I tell those people that most radiation you will receive in your life comes from your own body. The tissues in your body transmit infra red radiation in large amounts. Your body is literally shining like a super trooper stage lamp in a light that is slightly wider than the cells in your eyes so you can't see it, but it is there.
Then they say radio waves are more dangerous than infra red waves and I say no, all frequencies of radio waves are much wider than infra red waves so they collide with your cells less often. Also ultra violet waves from the sun are about a third the width of your retina cells and they disintegrate as soon as they touch your cells so they release all their energy in just a few millimeters of tissue and that causes much more radiation so you should be more worried about sun light than radio waves. Turning a light bulb on in your home is more hazardous than all the radio waves that are around us. And no one worries about the sun which transmits radiation that is dangerous to our bodies.
Think about it....