Thursday, 30 April 2020

What April 2020 means to me

It is the last Day of April and we are in the last third of Spring, much of the world is facing a lockdown to slowdown the spread of the covid19 virus. Many people have been killed by the infection, many people survived the infection but faced critical sickness. 

At the beginning of the month I was exposed to many claims of conspiracy. The conspiracy theories were old conspiracies that had resurfaced and become associated with the Pandemic. For more than a year people have been claiming that 5g radio transmitters are a hazard to health, many people were claiming that the symptoms of covid19 were caused by the transmitters being turned on. I never believed that was true. Some people also believe that the virus was made in a laboratory to cause financial loss, I don't think so, I think the virus came from wild animals. Viruses in wild animals find a way to infect humans all the time and I think that is what happened last winter in China. 

Here I am in my son's second spring, me and my wife celebrated his 1st birthday isolated from all the other Brits and Peruvian family. Just our home, alone. No Cafè, no eating out, no clothes shopping and no hair cut at the barbers. Our town centre is like a post apocalyptic dead zone. There was nothing to do except read and watch and play at home. Jacob is now able to walk with assistance and I think he will be able to walk freely by the end of spring. 

During the second half of spring I saw people around the world criticizing their governments because of the progress of the disease. In my view, you can't compare different countries because some places are more crowded then others and some economies are more brittle than others and no one had the gift of hindsight to start with. I just lost interest in the whole thing to be honest. I'm sick of it all. Sick of all the blaming and the mistrust and anxiety on the faces of other people.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...