Some of her own cabinet have turned on her and she is facing challenges to her proposal. In many ways she is very much like Margret Facture, the so called iron lady, firm and determined to complete her mission and not afraid to be unpopular in the process.

However she is a little bit more flexible and tries hard to make all sides of society happy so she is more like Aluminum than Iron. Both of the ladies quests started with chaos. Margret started when the UK was crippled with recession. Therasa started when the UK voted to leave the EU the sons and daughters of this Island were divided and filled with uncertainty and fear.

I don't know if it is a good thing to be more flexible or not, time will tell. I hope we are not pushed into poverty in the 20 20s.

Saturday, 8 September 2018


If there is one thing I learned in life, it is how awesome Jesus was when he was with us. I remember reading the scriptures about Jesus waiting in the garden of Gethsemane, knowing that he would be put to death and how bounty hunters had come and one of them had their ear cut off in the struggle. Jesus reattached the man's ear.

If I had the power to reattach an ear, I would not use it on a bounty Hunter that had come to take me away. I would give him a piece of string so he could keep his glasses on and leave it at that. But Jesus did that and he pleaded with the father to forgive his executioners, only a man with a pure mind could do such a thing.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Robot door

Over the years I have found that machines are replacing people's jobs and  I sense that AI will make the problem worse. In political debates, many senior politicians seem to think the opposite is true, they think that AI and automation will create more jobs, I am skeptical of the idea that more machines and AI means more jobs. However, I thought about it and tried to imagine how more jobs could be created.

I thought of some ways that jobs could be created, I think more jobs connected to mining would be created. I know that gold is present throughout the Earth but the extraction of the gold is only profitable in a few places because the concentration of the Gold is too low to cover the costs of extraction but if you had machines doing all the work then places were the concentration is too low could be mined and still support a small workforce without making a loss. 

I also thought that robotic transporters would be able to move people from a remote part of the country so public sector workers could live in a different part of the country from their workplace and pay less for accommodation and they could be moved around to different sites.

It is true that robots and ai will create jobs but I think they will reduce more jobs than they create. I just hope that the difference is small. People think this is in the distant future but those people have forgotten about the apps on their phones. The banking apps on people's phones would allow banks to close down their branches. Human resources clerks are already being replaced by software systems.

The chances are that the person that is reading this now knows the answer because I intend for my writings to last longer than myself.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

What August means to me

It is September now and the summer is slowly comming to an end as we pass through the blurry boundary between summer and autumn.

To me August 2018 was the opposite to July, the month was colder than a typical August and it was fairly cloudy much of the time. Some of the trees reacted to the early cold spell by turning their leaves brown.

Two high profile people passed away in August, Aretha Franklin and John Mcain.

I worked very hard in my job and in trade, I frequently worked more than 100 hours per week. I am thankful that I have work but I am hopeful for something better.

In this month I learned some life changing news but I won't share it now.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Spirograph Flowers

When I was a young boy, there was an art toy available called Spirograph. It was a plastic bracket with geared circles cut out of it. The plastic bracket was accompanied by plastic gears with holes in them to hold pens in place. Each gear piece had a different shape or size.

The purpose of the Spirograph set was to create flowers out if geometric repeating shapes. I called them Spirograph flowers but they actually had a technical name that I can't recall.

To create the so called Spirograph flowers, you would choose a gear piece and place it in the nested gear circle. You would then place a pen in a hole on the gear piece and then use the pen to turn the gear around. You would then create two rotations on a line because the gear piece would go around the nested gear hole and it would rotate on it's axis at the same time.

At any point you could remove the pen and place a different color or change the hole that the pen sits or change the gear piece. You could also colour in some of the spaces in the pattern and the combination of colours is unlimited. If you made many changes to the flower then the chances are that you had created something very unique. Every kid and adult that had a Spirograph set wanted to create a one of a kind outstanding spirograph flower.

I think there are different sets available now and some of them are very sophisticated with many brackets and many gear pieces.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Calendar logic

In my time and my society, time is divided up into years, months and days. There are twelve months in one year but the 365 days that make up one year can't be divided evenly by 12 so each month has a different number of days.

I remember how many days each month has because I saw a pattern in the values, and apply a rule to know.  Let me explain.

If I want to know how many days there are in a month I ask myself 3 questions very quickly. Firstly I ask is the month February because that is the only month with 28 days. Then I ask if the month's numeric value is an odd or even number. March is the 3rd month so it is an odd number. Then I ask myself if it is before august because all odd months before august have 31 days, all odd months after august have 30 days, all even months from August have 31 days and all even months before August have 30 days except for February with 28 days.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Aretha dead high street sick

If there is one thing that is clear in the UK it is the perils of the high street. Retail is very challenging and many companies are closing down their stores. They are competing against internet based stores and companies that pay less tax.

Home base is closing down some of their stores and so is house of Fraiser. I remember Brantano also closed down recently. Some people blame brexit but those people have forgotten about BHS and Woolworths and all the other department stores that closed down before the referendum.

Aretha Francklin died a few days ago and I will remember her final days as the high street crucible. The world I live in is changing very fast and soon I won't recognize it.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Spider Ghost

Yesterday I went to the bathroom to use the toilet only to discover there was a big spider in the bathroom. I dealt with the spider the only way I know how, I took the vacuum cleaner, pulled the brush off and left the two rigid tubes on the hose. I the turned the vacuum cleaner on and extended the tubes at arm's length towards the spider and sucked the micro beast into the vacuum cleaner. My Vacuum cleaner uses cyclones so I could see the spider's twisted body inside.

I then got a strange sensation, I felt like something was crawling inside my throat. I get that every time I deal with a spider, it was all in the mind but a small silly part of me feels like it is the spider's ghost.  I dealt with that sensation by eating ice cream.

The good thing is I won't worry about a spider jumping on my balls when I'm taking a shit. And the spider is in the trash can outside, I'm sure there are insects in there for it to eat, we all lived happily ever after.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

What July means to me

July 2018 has passed by and it is now August. July 2018 in the UK was very hot, most of the month was in a heat wave and there was almost no rain. Grass throughout the UK dried up.

My birthday is in July and this time I went with my family for a meal. The final football match that decided the winning football team in the world cup was on my birthday. It turned out to be France. I wasn't disappointed with the result because I think that Enland played very well this time and they came 4th overall.

I returned to an old hobby of drawing during this month. I drew some pictures using just paper and pall point pen, it is a very cheap hobby.

Saturday, 21 July 2018


I recently turned 36 years of age. Through the years I have learned that the older I get, the more I am myself and worry less about what people think about me.

I recently started to draw pictures because I see art as therapy, I started with a self portrait because it is easy to draw myself because I see my face in the mirror every day when I brush my teeth and shave. 

I also rewrote my website in HTML 5 and changed the design to make it phone friendly. The purpose of the website is to bring together all my creations to one place and share them with the world. It is also there to bring trade to possible future shops.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Talking Dinosaurs

One thing I wonder about is what it would be like if dinosaurs were still around. I am aware that dinosaurs are like birds, many of them were bipedal. Dinosaurs layed eggs with brittle calcium shells and had hollow bones. They had feathers and scales on their legs, their lungs were efficient at getting oxygen and their waste was a relatively dry paste. Many physical attributes that dinosaurs had could be found in birds.

Many birds in this world are able to mimic complicated sounds like words spoken by people. Parrots can talk, so can budgies and the liar bird. Crows that are kept in captivity are known to speak and so are Ravens. If so many birds are able to imitate human speech then why not dinosaurs. There is no way to check because they are not around but I can imagine that there are a few species of dinosaurs that were able to imitate sounds that were complicated but they would have deeper voices, like Barry white or Dath Vader from star wars.

Perhaps there were dinosaurs that could talk better than parrots.  Language in this world is not exclusive to humans. Dolphins and whales have complicated languages as well. Perhaps there is an undiscovered extinct animal species that could speak better than people.

Who knows.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Self service quirk

I don't like self service checkouts because I don't want people to lose their jobs. But there is one thing I like about them. They are patient and many of them will take mixed payment, let me explain.

Earlier in the month I found a bag of nickel coins and pennies. In the the UK all the coins that are made of Nickel are less than one pound but more than a few pennies. The bag of coins was a nuisance because the whole bag was heavy but has a small value. I took the bag with me to the supermarket and used it to pay some of the balance on my shopping. The shopping was £12 but the bag's value was £8 so I finished the £4 balance with my card. The machine didn't care that I was using many pennies and Nickels to pay the balance, even though I was feeding the coins one at a time through the coin slot.

It is funny that the new pound coin has a nickel center, the old round pounds were all made of a  brass alloy from edge to edge.

If I designed the software for self service checkouts it would look very different. It would have digital copy of the receipt scrolling up the screen and it would have hundreds of sound effects for every action. When I was a young man I found this software on my father's computer called lotus organiser when you clicked on different tabs, you would hear exaggerated sounds of paper being ruffled. The colours would be very bright and very clear. The software would also have a face in the top left corner of the screen. The face would represent the status of the machine. If the bar code was not recognised, the face would look confused and there would be the sound effect associated with it. At the end of the transaction the face would grow and fill the screen and say thank you. The face would be chrome and non human so no one would accuse it of being racist.

Sunday, 1 July 2018

What June means to me

June 2018 was very challenging. It was one of those months when you get a bunch of big bills to pay all in the same month. I worked a lot in that month. I am optimistic about July.

It was a very hot month, I think it was very hot almost every day. Wouldn't it be nice if we could store some of that extra heat and release it in the winter.


The news in this month was all about the world cup in Russia. I think Robbie Williams hosted the opening ceremony.

I won't say anything else because nothing else happened.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Train crazy

The way trains operate in the UK is not logical, let me explain....

Imagine London is a clock face. The place where the number 11 is located is called Amersham. The palace where the number nine is Located is called Uxbridge. If you wanted to go from 11 to 9, you would take a train to where hands meet and then back accross.

That is a long distance in total because you are not going in a straight line. The distance is like going all the way accross the city. You would think this makes the journey expensive, right? Well no it doesn't, you only get charged £1.80 for that journey, about the price of two loafs of bread.

Now imgagine the city center is located just below the middle of the clock. What would happen if you took a train there? You would get charged much more, even though you are travelling a smaller distance. The pricing of the metro rail is there to reduce the crowds I believe.

The way I look at it is, instead of solving the problem of overcrowding with technology and innovation they punish commuters and make them pay for entering the inner zones of London.

I look at a train as an elevator that goes forwards and backwards instead of up and down. It should be very cheap to travel on a train not just in the suburbs but everywhere. It should be like a Netflix subscription where commuter pays £10 per month and go where they like in the city.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

World & world cup

Well, the Russian world cup is gleaming and the world is turning, my world is still the dessert of insight, dry of the waters of knowledge.

There are so many Questions that may never have an answer. In the Christian faith, some christians claim that the faithful redeemed souls go straight to heaven when they die. Others claim that you wait in the grave until you are resurrected on Judgement day and then go to heaven. The irony is that they can be both right at the same time because your time stops when you are unconscious. If you did wait in the grave, you wouldn't be aware of the passing of time. You could be unconscious for a million years and think that you were only dead for 1 minute after being resurrected.

But I do wonder.  I hope that the creator of the Universe shows me mercy and peace.

Saturday, 16 June 2018

The flow of life

If there is one thing I can be certain of in this world it is the fact that I am a thing. My body is a structure that can be broken just like any other thing in this world.

I will make the most of every day while I still have this body and it still works. However I know that I have a short time before my body stops working and I am longer a living being. Life as I know it will end soon within some decades from now.

Even the matter that builds my body is unstable and can break apart. The atoms that I am made of a made mostly of empty space.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Brake revelation

Earlier in the month, my car had some issues, the back brakes were faulty. My car uses mechanical hands called Calipers to squeeze heat resistant pads against a metal disk attached to a wheel, that is how the brakes slow the car down. The calipers were catching on the wheel disks and making scratching sounds and causing vibrations to travel back up to the brake pedal. Anyway, I got the issue fixed but the week before I had the brakes repaired I learned a valuable lesson.

I was traveling at slower speeds on the motorway to compensate for my car's fault and learned that my car actually uses less fuel at slower speeds. I was driving at close to 70 miles per hour normally but when I had faulty breaks, I was driving just under 60 miles per hour. My car was able to travel nearly 340 miles when the tank was full. Normally my car would run out of fuel just before 300 miles.

It cost me a few hundred pounds to fix the brakes but it saved me more because I realized that cruising between 55 and 60 miles per hour is the most efficient speed for my car. 

Every time I refill my car I am saving about  £4.60 because I am burning less fuel to get by. I fill my tank up every week so  I am saving £18.40 per month. That is £220 per year. Many new cars now don't burn fuel, they use stored electricity but until I have such a car I can apply this new knowledge.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Nine Nine Nine

When I was a kid I liked to watch a TV show called Nine Nine Nine. It was a show about people that were in grave danger but were rescued. In the UK, the phone number used to summon the emergency services is 999. I believe that is the reason the show was called 999.

The presenter of the TV show was called Michael Buerk I think. He would tell the story of the accident and the people involved would be interviewed. We would be shown a reconstruction of the accident and bit by bit would hear the story from the person involved.

The TV show had two effects on me. Firstly, it made me feel lucky because I'm not in the same situation. Secondly, it would make me feel empathy towards the person. I would be absorbed in the story and would root for the person to survive even though I knew they would.

Sunday, 3 June 2018


Last month the Irish community voted to abolish their anti abortion law. Abortion is a very complicated issue and sometimes it is not clear what is wrong and what is right.

There are people in this world that would love to invent the time machine or take a Delorian with a flux capacitor back in time and abolish the law in the past, those people remind me of the "John Smith" agent in the movie called "The Matrix". In the matrix, the world we live in is a simulation and our senses are plugged into a computer program. John Smith is a bad villian because he rebels against the system and hates mankind. Neo Defeated the John Smith program by letting it kill him or take him over because the code that allowed John Smith to defy death was running inside his body. When John Smith killed Neo, he killed the software that kept him alive. His eyes shined and he exploded and freed all the people he had infected. This is a strange twist of the grandfather paradox you see. If you abolished abortion in the past then perhaps one of your ancestors would get aborted and you would shine and evaporate like the John Smith agent in the Matrix movie,  So be careful what you wish for.


The question I have is where do you draw the line? There is a point when life that is aborted is no longer a non sentient mass of tissues floating in the womb but a small person. Where do you draw the line?

In my view, I don't know if it is right or wrong to allow abortion. The only thing is that I would reduce the time limit to 10 weeks because the sex of the fetus is undefined at that stage and some people use the gender of the baby as grounds for abortion. Perhaps if someone's lifestyle changes while they are pregnant and they feel like the baby will have a hard life then they maybe trying to pause their family until circumstances are better. Or perhaps they were raped or the baby has a defect that puts both their lives at risk.

Life is a gift so if you can the please avoid abortion. That is all I can say.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

What May means to me

May 2018 was the Month when a mixed race American actress married a British prince and became a dutches. It was the latter part of spring. I was happy for them. The weather was improving from the colder spell earleir in spring. I wish the best for Meghan and Harry.

This month will be remembered as the month I was reunited with my wife. And all the tention and stress that came with it was released. I was worried that the reunion would be foiled in some way but everything fell into place in the end.

This was also the month my Dad had a landmark birthday and turned 70. We celebrated in reading city in the center of south England in a beautiful hotel. My wife was reunited with other members of my family. My neices and Nephew once again enjoyed the company of my wife.

One thing I have learned from my Dad is to stand your ground and never give up. My Dad faced many adversities in his life but he stood his ground and never gave up. That is one of the many beautiful gifts that was handed to me. The strong attitude to keep your chin up when adversity and difficult times are present.

There were many challenges this month but I don't want to share them on this entry because it is a private matter. All I will say is it was a bitter test of my patience.

The Irish voted to abolish their anti abortion law this month. I'll give my insight to this matter in another post.

I will be grateful for my Dad and my reunion because I could have been handed a different plate. I am a lucky Man.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018


Last week I was reunited with my wife Cinthya. I felt some weight fall of my shoulder, I was waiting a long time on my own and wondered how long I would wait.

Finally, I am back together with the woman I love. Later in the week my wife was reunited with the rest of my family on Sunday at my Dad's landmark 70th Birthday.

While my wife was on the way here, the Irish we're voting whether to abolish their anti abortion law and the exit polls suggested that they voted in favour to abolish anti abortion.

My wife came to be with me in between the Royal wedding of Harry and Meghan and my Dad's Landmark birthday.

I am thankful to God for this wonderful breakthrough.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Maglev dream

If I would build a railway, I would make the trains slow and steady. If you have fast moving trains then you can have fewer trains because they need space for safety. I would still use levitation trains because maintenance and friction is reduced so the costs would be low.

I would also make the trains thinner so more lines could be added for extra redundancy.

You see in my world, levitation trains are slow and steady and easy to maintain. Less wear and tear.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Road Rage & Royal wedding

If you know me, you will know I am a slow driver, well by slow I mean I follow the speed restrictions. Today I got angry at a driver that accelerated towards me from behind and tailgated me, I gave him a special hand signal when he eventually passed by. I thought that if I was deaf and he was deaf I could have a whole argument without ever leaving my car, unfortunately I can only signal two or three words with my hands. I must try and be level headed next time and not react. People that drive like that will punish themselves anyway when they get penalty points on their license and they will crash their car.

Today there is the royal wedding of Meghan and Harry, the British Royal family is growing at a steady rate. I wish Meghan and Harry a happy marriage. Nice to have an American in the family. I hope the Queen doesn't get too stressed, she is very old.

If I have one advice for any parent it would be to never compare your children. It has a very negative effect on the person listening. I think if a child is compared to their brother or sister then eventually they will learn not to listen at all because they don't want the emotional toxic poison in their head. If you have a problem with your kid then tell the child, but don't say "why can't you be like you brother or sister" that is very bad and the outcome would be negative. Especially if that child is older because that is very humiliting. I think the big problem with this world is no one has anything nice to say they just complain all the time about small things that sometimes are not important and they forget that they are talking to a human being with feelings.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Observations for mid May

It is half way through May 2018 and summer is very close. The world cup is around the corner.

For the past three months the slip road at junction 3 on the M40 was under maintenance. The first month they didn't touch the road, they just put cones on it. I guess things are slower outside London.

Another thing I have observed is that Facebook is bringing out phsycopathic behavior and turning people into heartless jerks. I saw a video of a man that was caught mastebating onto an inflatable doll in his car. I was angry because I didn't want to see that and because unessesary shame was brought onto the man because the video was exposed to the public community.

The person that filmed the man and shared the video is a jerk because he brought unessesary shame. It reminds me of the story of Noah in the bible. When the flood cleared, Noah's family drank wine but Noah became drunk and accidentally exposed himself. The son called Ham tried to laugh and mock his father's embarrassment but the sons Japheth and Shem covered him to protect his honour. Ham and his decendants were cursed because of his disrespect to his father and they became slaves. If you mock and increase a person's embarrassment then you are like Ham. If you try to stop a person's embarrassment then you are like Japheph or Shem they we're blessed with riches.

If you see videos on social media that cause unessesary shame to a person then you should resist it and push it away and correct the person that is sharing it. Tell them to be decent and not bring shame to another person. That is the truthfull way I think.

My gift

This blog or text library is a gift. It is a gift for my decendants and all other people in the future. It is also a gift for me in the future. My ancestors left me with a mystery. I don't know very much about them or what they value. But I will leave behind a bigger gift. And I intend to print this entire blog and also engrave the text of this blog on to physical tablets like stones or metal sheets.

You are reading this now but you are receiving my thoughts. I am writing down my thoughts and my reality but only things I am comfortable to share with the public domain. If you don't like my writings or are not interested then I won't be offended and I won't know. But if you want to read the thoughs of a man that lived at the turn of the millennium and perhaps you are a relative of mine then I feel welcome to read through it.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Smelly coffee

I know I am different to most people in this world because I value different things. There is an experience that is so good if you value it.

There was a library that had plastic moulded seats and steal legs that double as reinforcement for the chair, they were thin metal bars bent into an "N" shape. The library had a strong smell of old books. When I was at University I would study computer programming. I would print out example computer codes on my printer and look at the code and be focused. I would do this sitting in the library. I would sit in the smelly library and drink a smelly coffee from Burger king. The coffee had no milk or sugar, it was smelly and strong and I loved drinking it while I was lost in detail. Looking carefully line by line to understand everything.

To me that was pleasure. I loved being lost in work and detail. Not in stress but in focus. The library is gone now, it moved down town. It was called gayton library.  I often wonder if librarys will still be around in the future or if they will just be part of something else or phased out.

I loved reading books for free and librarys were filled with them.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Eating veg

The UK government is trying to get young people to eat more vegtables. I eat more vegtables now then ever before because I am aware that my body is slowly aging and I like cheap food.

I am starting to get gray hairs and small wrinkles and marks on the side of my face from years of sun exposure. I know that if I don't take care of my diet then I could compomise my health. I accept that my body is a machine that wears down over time but a bad diet would make it worse. If my diet was worse then I open the door for diseases like heart problems or diabetes.

The thing is, cooked vegtables taste nice because they absorb the spices that you put on them and they have a nice texture, and they are very cheap. I don't understand why people don't just eat vegetables all the time. That is what I do now. I use olive oil for the stir frys and it is still cheap.

Even in a supermarket, vegtables are cheap. A carrot costs about 10p per unit on average and an onion costs £7p per unit. Broccoli flowers cost about 50p but they are good for 4 or five portions. I cut broccoli into 4 pieces and use one piece each day.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

What April means to me

This month has been an emotional month. My Aunty Winfrey died, she was nearly 100. I have happy childhood memories of visiting her house. I am hopeful that she is reunited with all those love ones she lost through her life and I hope she is in a paradise where she will never suffer again.

One of the biggest barriers that stopped me being an acting Christian is my anger towards Moses for killing is own people for deviating from the will of God. I often prayed and asked why he killed the people that were worshipping their own gold that had shaped into calf.

I think I received the answer the day before my auntie's funeral. The answer was that God knows the future. The Creator knows what would happen if he didn't make that command. If Moses had not done that then even more people would be killed. The Jewish race would have been destroyed by other civilisations if they changed their beliefs. I had a vision of a father cutting his sons leg off with an ax and me being angry at the man for doing that, only to find that the leg was trapped and the tide was comming in. The father knows that if he does not cut the leg off with the ax, his son will drown. The father was saving his son's life but I didn't understand because my mind can't see with that depth.

I had another vision of a world without the Jewish race. In this world they had just ended world war 9 and were trying to keep the number of world wars in single digits. I saw that it was the Jews that were being used by God to save his creation from destroying itself. They were filling the world with enlightenment and thinking about peaceful benefits. A world without Jews is a world where evil rampages everywhere. Jesus himself was a Jew.

I often see a vision of clay. To this day I don't understand why but I feel like God is trying to tell me something. I beg for insight. I must search for it.

I saw Hell, it is real but it is not hate, it is a quarantine to keep all the wicked people that reject God away from the rest of creation. People suffer in Hell because they are burned by their own evil. Their evil manifest into burning fire and pain but it stays there with them. We destroy ourselves with our evil so we need help to be restored, but it is through choice.

I am returning to a being that hates sin and repents and forgives people that do bad to me. My faith is returning to me and I am turning back into a Christian. A man that forgives and loves and has faith that he will be restored because of Jesus and his resurrection.

I was waiting for a verdict from the government and I got a positive verdict. I won't say more about it now.

April has been a very cold month but it is spring and summer is around the corner. I hope this spring will be the best ever.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Middle of spring

I feel like we are approaching the middle of spring now. I live amongst the Chiltern hills in England. In these hills there are many trees. The trees make the air very fresh.

I'm here waiting for a verdict, waiting and waiting. I won't say what the verdict is for because this blog is on the public domain. I wait and I wait. The only thing I can do is wait. The people that make me wait are cruel because they don't email the progress to me. They don't say what is going on. They just leave me hanging here.

I ordered a new keyboard because my old music keyboard broke. I know that playing music helps to clear the mind and deal with stress. Playing music and working hard is what I have.

I hope and wait for the breakthrough and good news that I want. And toil hard day and night to trade my way out of mediocrity.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Mcdonald's win

Over the last month I have been playing McDonald's monopoly. To play, you buy McDonald's food items and peel off the tab that is stuck on the meal packaging.

I have won a few trivial things and collected some tabs. I have won food items and vouchers. The best prise I have won is a £10 sky store voucher, I can get a free digital movie or TV show.

I like the game because it is better than scratch cards because you always get something. If you loose,  you still have the food or drink you bought and a collectable tab that could be used later.

I try to get one every day so I will see what happens. It is very fun and I think it is a very good idea.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Windrush and Death

My Aunty died a few days ago and I hope that she is in a better place. A place filled with bliss and joy and peace. This document is in the public domain so I won't say anything else.

There is a scandal coined "windrush". It is about people that were brought over when they were children and the system didn't keep records, they worked all their life and are now being treated as illegal immigrants, even though they were in the UK for all their lives paying taxes and working. It must be very stressful for all those people involved.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

April conflict

Earlier in the week, the UK, France and USA launched an attack on Syria bases that bleong to the Assad government. They did this because they suspect that assad is using chemical weapons on communities around Syria.

I felt angry because if you wanted to stop the gas attacks, you could drop gas masks and stuff like that. It would be more effective and cost less than launching cruise missiles. If you fire more and more missiles, it may one day backfire and cause more conflict and possibly end in war or global war.

I hope that there is no more war in the middle east in the near future.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Jeremy Corbyn

Earlier in the week the Labour party was criticised for allegedly supporting anti semetism. Jeremy  went to a Passover party of a left wing group that are skeptical of Isreal. I think they are called Judos or something like that.

I personally have nothing against Jeremy and I don't think he is anti semetic. In many ways I think he is like me, he hates wars and thinks the railways should be nationalised. He is a people person and thinks that people's lives are sometimes more important than profit.

I don't know him personally but I think he is like me because of his speeches and I would always vote for a guy like me. The problem is when I vote I am voting for a local MP and I'm not loyal to any party. The rule I follow is that I try to make contact with my local MP and if he ignores me, I remember and vote for his oponent when the next election comes. So I may not vote for labour but that wouldn't be because of Corbyn. It would be because of the local man that didn't listen to me in the years before.

I am grateful for life and a working mind that is free to think and question everything. If you are reading this and are Jewsish then I hope you see me as a mind that has no hate for you or anyone.

Monday, 2 April 2018

What March Means to Me

It is April now and most certainly Spring. To me March is the transition from winter to Spring although we really needed the daylight saving to know it because it was so cold and dark this month you could have easily not noticed spring's arrival.

The news is dominated by the Russian elections and poisoning of a former Russian agent and his daughter and Brexit. I had some time off work but I was sick with the flu and spent the whole time doing almost nothing. My view of Russians is the same, I see them as my Brothers and Sisters on the other side of the continent. I have no fear or hate for anyone in this world because my mind is filled with hunger for insight into the mysteries of life and beyond. I don't want any space in my mind to be taken up for hate, my life is too short for that.

I continued to nurture my new hobby to keep my mind clear during my down time and got some peace from it.
March is a busy time for my family in terms of birthdays.

I have nothing else to say about March except hope and progress for everyone.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Sick on Holiday

It is Easter and the start of spring. This past week I have been on holiday from work but I was sick with the flu the whole time but I still managed to make a video on youtube and do a few things.

I celebrate this Day, the reserection of Jesus Christ. I hope that Jesus shows me Mercy for all my bad deeds. I hope he brings peace into my life.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Sega drop

When I was a young man, Sega was in the console industry. They were making and selling machines that play computer games, but at the turn of the millennium they had some bad luck and decided to leave the console market and just make games.

I Blame the switch from 2D to 3D partly for their bad luck because the rules for fun are different in 2D and 3D. In 2D it is all about completing the level and scoring points and avoiding death.

In 3D gaming fun is more about exploring and going on quests or missions and finding things. When SEGA first went 3D, their games were rigid and inflexible. They litterally made their 2D games into 3D ones. They were in my opinion very linear.

Like all extinctions in this world, there is more to their back luck than that. They eventually cleaned up the problem but the other games consoles had their best run at that time. Xbox had Halo, PlayStation had a powerful hand held, and Nintendo had many party games for the family and groups.

I think the last Games console they made was called the "Dreamcast" and I think it was in many ways the best console but the previous console they made, Sega Saturn had damaged the companies image and poisoned the marketing for the Dreamcast.

I often wonder what it would be like if Sega was still in the console industry today. If they didn't make those bad decisions. Perhaps in an alternative reality or in the future Sega will be making games consoles once again.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Russian Fire

Earlier in the week a supermarket in Russia burned up. I feel sad because being burned to death is the most violent way a human can die in this world. Every nerve ending in the person's body maxes out on pain and every cell is eventually destroyed.

My thoughts are about hell when these things happen. In Christianity and Islam and the Jewsish faith, they teach about eternal punishment for people that lived a bad life or turned away from the creator.

I learned that when people go to hell they are burned in torment forever. To me this is not fair because our life is short but hell is eternal. Why should a person be burned in hell forever when their life is so short. The deeds of just 20 years of life could be punished for thousands of years. This doesn't make sense to me.

Afterlife is such a mystery to me. I hunger for knowledge like I hunger for food. Sometimes the hunger for insight is more than the hunger for food.

This blog entry is not mocking the creator but asking for insight. It is a genuine request for understanding about life and death and all the mysteries that come with it.

I send my love to all those families in Russia that lost loved ones.


Saturday, 24 March 2018

Passport blues

A few days ago I learned that Therasa May gave the British passport making contract to a French company.

I felt sad because it is the government's job to look out for the people and to try to keep people in work.

If the reason she did it was to save money then I would question that because about 33% of British workers income goes into tax through VAT on their shopping, counsel tax, income tax, fuel duty and various other taxes. We are all paying loads of tax without realizing it. If all the staff loose their jobs then whatever money she saved will be lost in paying income support to the redundant workers and not receiving their tax contributions, so if a there is a public service industry like a passport factory then why don't we make sure it is British?

I hope she changes her mind and gives the contract back to De La Rue.

I want to know the reason she is giving the contract away to a foreign company.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Butterfly Effect

There is a theory called the Butterfly effect. It is a theory that very small things have a very big effect on big events. The main example of this is that the air pressure from the flapping wings of a butterfly can cause a hurricane on the other side of the planet though a series of chain reactions.

I can think of many examples myself, I could ask a driver for directions and cause that driver to avoid a traffic accident because a speeding car was due to hit the car but I caused it to be late for the event. Or the opposite could happen.

Our life is a long series of chain reactions and I often wonder what the world would be like if I wasn't born because I know that I leave a trail of small chain reactions that go around the planet many times.

For example, I could ask a doctor if cooking oil causes cancer, my question causes the doctor to remember that his oil needs changing in his car. The doctor then goes to a garage to change his oil and meets an old friend at the garage. They decide to meet up for a meal. The doctor and his friend bring their children. The children meet at the restaurant and fall in love and get married 2 years later and have one kid.

Now if I didn't ask the doctor if cooking oil causes cancer in this scenario then the doctor would go to the garage later in the week and would not meet his old friend and their children would not meet and they would not get married and his grand child would not be born. This is a bizzar story but that is how life works. Everything is connected and there are countless chain reactions to seemingly simple things. 

I hope that I leave a positive chain reaction behind me. And if you were wondering, yes perhaps this entry could cause a butterfly affect. Perhaps it may effect people that are not born yet. Well I would say, "Be Good".

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Life is a mystery

I woke up early in the morning and I looked out into the darkened room. A thought came into my mind. Why am I here? Why am I alive and what is the purpose of my life?
Don't get me wrong I am grateful for life but I am lost in the mystery. The mystery of existence and consciousness is so deep that I can't grasp it with my simple mind.
If you know me you will know that I don't ask rhetorical questions. I hunger for insight, I hunger for answers.
I want to know what my purpose is and why I am here. What is my destiny?

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Salisbury poisoning

At the start of the month a former spy of the Soviet Union and his daughter was poisoned by a nerve toxin that is developed by Russia.

The UK government was quick to blame the Russian government for the attack but the British community remember the Iraq war cries at the turn of the millennium so many of us didn't want to jump to conclusions.

I can't help but think the attack was personal because the Russian spy was a double agent and caused many Russian agents to be imprisoned in the UK. I think that a disgruntled agent made the poison in his home because the poison is designed to be made with ordinary ingredients that can be bought in a shop. Many agents would know the ingredients to the poison. The traditional poison used by Russia is usually radioactive or Risin because it continues to poison your tissues until it is removed or you die so it is more effective.

Based on my limited knowledge of the case I would say the poison was made inside in the UK in the home of an agent. However, I am not saying the President Putin is not connected to it. Perhaps he likes it when "accidents happen to traitors" so to speak. But I chose to keep a hung verdict.

My hope is that the UK and Russia put their differences behind them and learn to be Brothers in toil. That is my dream, I want Russia and UK to be friends and connect through trade and progress and to be a peaceful family on this continent. 

Monday, 19 March 2018

High street trouble

In my lifetime I have seen the high Street change a lot, many high Street shops are closing down or have closed down.

I remember Woolworlths when I was a young man and northern rock. Recently BHS closed down and now toys r us and Maplins are facing problems. Many smaller shops have disappeared. When I walk out on the high Street  I see boarded up shop fronts everywhere.

In my opinion, the cause of the sickness is greed, the internet and local authorities not listening. Let me explain, the rent charged to shop premises is increasing so they can't compete with the internet because they are forced to increase their prices to pay the rent.

Bying things on the internet is cheaper than in the shops because internet shops avoid many costs like high Street rent and staffing costs.

The other problem is the local authorities, they make it hard for motorists to access the high street, they are quick to charge motorists for parking near the shops and don't provide any free parking so they are doing a bad job.

I don't know what the high street will look like in the comming decades but I hope they do something because the closure of the shops is a loss of jobs.

Saturday, 17 March 2018


In my time, personal vehicles run along the ground. They don't fly. In my homeland, cones are placed on the road when a portion of the road is going to be dug up for maintenance or to fix infrastructure below. The cones are made of plastic and tell the drivers that they can't drive there. They are like boundary markers for no go areas.

The problem is that sometimes the cones are placed on the ground too long before the maintenance starts, so the road can have cones on it for days or weeks without anyone touching the road. This is very frustrating for motorists.

For the past month I have been annoyed because cones we're placed on the slip road for  junction 3 of the M40. This means all vehicles are forced on to the outside lane when they join the road. I don't like being forced into the outside lane, especially when the road has not been touched for a long time.

Spring on ice

It is the start of Spring here in the UK and it is snowing again. The temperature has dropped and there are many accidents on the road. I mentioned before that it snowed in spring in 2008 and I remember it well. One thing that is very outstanding about my Island home is that it is very dark here. The sky's are often full of clouds so if you are one of those people that don't like the sun then England is a good place to be.

It is st Patrics day today and also my Parents birthday. I hope to catch some quality family time today and really setttle down a bit.

Today I have learned 2 things. The poison used on the Russian agent is called Novichov. It is a poison that attacks the nerves. I also learned that if I eat a large portion of pasta before work then I don't need to eat at work, I'm guessing that it turns into a paste and expands in my stomach.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Steve and Ken Rip

Earlier in the week Ken Dod died, he is a famous English comedian. Today Steven Hawking died, He is a world famous physics professor. He is said to be an equivalent to Issac newton or Albert Einstein.

I remember a famous experiment he tried where he held a party for time travelers and sent the invitations out after the party had finished. No one came so he concluded that time travel was impossible.

I remember his insight into Black holes and Hawking radiation and theories about the big bang. I remember the warnings he gave about artificial intelligence and trying to contact alien civilisations. Mostly I remember a man trapped in a crippled body that needed a machine to speak but had a strong mind that made the best of his bad luck.

Bit by bit my little world is falling into an oblibion but the truth is it was set that way from
the beginning. I was always aware it would be like that. Famous people I know are dying as they age. Rules are changing and the culture is changing. The world I am living in is unrecognizable to my younger self.

I am grateful I don't have motor neurone disease because it is a crippling and life shortening state of existence and can leave a person a prisoner in their own body. Steven Hawking had the disease and he contributed a lot to society but I imagine that his life must have been very hard.

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Suspected Russian Poisoning

Last week a former Russian spy accused his state of poisoning him.

My view of the Russians is the same, I see them as my brothers and sisters on the other side of the continent. I have nothing else to say. The Russians are like me, they want a happy outcome and a bright future. They are ordinary people just like me.

It is the ordinary people like myself that have no interest in war or hate that will make the world a better place to live.

The future belongs to the blameless person. I don't know what else to say. I always feel like we are forced to think a certain way and are controlled by others but eventually it will be the blameless man that brings good fruits into the world.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

If I was rich

I am a guy that tries to make every day count. I have beautiful dreams. Many rich people in this world are very miserable but if I was rich I would be happy.

Firstly, If I was a made man (rich) I would nurture all my hobbies, because I would have all the time in the world to do them.  I would come to the golf course regularly and also the bowling alley. I would build beautiful models of buildings and draw beautiful pictures. I would create so many beautiful things. At the moment I am stuck with just making blogs and models.

I would have a big house built and foster many children and give them a good life. I would pay for tutors to teach them and take them to theme parks every weekend and be a positive force in their life.

I said this before but it is true. There is so many things to make and create and being rich is a vehicle to make it happen.

I create this blog and art and various other things. Every day I live in this world could be my last day so I try to make the day count.

I am thankful for my working mind and good health. I am lucky so far in life because I am able bodied and all my dreams are still alive. I am waiting for insight from the Glorious Creator of the universe and hope that many good times will come. I hope the 2020s will be a fantastic decade.

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Warming to a new hobby

I'm looking into a new hobby or 2. I will say no more than that. Things are starting to warm up a bit which is very good.

I hope this new hobby lasts as long as this blogging hobby. Creative hobbies are the best and creating things in my mind is the best thing to do.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Snow revelation

Nearly ten years ago in April 2008 there was a freak snow blizzard in the UK. It was the middle of spring so it was not supposed to happen.

The snow had a powerful affect on me and changed my life. I had time off from my work so  I intended to meet up with friends and go out for fun. What happened was I was forced to stay at home. While I was at home I looked at the snow and sat down and was lost in thought. At some point I questioned the morals of eating meat and the cruelty that may be involved.

On that day I became a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian ever since then nearly ten years on. My vegtable based diet has caused my body to age in a different way. I have the blood pressure of a teenager and the health of a man half my age. If I continued to eat meat, my health would be very different.

Now it is March 2018 and I have been at home for a while to avoid the snow. A storm from Portugal collided with cold air from Russia above my country so it has been snowing non stop for 2 days.

I was thinking about the affects that the background music from the TV show "how it is made" and how it makes me energised and changes my mood. I found out that it is very similar to the background music from Sonic the Hedgehog computer game. I realised that the reason the music was making me energised was because it was tapping into a mental state left behind when I was a child. The music from the computer game was changing my mood and making me feel I want to win and struggle to overcome the challenge. The 16 bit lyric free beat of the music was changing my mood into an energised proactive state.

From this day I will use music to put my mind into the right gear. If I feel tired I will play "Sonic the Hedgehog" computer game music. If I feel sad I will play "super hang on" music. If I need energy I will play Mario Cart music.

The snow caused me to become a vegetarian and now it was caused me to become a man that controls his mood with music by forcing me to be still and think deeply. Body and mind are changed. I can only thank God for inspiration and thought. Let my gratitude flow like a river of Gold and silver and a valley of light. May my light shine like a lantern in the cave where no darkness can stay.

What February 2018 means to me

As you know, February is a very short month that is 28 days long but a lot happened.

There was a high school shooting in Florida I believe. I felt sad because they are just little kids. They need strong doors in their schools because young people in America are being poisoned by rejection and hate and they are finding no hope but to violently outburst with guns. I wish I could give the person with a gun a hug and comfort before the poison had taken a grip of him. The poison is comming from media. They feel empty and worthless because of the messages in the tvs. The TVs and phones are telling people that they are valued by their posesions and how they look, the poison is making them sick. People's minds are being poisoned by hate. The hate grows so big that they can't contain it.

On this month I learned that the small plastic pellets that are used in plastic production are called Nurdles. I learned this because a shipping container fell into the ocean near south Africa and caused the coastline to be filled with Nurdles. The wildlife was poisoned by the pellets because the animals eat them thinking they are eggs and the acids in their stomachs are releasing toxins trapped in the pellets.

Here in the UK, the last week of February was very cold. My car was covered with ice every day and it snowed a lot but spring is around the corner. There was also an explosion in the North of England caused by a gas leak. The approach of Brexit for the UK government was shifting frantically and the labour party decided that staying in the customs union is the right way but the main Government want to be out of the customs union for the freedom to make our own trade deals.

February 2018 is filled with poisoned minds and poisoned beings. Fire and Ice and fear mixed with bravery. I am grateful for opportunity and hope and all the free things I use every day such as this blog.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Charity Crisis and Gun control

This month has been very cold and grim. It is in February 2018 that large charities were exposed for scandal. Staff working at these charities were soliciting prostitutes in the countries they were operating in. Many people were angry that the charities were covering up the scandals. Aid workers were also getting sexual favours for aid, they were using their position to exploit women. I must admit that it makes it hard to give to charity if you know this was going on.

Many people think that Jacob Reese Mog will one day become the next UK Priminister. Seeing is believing. I like him and his honesty but I don't think he will take the helm even in his own party. Most people that are reading this have better insight than me because they are reading it in the future.

Another problem was the high school shooting in America, It has happened too many times now. It is almost like a problem that can't be solved. If you change the Gun law then they will still get guns from somewhere else. At least they can ban the hand gun and just allow shot guns and riffles. Well let's see.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

My Favourite Fruits

There are two fruits that I love to eat, Olives and Avocado pears. They are not sweet but they are still fruits because they are the product of a flower. My Favourite fruit is Olives, they taste delicious to me. I love to eat them. They are soft and have a slightly bitter taste. There is a pip inside them but sometimes the pip is pushed out. If the pip is not pushed out I will swallow it whole because it is a good source of fiber. I don't swallow the avocado pip to though, that is too much fiber! Avocadoes taste very soft, almost like cream. They have a slight fruity taste to them. It is not a sweet taste but it will grow on you. Every time you eat one it tastes better.

I am so grateful for those wonderful fruits.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...