Thursday, 16 April 2020

A year with you

Jacob, my son. 
You have been with us for a year now. You have changed so much. You were born in the middle of Spring, in the Middle of the day, in the middle of Buckinghamshire and given a middle name that means to be polite, "Curtis".  

The day you were born you were a typical newborn baby. You couldn't support your own head and could only move your arms and hands freely and cry for milk. You behaved like you were still in the womb for a while and would curl up your legs to save space. 

I observed you diligently and watched you turn into a determined infant. I watched you make random sounds with your mouth and watched you smile and laugh for the first time. When you started eating solid food I noticed that your hearing and your taste were connected in a deep way because when high pitched music was playing, the food you were eating seemed sweet to you. When lower pitched sounds were present like my own voice or music with bass, the food would be bitter like a lemon. At least your face would give me that impression. When violins play a sweet taste comes when drums play a sour taste comes. 

You started crawling at six months old and would always crawl backwards until the end of winter when you would crawl forwards on your knees and would pull yourself upright  on your feet if there was something to grab hold of. You are close to walking without support and I am confident that you will walk freely by yourself by the end of Spring. 

I have no idea what kind of person you will grow into but I will listen and observe you while I am still in this world. You seem to be interested in music more than anything else right now. 

You were born at a turbulent time my son, in the middle of Brexit  just before a pandemic infection called Covid19 emerged in this world, now your second spring is spent in lockdown. No parties, no restaurants, no leisure, no non food shopping. Only essential travel is permitted with the hope of stopping the virus from spreading. 

Blog Archive

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