I think about when you are a young child, I could take you to amusement parks and show you the wonders of waiting for a ride or experience. I wonder what type of food you like, we could eat out in restaurants. I think about the joys you could have with traveling to a new place you have never seen before.
All the simple joys in this world like throwing a frisbee in the park and playing computer games, standing in the surf zone on a beach or eating ice cream are waiting for you to discover them my son.
I often wonder what sort of hobby you would embrace, drawing, playing music, building models, making things? I don't know. Perhaps you won't have hobbies. Everything about you now is a mystery to be discovered as you grow older.
I could teach you all the maths tricks that I learned through my life to make calculations easier and I would show you how every book is a world to explore, I will show you the joy or reading and learning new things.
The future is coming.