Thursday 9 April 2020

One tree Paradox

I have a thought paradox, I'm not sure what to call it so I will make up a name. I'll call it the one tree Paradox. Let me explain.

On Earth there is said to be one Tree of life. All beings on Earth are part of the same family, Bacteria, Fungus, Plants, Animals and Amoebas. They are all carbon based life forms and made of cells that function the same way. Micro Protien Machines manipulate and interpret DNA molecules to synthesise more protiens and replicate life. The DNA molecules in all life forms work the same way. The DNA and protein molecules are made largely of Carbon atoms and follow the same rules. All life on needs water to live. 

If life occurs as a natural process  and is inevitable then why is there only one tree of life? Shouldn't other types of life emerge along side the existing life? Perhaps Beings that don't have DNA but have some other type of polymer molecule that stores information? Or perhaps beings that have protein machines that read the DNA in a different direction? Or beings that use a different solvant solution to live in. Or beings with DNA that has more than 4 base codes? 

If life exists because of random events then why is there only one tree? Does this mean that life only emerged once?  Shouldn't it emerge over and over again with slightly different rules? Different ways to exist? To me this is so strange. Why do we think life just occurs from chance?

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